REFERENCE TITLE: appropriations; highway and road projects |
State of Arizona House of Representatives Fifty-seventh Legislature First Regular Session 2025
HB 2304 |
Introduced by Representatives Biasiucci: Kupper, Lopez, Marshall, Martinez, Nguyen
appropriating monies to the department of transportation.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:
Section 1. Appropriations; department of transportation; highway and road projects; fiscal year 2025-2026
The following amounts are appropriated from the state general fund in fiscal year 2025-2026 to the department of transportation for the following transportation infrastructure projects designated as regional priorities by the greater Arizona councils of government and metropolitan planning organizations:
1. Distribution to Globe for Yuma Street $ 3,587,732
Bridge replacement and improvements
2. Distribution to Winkelman for Golf Course $ 2,599,651
Road and Quarelli Street paving and
3. Distribution to Payson for McLane Road $ 4,088,142
improvements between Airport Road and
Houston Mesa Road
4. Distribution to Star Valley for town street $ 2,761,694
reconstruction and improvements
5. Distribution to Superior for Lobb Avenue, $ 1,834.161
Neary Avenue and Kellner Avenue pavement
rehabilitation and improvements
6. Distribution to Gila county for Young Road $ 2,156,143
paving and improvements
7. Distribution to Pinal county for Calle Futura $ 1,297,482
and Neal Street paving and improvements
8. Distribution to Pinal county for McNab Parkway $ 2,926,986
paving and improvements between Erikson
Avenue and Veterans Memorial Boulevard
9. Distribution to Miami for local street and $ 2,786,322
bridge improvements
10. State Route 89 widening and improvements $ 15,719,940
between Road 5 N and Road 3 N
11. On-ramp construction and improvements at $ 6,480,000
the State Route 89A, State Route 89
and Pioneer Parkway interchange
12. Distribution to Prescott Valley for $ 5,924,751
town street pavement preservation
13. Distribution to Prescott for city $ 5,803,283
street pavement preservation projects
14. Distribution to Yavapai county for county $ 4,206,066
street pavement preservation projects
15. Distribution to Chino Valley for town $ 1,647,980
street pavement preservation projects
16. Distribution to Dewey-Humboldt for town $ 547,514
street pavement preservation projects
17. Distribution to Lake Havasu City for Acoma $ 3,680,000
Boulevard reconstruction and
improvements between State Route 95
and Industrial Boulevard
18. Distribution to Lake Havasu City for Kiowa $ 4,000,000
Boulevard paving and improvements between
Anacapa Drive and Canyon Cove Drive
19. Distribution to Mohave county for London $ 365,000
Bridge Road pavement preservation from
milepost 4.5 to milepost 7.88
20. Distribution to Lake Havasu City for Swanson $ 1,500,000
Avenue and Smoketree Avenue
reconstruction, pavement rehabilitation
and improvements
21. Distribution to Lake Havasu City for city $ 7,594,790
street pavement preservation projects
22. Distribution to Apache Junction for Meridian $ 10,680,570
Road widening and improvements between
State Route 24 and Ray Road
23. Distribution to Florence for Hunt Highway $ 7,507,454
widening and improvements between
Franklin Road and the town limits
24. Distribution to Gila River Indian Community $ 2,934,592
for State Route 87 turn lane construction
and improvements at intersection with
Gilbert Road
25. State Route 347 widening and improvements $ 16,291,610
between Interstate 10 and Maricopa
26. Distribution to Pinal county for State $ 39,608,304
Route 24 extension construction from
Ironwood Road to North-South freeway
27. Distribution to Queen Creek for Ironwood $ 2,614,786
Road widening and improvements between
Era Mae Boulevard and 1,250 feet south
of Ocotillo Road
28. Distribution to Flagstaff for Lone Tree $ 18,268,353
Road overpass and corridor
29. Distribution to Mountain Line Transit for $ 958,613
local match requirement of federal
grant to purchase electric buses
30. Distribution to Mountain Line Transit for $ 2,044,750
local match requirement of federal
grant for bus maintenance facility
construction and improvements
31. Distribution to Coconino county for $ 5,650,000
roundabout construction at U.S.
Highway 89 and Burris Lane intersection
32. Distribution to Show Low for E. Woolford $ 5,369,466
Road extension construction from
State Route 260 to S. Penrod Road
33. Distribution to Sedona for the State $ 8,025,600
Route 89A Forest Road and Ranger Road
roundabout project and improvements
34. Distribution to Eagar for electric vehicle $ 524,300
charging station development and
construction on N. Main Street
35. Distribution to Page for N. Lake Powell $ 8,550,000
Boulevard roadway and utility
improvements between Vista Avenue
and S. Navajo Drive
36. Distribution to Northern Arizona Council of $ 2,400,000
Governments for northeastern Arizona
rural school bus routes study
37. Distribution to Camp Verde for Montezuma $ 7,700,000
Castle Highway widening and road
improvements and multimodal improvements
between Black Bridge and the
Yavapai-Apache Nation boundary
38. Distribution to Winslow for Lindbergh $ 16,146,393
Parkway construction and improvements
between Interstate 40 and State
Route 87
39. Distribution to Yavapai county for Beaver $ 1,433,518
Creek Road paving project development
between Montezuma Well and Ranger Road
40. Distribution to Apache county for $ 7,390,365
Concho-Snowflake Highway pavement
rehabilitation between U.S. 180A and
milepost 7.5
41. Distribution to Clarkdale for Luke Lane $ 6,039,204
Paving Project and pedestrian safety
improvements at Luke Lane and
Broadway Street intersection
42. Distribution to Navajo Nation, Cornfields $ 1,817,020
Chapter for N-9205 low water crossing
project at Pueblo Colorado Wash
43. Distribution to Apache county for the $ 565,000
rural school bus route enhancement
and soil stabilization project
44. Distribution to Cottonwood for Main Street $ 3,422,720
roundabout construction, pavement
rehabilitation and sidewalk
45. Distribution to Eagar for S. Main Street $ 3,150,000
and utility improvements between
State Route 260 and W. School
Bus Road
46. Distribution to Williams for Rodeo Road $ 7,700,448
and Route 66 intersection roundabout
construction, pavement replacement,
improvements and pedestrian trail
47. Distribution to Hopi Tribe for Kachina $ 10,000,000
Point Road reconstruction and
improvements between State Route 99
and State Route 264
48. Distribution to Cochise county for Moson $ 11,283,916
Road improvements between State
Route 90 and Hereford Road
49. Distribution to Huachuca City for School $ 600,000
Drive reconstruction and improvements
50. Distribution to Huachuca City for $ 1,566,000
Gila Street reconstruction and
51. Distribution to Sierra Vista for $ 8,100,000
Buffalo Soldier Trail reconstruction
and improvements
52. Distribution to Cochise county for Davis $ 7,093,453
Road improvements between Central
Highway and U.S. Route 191
53. Distribution to Cochise county for Davis $ 3,109,540
Road culvert construction and
improvements at mileposts 5 and 13
54. Distribution to Douglas for the downtown $ 7,093,453
revitalization streetscape project
55. Distribution to Duncan for High Street $ 1,700,841
paving and improvements between U.S.
Route 70 and Stadium Street
56. Distribution to Graham county for Reay $ 3,655,058
Lane improvements between First
Avenue and Safford Bryce Road
57. Distribution to Nogales for Frank Reed $ 1,586,252
Road reconstruction and improvements
between Mariposa Road and Grand Avenue
58. Distribution to Nogales for Industrial Park $ 2,928,544
Drive reconstruction and improvements
between Manor Drive and Mariposa Road
59. Distribution to Nogales for La Quinta Road $ 1,815,722
and Mariposa Ranch Road reconstruction
60. Distribution to San Carlos Apache Tribe $ 2,953,020
for Peridot Siding Road pavement
rehabilitation and improvements
61. Distribution to Santa Cruz county for $ 1,099,979
roundabout construction and
improvements at and in the vicinity
of the W. Frontage Road and Camino
Ramanote intersection
62. Distribution to Willcox for the purchase $ 61,071
of a transit vehicle
63. Distribution to Casa Grande for $ 8,110,297
improvements at and in the vicinity
of the Thornton Road and Cottonwood
Lane and Trekell Road and Jimmie Kerr
Boulevard intersections
64. Distribution to Coolidge for roadway $ 16,220,595
improvements in the vicinity of
the Proctor & Gamble manufacturing
65. Distribution to Eloy for Houser Road paving $ 8,110,297
and improvements between the Inland
Port of Entry and Interstate 10
66. Distribution to La Paz county for Vicksburg $ 15,805,219
Road pavement rehabilitation and
improvements between Interstate 10
and State Route 72
67. Distribution to Bullhead City for Hancock $ 3,912,660
Road pavement rehabilitation and
improvements between State Route 95
and Colorado Boulevard
68. Distribution to Mohave county for Bank $ 1,389,000
Street paving and improvements between
Grace Neal Parkway and Calle Castrano
69. Distribution to Colorado City for Mohave $ 1,580,521
Avenue and Redwood Street reconstruction
and improvements
70. Distribution to Mohave county for Grace $ 3,704,000
Neal Parkway improvements between
State Route 66 and Bank Street
71. Distribution to Kingman for Rancho Santa Fe $ 6,171,165
Parkway interchange improvements at
Interstate 40
72. Distribution to Kingman for Eastern Street $ 4,253,627
reconstruction and improvements between
Detroit Avenue and Calumet Avenue
73. Distribution to Kingman for Airway Avenue $ 11,416,137
widening and improvements east of
Prospector Street
74. Distribution to Somerton for Main Street $ 1,652,784
improvements at and in the vicinity
of the Somerton Avenue intersection
75. U.S. Route 95 widening and improvements $ 48,000,000
between the Wellton-Mohawk Canal and
Aberdeen Road
76. Distribution to Yuma county for U.S. $ 8,340,000
Route 95 pavement rehabilitation
between County 22nd Street and
County 11th Street
77. Distribution to Colorado City for $ 600,000
pedestrian stoplight construction
at the intersection of Arizona Avenue
and State Route 389