REFERENCE TITLE: water resources; technical correction |
State of Arizona House of Representatives Fifty-sixth Legislature Second Regular Session 2024
HB 2499 |
Introduced by Representative Bliss
An Act
amending section 45-103, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to waters.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:
Section 1. Section 45-103, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
45-103. Scope of authority and responsibility of department and director
A. The department, through the director, succeeds to the authority, powers, duties and responsibilities of the Arizona water commission and the state water engineer relating to surface water, groundwater and dams and reservoirs.
B. The director has general control and supervision of surface water, of its appropriation and distribution, and of groundwater to the extent provided by this title, except distribution of water reserved to special officers appointed by courts under existing judgments or decrees.