House Engrossed


minerals; metals; supporting domestic supply





State of Arizona

House of Representatives

Fifty-seventh Legislature

First Regular Session










A Concurrent Resolution


recognizing the importance of Arizona's mineral and metal resources and encouraging policies that promote mining and a domestic supply of these resources.




Whereas, Arizona is endowed with a rich abundance of metal and mineral resources, such as copper, lithium, molybdenum and uranium, that are essential to the economy and national security of the United States. The large amount of available natural resources has led to a large mining industry that has been a cornerstone of this state's economy. Hard rock mining alone in Arizona contributes approximately $21.2 billion to the Arizona economy each year and provides just under 59,000 direct and indirect jobs within this state; and

Whereas, Arizona contains seven of the top ten open-pit hard rock copper mines in the United States and produces over 74% of the nation's copper, earning the nickname the "Copper State". In addition to copper, Arizona contains rich deposits of other minerals and metals, like uranium, that are essential to America's supply chain; and

Whereas, Northern Arizona contains some of the nation's best uranium deposits. Known as breccia pipes, these uranium deposits are high-grade, close to the surface and require very little land area to mine, making them among the lowest-cost and lowest-impact sources of uranium. These sites are less than 20-acres in size and contain enough uranium to supply the entire state with carbon-free energy for one to two years; and

Whereas, green energy technologies, such as solar panels, wind turbines, electric vehicles and nuclear power, all rely heavily on metals and minerals that are abundant in this state, especially copper, uranium, zinc, manganese and silver; and

Whereas, in December 2024, China banned the export of metals and minerals to the United States that are critical in the production of computer chips, military technologies and other parts of the economy of the United States; and

Whereas, BHP, a leading mining company, forecasts a 72% increase in global copper demand. The National Mining Association projects that copper demand will double by 2030 and surge even higher by 2050, causing the United States to face a supply crisis that could stifle its economic growth; and

Whereas, with a lack of foreign imports of critical resources and a growing demand globally and domestically, the United States must develop a robust domestic supply chain for these minerals and metals to ensure the availability of these resources for domestic industries, continual economic growth and a sustainable energy future; and

Whereas, Arizona has the unique position, due to its abundance of critical metals and minerals, to become a large supplier of these key resources.


Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of Arizona, the senate concurring:

1. That the Members of the Legislature recognize and affirm the critical importance of Arizona's mineral resources and mining industry to the state, national and global economies.

2. That the Members of the Legislature support policies and initiatives that promote domestic production, refining and recycling of critical and strategic resources to reduce reliance on foreign imports.

3. That the Members of the Legislature beseech federal, state and local governments to streamline the mining permitting process to expedite the responsible development of Arizona's resources.

4. That the Members of the Legislature commit to fostering a business-friendly environment that encourages mining investment in Arizona, to sustaining Arizona's leadership in the mining sector and to aiding in the establishment of a domestic supply chain for resources that are critical to this nation's economy and national security.

5. That the Members of the Legislature request that the federal government develop a comprehensive and strategic critical minerals policy that prioritizes national security, economic stability and environmental sustainability.

6. That the Secretary of State of the State of Arizona transmit a copy of this Resolution to the President of the United States Senate, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives and each Member of Congress [6. That the secretary of state of the state of arizona transmit a copy of this resolution to the president of the united states senate, the speaker of the united states house of representatives and each member of congress from the State of Arizona.