BILL NUMBER: AB 122 CHAPTERED BILL TEXT CHAPTER 42 FILED WITH SECRETARY OF STATE JUNE 30, 2011 APPROVED BY GOVERNOR JUNE 30, 2011 PASSED THE SENATE JUNE 11, 2011 PASSED THE ASSEMBLY JUNE 15, 2011 AMENDED IN SENATE JUNE 8, 2011 INTRODUCED BY Assembly Member Blumenfield JANUARY 10, 2011 An act to amend the Budget Act of 2009 (Chapter 1 of the 2009-10 Third Extraordinary Session, as revised by Chapter 1 of the 2009-10 Fourth Extraordinary Session) by augmenting Item 9840-001-0001 of Section 2.00 of that act, and to amend the Budget Act of 2010 (Chapter 712 of the Statutes of 2010) by augmenting Item 9840-001-0001 of Section 2.00 of that act, relating to the State Budget, making an appropriation therefor, to take effect immediately, Budget Bill. LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST AB 122, Blumenfield. Budget Acts of 2009 and 2010: augmentation. The Budget Acts of 2009 and 2010 appropriated specified amounts from the General Fund for specified programs. This bill would appropriate $25,676,000 in augmentation of specified appropriations in the Budget Act of 2009. The bill also would appropriate $1,189,775,000 from the General Fund in augmentation of specified appropriations in the Budget Act of 2010. This bill would declare that it is to take effect immediately as a Budget Bill. Appropriation: yes. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The sum of twenty-five million six hundred seventy-six thousand dollars ($25,676,000) is hereby appropriated from the General Fund for expenditure for the 2009-10 fiscal year in augmentation of Item 9840-001-0001 of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2009 (Chapter 1 of the 2009-10 Third Extraordinary Session, as revised by Chapter 1 of the 2009-10 Fourth Extraordinary Session). Notwithstanding Provision 7 of Item 9840-001-0001, these funds shall be allocated by the State Controller in accordance with the following schedule: (a) Twenty million seven hundred sixty-two thousand dollars ($20,762,000) to Item 5225-001-0001, scheduled as follows: (1) Two million three hundred sixty-nine thousand dollars ($2,369,000) to Schedule (1) 10-Corrections and Rehabilitation Administration. (2) Twenty-seven thousand dollars ($27,000) to Schedule (3) 15-Corrections Standards Authority. (3) Three hundred and two thousand dollars ($302,000) to Schedule (4) 20-Juvenile Operations. (4) Eight thousand dollars ($8,000) to Schedule (5) 21-Juvenile Education, Vocations, and Offender Programs. (5) Fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) to Schedule (6) 22-Juvenile Paroles. (6) Eleven thousand dollars ($11,000) to Schedule (7) 23-Juvenile Health Care. (7) Eleven million five hundred forty-one thousand dollars ($11,541,000) to Schedule (8) 25-Adult Corrections and Rehabilitation Operations. (8) Five million three hundred thousand dollars ($5,300,000) to Schedule (9) 30-Parole Operations--Adult. (9) Four hundred thirty-nine thousand dollars ($439,000) to Schedule (10) 35-Board of Parole Hearings. (10) Seven hundred fifteen thousand dollars ($715,000) to Schedule (12) 45-Education, Vocations, and Offender Programs--Adult. (b) Four million nine hundred fourteen thousand dollars ($4,914,000) to Item 5225-002-0001, scheduled as follows: (1) Eight hundred seventy-eight thousand dollars ($878,000) to Schedule (4) 50.20-Dental Services--Adult. (2) Three million six hundred seventy-eight thousand dollars ($3,678,000) to Schedule (5) 50.30-Mental Health Services--Adult. (3) Three hundred fifty-eight thousand dollars ($358,000) to Schedule (7) 50.50-Dental and Mental Health Services Administration--Adult. SEC. 2. The sum of one billion one hundred eighty-nine million seven hundred seventy-five thousand dollars ($1,189,775,000) is hereby appropriated from the General Fund for expenditure for the 2010-11 fiscal year in augmentation of Item 9840-001-0001 of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2010 (Chapter 712 of the Statutes of 2010). Notwithstanding Provisions 2 and 7 of Item 9840-001-0001, these funds shall be allocated by the Controller in accordance with the following schedule: (a) Three hundred sixty-three million five hundred thirty-four thousand dollars ($363,534,000) to Item 5225-001-0001, scheduled as follows: (1) Two hundred seventy-eight million two hundred two thousand dollars ($278,202,000) to Schedule (7) 25-Adult Corrections and Rehabilitation Operations--General Security. (2) Three million seven hundred ninety-four thousand dollars ($3,794,000) to Schedule (7.2) 27-Adult Corrections and Rehabilitation Operations--Inmate Support. (3) Thirty million five hundred seventy-one thousand dollars ($30,571,000) to Schedule (7.3) 28-Adult Corrections and Rehabilitation Operations--Contracted Facilities. (4) Fifty million five hundred twenty-eight thousand dollars ($50,528,000) to Schedule (8) 30-Parole Operation--Adult--Supervision. (5) Four hundred thirty-nine thousand dollars ($439,000) to Schedule (9) 35-Board of Parole Hearings--Adult Hearings. (b) Seven hundred sixty-two million three hundred forty-nine thousand dollars ($762,349,000) to Item 5225-002-0001, scheduled as follows: (1) One hundred fifteen million two hundred eighteen thousand dollars ($115,218,000) to Schedule (2) 25-Adult Corrections and Rehabilitation Operations. (2) Six hundred thirteen million nine hundred fifty-four thousand dollars ($613,954,000) to Schedule (3) 50.10-Medical Services--Adult. (3) Seven hundred sixty-nine thousand dollars ($769,000) to Schedule (4) 50.20-Dental Services--Adult. (4) Two million eight hundred seventeen thousand dollars ($2,817,000) to Schedule (5) 50.30-Mental Health Services--Adult. (5) Twenty-nine million five hundred ninety-one thousand dollars ($29,591,000) to Schedule (6) 50.40-Ancillary Health Care Services--Adult. (c) Twelve million six hundred thousand dollars ($12,600,000) to Schedule (2), 11-Fire Protection, of Item 3540-001-0001. (d) One hundred forty-five thousand dollars ($145,000) to Schedule (1), 10-Annual Financial Plan, Item 8860-001-0001. (e) Fifty million dollars ($50,000,000) to Schedule (2), 20.20-Long-Term Care Services--Penal Code and Judicially Committed, of Item 4440-011-0001. (f) One million one hundred forty-seven thousand dollars ($1,147,000) to Item 9300-101-0001. SEC. 3. Any unencumbered balances, as of June 30, 2010, of the funds appropriated within any of the items identified in Section 1 of this act and any unencumbered balances, as of June 30, 2011, of the funds appropriated within any of the items identified in Section 2 of this act shall revert to the General Fund. SEC. 4. This act is a Budget Bill within the meaning of subdivision (e) of Section 12 of Article IV of the California Constitution and shall take effect immediately.