REFERENCE TITLE: traffic stops; requirements





State of Arizona


Fifty-seventh Legislature

First Regular Session





SB 1175


Introduced by

Senators Ortiz: Alston, Kuby, Miranda;  Representatives Abeytia, Garcia, Sandoval









An Act


amending section 28-1594, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to traffic stops.





Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:

Section 1. Section 28-1594, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE28-1594. Authority to detain persons; notice

A. A peace officer or duly authorized agent of a traffic enforcement agency may stop and detain a person as is reasonably necessary to investigate an actual or suspected violation of this title and to serve a copy of the traffic complaint for an alleged civil or criminal violation of this title.

B. After a stop described in subsection A of this section, the peace officer or duly authorized agent of a traffic enforcement agency shall do both of the following Before engaging in questioning related to an alleged civil or criminal violation:

1. State the reason for the stop.

2. Document the reason for the stop on any traffic complaint or police report that results from the stop.

C. SUBSECTION B of this section does not apply if the peace officer or duly AUTHORIZED agent of a traffic ENFORCEMENT agency reasonably BELIEVES that withholding the reason for the stop is necessary to protect life from imminent threat in cases of terrorism or kidnapping. END_STATUTE