House Engrossed


medical assistants; scope of practice

(now:  scope of practice; medical assistants)





State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fifty-seventh Legislature

First Regular Session











Amending section 32-1456, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to the ARizona medical board.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1. Section 32-1456, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE32-1456. Medical assistants; allowable tasks; training; use of title; violation; classification; definition

A. A medical assistant may perform the following medical procedures under the direct supervision of a doctor of medicine, physician assistant or nurse practitioner:

1. Take body fluid specimens.

2. Administer injections.

B. A medical assistant may place and remove urinary catheters after appropriate training and under the general supervision of a physician who is licensed pursuant to this chapter or chapter 17 of this title, a nurse practitioner, clinical nurse specialist or certified nurse midwife who is licensed pursuant to chapter 15 of this title or a physician assistant who is licensed pursuant to chapter 25 of this title.

B. c. The board by rule may prescribe other medical procedures that a medical assistant may perform under the direct supervision of a doctor of medicine, physician assistant or nurse practitioner on a determination by the board that the procedures may be competently performed by a medical assistant.

C. D. Without the direct supervision of a doctor of medicine, physician assistant or nurse practitioner, a medical assistant may do the following tasks:

1. Perform billing and coding.

2. Verify insurance.

3. Make patient appointments.

4. Perform scheduling.

5. Record the findings of a doctor of medicine in patient charts and transcribe materials in patient charts and records.

6. Perform visual acuity screening as part of a routine physical.

7. Take and record patient vital signs and medical history on medical records.

8. Communicate documented medical advice, documented interpretation of test results and documented orders from a doctor of medicine, physician assistant or nurse practitioner.

9. Obtain, process and communicate medication or procedure prior authorization as documented and ordered by a doctor of medicine, physician assistant or nurse practitioner.

D. e. The board by rule shall prescribe medical assistant training requirements. The training requirements for a medical assistant may be satisfied through a training program that meets all of the following:

1. Is designed and offered by a physician.

2. Meets or exceeds any of the approved training program requirements specified in rule.

3. Verifies the entry-level competencies of a medical assistant as prescribed by rule.

4. Provides written verification to the individual of successful completion of the training program.

E. F. A person who uses the title "medical assistant" or a related abbreviation is guilty of a class 3 misdemeanor unless that person is working as a medical assistant under the direct supervision of a doctor of medicine, physician assistant or nurse practitioner or possesses written verification of successful completion of a training program provided pursuant to subsection E of this section.

G. For the purposes of this section, "general supervision" means that a procedure or service is provided under the overall direction and control of a physician, nurse practitioner, clinical nurse specialist, certified nurse midwife or physician assistant but that the presence of the physicianclinical nurse specialist, certified nurse midwife or physician assistant but that the presence of the physician, nurse practitioner, clinical nurse specialist, certified nurse midwife or physician assistant is not required during the performance of the procedure or service. END_STATUTE