State Seal2 copy            Bill Number: H.B. 2528

            Montenegro Floor Amendment

            Reference to: House engrossed bill

            Amendment drafted by: Leg Council





1.    Increases personal exemption levels for single individuals, married couples filing jointly and married filing separately by $50, $100, and $150 respectively, for TY 2017 and TY 2018. After TY 2018 the Department of Revenue (Department) is required to index personal exemptions according to inflation.


2.    Specifies that any tax credit, whether subject to preapproval by the Arizona Commerce Authority or otherwise, may only be terminated by the Department if it has not received notice of preapproval or allowed the tax credit for any four consecutive year term.


Fifty-third Legislature                                                Montenegro

First Regular Session                                                   H.B. 2528




(Reference to House engrossed bill)



Page 25, line 10, after "B." insert "Except as provided by subsection C of this section,"; strike "two" insert "four"

Between lines 27 and 28, insert:

"C.  The director may not terminate under subsection B of this section the recognition and servicing of any income tax credit that is subject by law to preapproval by the Arizona commerce authority unless over any period of four consecutive calendar years both of the following conditions occur with respect to the credit:

1.  The department has not received notice of preapproval of any applicant or project for the credit from the Arizona commerce authority.

2.  In the report issued under subsection A of this section, the credit was not claimed by or allowed to any taxpayer."

Page 32, line 40, strike "Except as provided in subsection B of this section" insert "For taxable years prior to 2017"

Page 33, between lines 10 and 11, insert:

"B.  For taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2016 through December 31, 2017, there is allowed as an exemption, in the case of:

1.  A single individual, a personal exemption of two thousand one hundred fifty dollars.

2.  A head of a household or a married individual, a personal exemption of four thousand three hundred dollars under this paragraph.  A husband and wife shall receive but one personal exemption of four thousand three hundred dollars.  If the husband and wife make separate returns, the personal exemption may be taken by either or divided between them.

3.  A married couple who claim at least one dependent, an exemption of six thousand four hundred fifty dollars.  If the husband and wife make separate returns, the personal exemption may be taken by either or divided between them.  An exemption under this paragraph is in lieu of the exemption under paragraph 2 of this subsection.

C.  For taxable years beginning from and after December 31, 2017 through December 31, 2018, there is allowed as an exemption, in the case of:

1.  A single individual, a personal exemption of two thousand two hundred dollars.

2.  A head of a household or a married individual, a personal exemption of four thousand four hundred dollars under this paragraph.  A husband and wife shall receive but one personal exemption of four thousand four hundred dollars.  If the husband and wife make separate returns, the personal exemption may be taken by either or divided between them.

3.  A married couple who claim at least one dependent, an exemption of six thousand six hundred dollars.  If the husband and wife make separate returns, the personal exemption may be taken by either or divided between them.  An exemption under this paragraph is in lieu of the exemption under paragraph 2 of this subsection."

Reletter to conform

Page 33, line 11, strike "2016" insert "2018"

Line 13, strike "A" insert "C"

Amend title to conform







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