Amended  IN  Assembly  March 16, 2023


Assembly Bill
No. 1320

Introduced by Assembly Member Hoover

February 16, 2023

An act to amend Section 24010 of the Vehicle Code, add Section 101.18 to the Streets and Highways Code, relating to vehicles. transportation.


AB 1320, as amended, Hoover. Vehicles: equipment. California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices: supplemental destination signs: museums.
The Federal Highways Administration publishes the national Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, which is incorporated by reference into federal law, to set the national standard for all traffic control devices installed on any street, highway, or bicycle trail open to public travel. Federal law authorizes the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices as a supplement to the federal manual, and requires it to be in substantial conformance with the federal manual. The California manual provides criteria for supplemental destination signs for publicly owned and private nonprofit museums that have minimum annual attendance between 200,000 and 1,000,000 people and that are within 2 or 3 miles from the highway.
This bill would require the department to amend the California manual to allow supplemental destination signs for publicly owned and private nonprofit museums that have minimum annual attendance of 50,000 people and that are within 5 miles from the highway. The bill would require the amendments be made in the department’s next edition or revision to the California manual.

Existing law generally prescribes the equipment required on a motor vehicle for a vehicle to be lawfully operated upon a highway. Existing law prohibits a person from renting a vehicle, as specified, unless the vehicle is equipped as required by law and is mechanically safe and sound to operate. Existing law authorizes the Department of the California Highway Patrol to inspect the vehicles and business premises of a person engaged in the rental of vehicles for compliance with these provisions.

This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes to these provisions.

Vote: MAJORITY   Appropriation: NO   Fiscal Committee: NOYES   Local Program: NO  

The people of the State of California do enact as follows:


 Section 101.18 is added to the Streets and Highways Code, to read:

 (a) The department shall amend the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices to allow supplemental destination signs for museums that meet all the following:
(1) Have a minimum annual attendance of 50,000 persons, regardless if the museum is in a major metropolitan area, urbanized area, or rural area.
(2) Is within five miles of the highway, regardless if the museum is in a major metropolitan area, urbanized area, or rural area.
(b) The department shall make the amendments required by subdivision (a) in its next edition or revision to the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.

SECTION 1.Section 24010 of the Vehicle Code is amended to read:

(a)A person engaged in the rental of any vehicle, for periods of 30 days or less, shall not rent, lease or otherwise allow the operation of such vehicle unless all of the following requirements are met:

(1)All necessary equipment required by this code and regulations adopted pursuant to this code for the operation of the vehicle upon a highway has been provided or offered to the lessee for the lessee’s use.

(2)The vehicle conforms to all applicable federal motor vehicle safety standards established pursuant to Chapter 301 (commencing with Section 30101) of Part A of Subtitle VI of Title 49 of the United States Code, and the regulations adopted pursuant to those provisions.

(3)The vehicle is mechanically sound and safe to operate within the meaning of Section 24002.

(b)In order to ensure compliance with this section, the department may conduct periodic inspections, without prior notice, of the business premises of persons engaged in the rental of vehicles for periods of 30 days or less and of the vehicles themselves, for the purpose of ascertaining that the vehicles are in compliance with this section. Any vehicle which is found not in compliance shall not be rented or leased until proof of full compliance with this section is made to the satisfaction of the department.

(c)The contract or rental agreement shall include the name of the person from whom the vehicle is rented, leased or obtained, the address of that person’s place of business in this state where the vehicle is rented, leased, or delivered, and a statement of any required equipment refused by the person to whom the vehicle is rented, leased, or delivered.