REFERENCE TITLE: federal funds; technical correction |
State of Arizona Senate Fifty-first Legislature First Regular Session 2013
SB 1079 |
Introduced by Senator Shooter
amending section 35-113.01, arizona revised statutes; relating to federal funds.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:
Section 1. Section 35-113.01, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
35-113.01. Request for federal funds
A. All state agencies, boards, commissions and departments shall submit to the department of administration for acknowledgment, copies of all agreements, and contracts and copies of all applications and requests for federal funds, to be used for any purpose.
B. Every state agency, board, commission or department seeking federal funds for any project or program shall furnish to the department of administration with each copy of an application or request a statement of the purposes for which any such project or program is desired or advocated, the source and amount of funds to be granted or provided therefor, and a statement of the conditions, if any, upon which such funds are to be provided. The director may at his discretion accept from the state agency, board, commission or department a summary of the information required in this section.
C. All departments, agencies, boards or commissions, shall forward an acknowledgment to the department of administration upon receipt of federal funds.