INTRODUCED BY   Assembly Member Levine

                        FEBRUARY 27, 2015

   An act to add  Section 25404.5   Article 10
(commencing with Section 66090) of Chapter 2 of Part 40 of Division 5
of Title 3  to the  Public Resources  
Education  Code, relating to energy.


   AB 1150, as amended, Levine. Energy: University of California and
California State University partnership.
   The Warren-Alquist State Energy Resources Conservation and
Development Act establishes the State Energy Resources Conservation
and Development Commission. The act requires the State Energy
Resources Conservation and Development Commission, beginning November
1, 2003, and by November 1 of every odd year thereafter, to adopt an
integrated energy policy report which includes an overview of major
energy trends and issues facing the state, an assessment and forecast
of system reliability, and the need for resource additions,
efficiency, and conservation.
   Under existing law, the Public Utilities Commission has regulatory
authority over public utilities, including electrical corporations
and gas corporations, as defined, while local publicly owned electric
utilities, as defined, and local publicly owned gas utilities are
under the direction of their governing board.
   Existing law establishes the system of public postsecondary
education in the state, which includes the University of California,
administered by the Regents of the University of California, and the
California State University, administered by the Trustees of the
California State University.
   This bill would request the Regents of the University of
California, and require the California State University,  in
consultation with the State Energy Resources Conservation and
Development Commission and Public Utilities Commission, to expand the
existing statewide institutional partnership with investor-owned
energy utilities, as defined, to create an integrated and flexible
program across all the California State University and University of
California facilities, that accomplishes specified matter, including
extending participation to the California State University and
University of California facilities served by local publicly owned
energy utilities that choose to participate.   to
consider aligning their greenhouse gas reduction goals with those of
the statewide institutional partnership between the California State
University, the University of California, and investor-owned energy
utilities and with those of the state, as specified.  As a
condition for participation in the expanded partnership, the bill
would require the California State University and the University of
California to report to each investor-owned energy utility or local
publicly owned energy utility the annual reduction in emissions of
greenhouse gases from the expanded partnership at all California
State University and University of California facilities within that
utility's service territory.
   Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes.
State-mandated local program: no.


  SECTION 1.  The Legislature finds and declares all of the
   (a) The University of California has committed to achieving carbon
neutrality through aggressive measures to increase energy efficiency
and develop renewable energy resources.
   (b) Because of its size and subsequent required energy
consumption, there are significant opportunities for reducing
emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases at University
of California facilities.
   (c) Collectively, the University of California has substantially
contributed to the state's energy efficiency goals by saving 373
million kilowatthours per year and 18,700,000 therms per year through
2014 as part of an institutional statewide partnership with
investor-owned energy utilities established in 2004.
   (d) Additional deep energy efficiency potential exists at
University of California facilities. The identified potential deep
energy efficiency projects could produce savings of 426,000,000
kilowatthours per year and 15,700,000 therms per year, equating to
$59 million per year in utility cost savings.
   (e) There is a need to expand the existing University of
California institutional statewide partnership to capture carbon and
reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and to ensure meaningful and
reliable energy assessments, cost-effective energy efficiency
improvements, and the incorporation of projects that are demonstrated
to be cost effective on a carbon basis.
  SEC. 2.   Article 10 (commencing with  Section 
25404.5   66090)  is added to  Chapter 
 2 of Part 40 of Division 5 of Title 3 of  the 
Public Resources   Education  Code, to read:

      Article  10.    University Energy Efficiency

    25404.5.   66090.   (a) For purposes of
this section, the following terms have the following meanings:
   (1) "Investor-owned energy utilities" means the state's three
largest electrical corporations, as defined in Section 218 of the
Public Utilities Code, and each gas corporation, as defined in
Section 222 of the Public Utilities Code, of the state.
   (2) "Local publicly owned energy utility" means a local publicly
owned electric utility, as defined in Section 224.3 of the Public
Utilities Code, or a local publicly owned gas utility.
   (3) "Partnership" means the statewide institutional partnership
between the California State University, the University of
California, and investor-owned energy utilities. 
   (4) "University" means the University of California and the
California State University. 
   (b) The Regents of the University of California are requested to,
and the California State University shall,  in consultation
with the commission and the Public Utilities Commission, expand the
statewide institutional partnership with investor-owned energy
utilities to create an integrated and flexible program across all the
California State University and University of California facilities,
that accomplishes   consider aligning their greenhouse
gas reduction goals with those of the partnership and the state by
doing  all of the following:
   (1)  Participation  Expanding participation
 in the partnership  is extended to California State
University and University of California   to include the
university  facilities served by local publicly owned energy
utilities that choose to  participate. The  
participate, and seeking the assistance of the  commission
 shall request   in requesting  the
participation of those local publicly owned energy  utilities
serving the California State University and the University of
California.   utilities. 
   (2)  A project is evaluated   Evaluating
activities that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve energy
efficiency  based upon  the project's 
adherence to the Public Utilities Commission's energy efficiency and
savings protocols,  and, secondarily, upon the project's
effect in reducing emissions of greenhouse gases and the cost
effectiveness in achieving those reductions,   if
applicable,  including, but not limited to, deep energy
efficiency and eligible renewable energy resources, subject to
applicable funding.
   (3) Wherever feasible,  the partnership utilizes 
 utilizing  whole-building, or whole-campus,  meter
based verification in order to reduce costs associated with
traditional field verification and engineering hand calculations.
  meter-based verification.  
   (4) Developing an administrative framework that can be utilized by
the partnership, to the extent allowable by the funding source, to
allocate any future funding from the state or other sources for
energy projects or projects for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
   (c) The Public Utilities Commission and the commission shall
authorize the existing partnership to accommodate the potential for
multiple funding sources, and the partnership's existing
administrative framework shall, subject to subdivision (e), be
utilized to allocate any future funding from the state for energy
projects or projects for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases.
    (c)  This section does not affect the eligibility of
 the California State University and the University of
California   a university  to receive resources
from federal, state, and local government, or from public utilities
or other sources through the partnership, and to leverage those
    (d)  Funds associated with an investor-owned energy
utility shall be used  only for projects that are 
in compliance with Public Utilities Commission requirements at the
 California State University and University of California
  university  facilities within the service
territory of the investor-owned energy utility. 
    (e)  As a condition to participation in the expanded
partnership,  the California State University and the
University of California   a university  shall
report to each investor-owned energy utility or local publicly owned
energy utility the annual reduction in emissions of greenhouse gases
from the expanded partnership at all  California State
University and University of California   university
 facilities within that utility's service territory, by a
mutually agreed upon date.  When reporting the results of
partnership projects, all savings calculations shall utilize a
baseline reflecting the existing conditions prior to the upgrade.