House Engrossed


hotel; motel; vouchers; homeless; prohibition





State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fifty-sixth Legislature

First Regular Session








An Act


amending title 9, chapter 4, article 8, Arizona Revised Statutes, by adding section 9-500.49; amending title 11, chapter 2, article 4, Arizona Revised Statutes, by adding section 11-269.27; amending section 41-3953, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to homelessness.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1. Title 9, chapter 4, article 8, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding section 9-500.49 to read:

START_STATUTE9-500.49. Hotel and motel homeless housing vouchers; participation; prohibition; definitions

A. A city or town may not require a hotel or motel to participate in any program that houses homeless individuals or families in an unoccupied hotel or motel guest room through the use of a housing voucher.

b. for the purposes of this section:

1. "homeless individuals or families" means individuals or families who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence or who have a primary nighttime residence in a shelter, on the street, in a park, in a vehicle or in an enclosure that is not authorized for human habitation.

2. "hotel" or "motel" means an establishment that provides for payment temporary lodging in the form of overnight accommodations in guest rooms to transient patrons.  END_STATUTE

Sec. 2. Title 11, chapter 2, article 4, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding section 11-269.27 to read:

START_STATUTE11-269.27. Hotel and motel homeless housing vouchers; participation; prohibition; definitions

A. A county may not require a hotel or motel to participate in any program that houses homeless individuals or families in an unoccupied hotel or motel guest room through the use of a housing voucher.

b. for the purposes of this section:

1. "homeless individuals or families" means individuals or families who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence or who have a primary nighttime residence in a shelter, on the street, in a park, in a vehicle or in an enclosure that is not authorized for human habitation.

2. "hotel" or "motel" means an establishment that provides for payment temporary lodging in the form of overnight accommodations in guest rooms to transient patrons. END_STATUTE

Sec. 3. Section 41-3953, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE41-3953. Department powers and duties; definitions

A. The department is responsible for establishing policies, procedures and programs that the department is authorized to conduct to address the affordable housing issues confronting this state, including housing issues of low income low-income families, moderate income moderate-income families, housing affordability, special needs populations and decaying housing stock. Among other things, the department shall provide to qualified housing participants and political subdivisions of this state financial, advisory, consultative, planning, training and educational assistance for the development of safe, decent and affordable housing, including housing for low and moderate income households. The department is responsible for maintaining and enforcing standards of quality and safety for manufactured homes, mobile homes and factory-built buildings.

B. Under the direction of the director, the department shall:

1. Establish guidelines applicable to the programs and activities of the department for the construction and financing of affordable housing and housing for low and moderate income households in this state. These guidelines shall meet or exceed all applicable state or local building and health and safety code requirements and, if applicable, the national manufactured home construction and safety standards act of 1974 and title VI of the housing and community development act of 1974 (P.L. 93-383, as amended by P.L. 95-128, 96-153 and 96-339 96-399). Guidelines established pursuant to this paragraph do not apply to the department's activities prescribed in section 35-726, subsection E.

2. Accept and allocate any monies as from time to time may be appropriated by the legislature for the purposes set forth in this article.

3. Perform other duties necessary to administer this chapter.

4. Perform the duties prescribed in sections 35-726 and 35-728.

5. Stimulate and encourage all local, state, regional and federal governmental agencies and all private persons and enterprises that have similar and related objectives and purposes, cooperate with the agencies, persons and enterprises and correlate department plans, programs and operations with those of the agencies, persons and enterprises.

6. Conduct research on its own initiative or at the request of the governor, the legislature or state or local agencies pertaining to any department objectives.

7. Provide information and advice on request of any local, state or federal agencies, private persons and business enterprises on matters within the scope of department activities.

8. Consult with and make recommendations to the governor and the legislature on all matters concerning department objectives.

9. Make annual reports to the governor and the legislature on its activities, including the geographic location of its activities, its finances and the scope of its operations.

10. Maintain and enforce standards of quality and safety for manufactured homes, mobile homes and factory-built buildings and enforce rules adopted by the board pursuant to section 41-4010.

C. Under the direction of the director, the department may:

1. Assist in securing construction and mortgage financing from public and private sector sources.

2. Assist mortgage financing programs established by industrial development authorities and political subdivisions of this state.

3. Assist in the acquisition and use of federal housing assistance programs pertinent to enhance the economic feasibility of a proposed residential development.

4. Assist in the compliance of a proposed residential development with applicable federal, state and local codes and ordinances.

5. Prepare and publish planning and development guidelines for the establishment and delivery of housing assistance programs.

6. Contract with a federal agency to carry out financial work on the federal agency's behalf and accept payment for the work.

7. Subcontract for the financial work prescribed in paragraph 6 of this subsection and make payments for that subcontracted work based on the expectation that the federal agency will pay for that work.

8. Accept payment from a federal agency for work prescribed in paragraph 6 of this subsection and deposit those payments in the Arizona department of housing program fund established by section 41-3957.

9. Contract for the services of outside advisers, consultants and aides reasonably necessary or desirable to enable the department to adequately perform its duties.

10. Contract for and incur obligations reasonably necessary or desirable within the general scope of department activities and operations to enable the department to adequately perform its duties.

11. Use any media of communication, publication and exhibition in the dissemination of information, advertising and publicity in any field of its purposes, objectives or duties.

12. Adopt rules deemed necessary or desirable to govern its procedures and business.

13. Contract with other agencies in furtherance of any department program.

14. Use monies, facilities or services to provide contributions under federal or other programs that further the objectives and programs of the department.

15. Accept gifts, grants, matching monies or direct payments from public or private agencies or private persons and enterprises for the conduct of programs that are consistent with the general purposes and objectives of this article and deposit these monies in the Arizona department of housing program fund established by section 41-3957.

16. Establish and collect fees and receive reimbursement of costs in connection with any programs or duties performed by the department and deposit the fees and cost reimbursements in the Arizona department of housing program fund established by section 41-3957.

17. Provide staff support to the board of manufactured housing.

D. For the purposes of this section, the department is exempt from chapter 23 of this title.

E. The department is the designated state public housing agency as defined in the United States housing act of 1937 (42 United States Code sections 1401 through 1440) for the purpose of accepting federal housing assistance monies and may participate in the housing assistance payments program. Federal monies may be secured for all areas of this state subject only to the limitations prescribed in subsection F of this section.

F. For areas of this state where an existing public housing authority has not been established pursuant to section 36-1404, subsection A, the department acting as a public housing agency may undertake all activities under the section 8 tenant-based rental housing assistance payment program, except that the department shall not undertake a section 8 tenant-based rental housing assistance payment program within the boundaries of a city, town or county unless authorized by resolution of the governing body of the city, town or county. If the department accepts monies for a section 8 tenant-based rental housing assistance payment program for areas of this state where an existing public housing authority has been established pursuant to section 36-1404, subsection A, the department shall only accept and secure federal monies to provide housing for the seriously mentally ill or other populations with disabilities. The department may accept and secure federal monies for undertaking all contract administrator activities authorized under a section 8 project-based rental housing assistance payment program in all areas of this state and this participation does not require the authorization of any local governing body.

G. The department shall not itself directly own, construct, operate or rehabilitate any housing units, except as may be necessary to protect the department's collateral or security interest arising out of any department programs.

H. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the department may obligate monies as loans or grants applicable to programs and activities of the department for the purpose of providing housing opportunities for low or moderate income households or for housing affordability or to prevent or combat decaying housing stock. Unless otherwise required by federal or state law, any loan repayments shall be deposited in the Arizona department of housing program fund established by section 41-3957.

I. For any construction project financed by the department pursuant to subsection C of this section, except for contract administration activities in connection with the project-based section 8 program, the department shall notify a city, town, county or tribal government that a project is planned for its jurisdiction and, before proceeding, shall seek comment from the governing body of the city, town, county or tribal government or an official authorized by the governing body of the city, town, county or tribal government. The department shall not interfere with or attempt to override the local jurisdiction's planning, zoning or land use regulations.

J. The department has the administrative responsibility through its hearing officer function concerning alleged violations of the Arizona mobile home parks residential landlord and tenant act under title 33, chapter 11.

K. The arizona department of housing shall act consistently with the minimum standards of the United States department of housing and urban development so as to be designated the  "state inspector for manufactured homes and related industries. The arizona department of housing shall implement all existing laws and regulations established by the federal government, its agencies and this state for that purpose.

l. Notwithstanding any other law, the department may not require a hotel or motel to participate in any program that houses homeless individuals or families in an unoccupied hotel or motel guest room through the use of a housing voucher.

M. for the purposes of this section:

1. "homeless individuals or families" means individuals or families who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence or who have a primary nighttime residence in a shelter, on the street, in a park, in a vehicle or in an enclosure that is not authorized for human habitation.

2. "hotel" or "motel" means an establishment that provides for payment temporary lodging in the form of overnight accommodations in guest rooms to transient patrons.END_STATUTE