Committee: Finance and Taxation General Fund Sponsor: Clouse
Analyst: Tiffany Weaver Date: 02/21/2022


House Bill 286 as passed the House of Representatives extends the Medicaid assessment of private hospitals that will expire at the end of fiscal year 2022 to the end of fiscal year 2025. Receipts from the hospital assessment are deposited into the Alabama Health Care Trust Fund to be used by the Medicaid Agency to pay state match for inpatient and outpatient services for Medicaid recipients throughout the state. In fiscal year 2021, the total revenue received from the hospital assessment, prior to deducting the costs of collection, was $304,786,423. The Alabama Medicaid Agency estimates $316 million to be collected for fiscal year 2022 from this hospital assessment.

  Greg Albritton, Chairperson
Finance and Taxation General Fund