REFERENCE TITLE: dependent children; placement; grandparents; stipend





State of Arizona


Fiftieth Legislature

Second Regular Session




SB 1098


Introduced by

Senators Landrum Taylor, Lopez: Gray, Jackson





Amending section 8-514, Arizona revised statutes; RELATING to child welfare and placement.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1.  Section 8-514, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE8-514.  Placement in foster homes; stipend

A.  Subject to the provisions of section 8‑514.01, the division or a licensed child welfare agency if so authorized in its license,  may place a child in a licensed foster home for care or for adoption.

B.  The department shall place a child in the least restrictive type of placement available, consistent with the needs of the child.  The order for placement preference is as follows:

1.  With a parent.

2.  With a grandparent.

3.  In kinship care with another member of the child's extended family, including a person who has a significant relationship with the child.

4.  In licensed family foster care.

5.  In therapeutic foster care.

6.  In a group home.

7.  In a residential treatment facility.

C.  Notwithstanding subsection B of this section, the order for placement preference of a native American child is as follows:

1.  With a member of the child’s extended family.

2.  In a licensed family foster home approved or specified by the child’s tribe.

3.  In an Indian foster home licensed or approved by an authorized non‑Indian licensing authority.

4.  In an institution approved by the Indian tribe or operated by an Indian organization that has a program suitable to meet the Indian child's needs pursuant to 25 United States Code chapter 21.

D.  At the time of placement there shall be presented to the foster parents, by the agency or division placing the child, the agency or division that placed the child shall provide the foster parent with a written summary of known, unprivileged information regarding the child, including but not limited to that includes at a minimum:

1.  Demographic information.

2.  Type of custody and previous placement.

3.  Pertinent family information including but not limited to the names of family members who, by court order, may not visit the child.

4.  Known or available medical history including but not limited to:

(a)  Allergies.

(b)  Immunizations.

(c)  Childhood diseases.

(d)  Physical handicaps.

(e)  Other idiosyncrasies.

(f)  The child's last doctor, if known.

5.  A summary of the child's history of adjudication on acts of delinquency, as may be public record and available in the file of the clerk of the superior court.

E.  The responsibility of the agency or the division for a child placed in a foster home shall be defined in writing and accepted by the person receiving the child.  The agency or division shall make available to the foster parents a method of acquiring emergency information that may be necessary to deal with situations that may arise pursuant to their responsibilities as foster parents.

F.  Every foster home shall maintain a record of the children received, which shall include facts in regard to the children and their care and shall be in the form and kept in the manner prescribed by the division.

G.  If a dependent child is placed with a grandparent pursuant to this chapter or court order, the grandparent is eligible for to a monthly stipend issued by the division of seventy-five dollars. END_STATUTE