INTRODUCED BY   Committee on Budget (Weber (Chair), Bloom, Bonta,
Campos, Chiu, Cooper, Gordon, Jones-Sawyer, McCarty, Mullin,
Nazarian, O'Donnell, Rodriguez, Thurmond, Ting, and Williams)

                        JANUARY 9, 2015

   An act  relating to the Budget Act of 2015.  
to amend the Budget Act of 2015 by amending Items 0650-001-3228,
  3900-001-3228,   and 4700-001-3228 of, and adding
Items   2665-001-3228,   3860-001-3228,
3860-101-3228, 3900-101-3228,   4700-101-3228,  
and 8570-001-3228 to, Section 2.00 of, and amending Section 39.00 of,
that act, relating to the State Budget, and making an appropriation
therefor, to take effect immediately, budget bill. 


   AB 134, as amended, Committee on Budget. Budget Act of 2015. 
   The Budget Act of 2015 made appropriations for the support of
state government for the 2015-16 fiscal year.  
   This bill would amend the Budget Act of 2015 by revising items of
appropriation and making other changes.  
   This bill would declare that it is to take effect immediately as a
Budget Bill.  
   This bill would express the intent of the Legislature to enact
statutory changes relating to the Budget Act of 2015. 
   Vote: majority. Appropriation:  no   yes
 . Fiscal committee:  no  yes  .
State-mandated local program: no.


   SECTION 1.    Item 0650-001-3228 of Section 2.00 of
the   Budget Act of 2015   is amended to read:

0650-001-3228--For support of Office of
Planning and Research, payable from the
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund................  1,199,000

     (1) 0370-Strategic Growth
         Council....................  1,199,000 
     1.  Funds appropriated in this item
         shall count toward the share of
         annual proceeds continuously
         appropriated to the Strategic Growth
         Council as specified in subparagraph
         (C) of paragraph (1) of subdivision
         (b) of Section 39719 of the Health
         and Safety Code.
      2.  Of the amount appropriated in this 
          item, $500,000 shall be available to 
          provide technical assistance to
          disadvantaged communities. The 
          Strategic Growth Council shall 
          report on the use of these funds at 
          legislative budget hearings. 

   SEC. 2.    Item 2665-001-3228 is added to Section
2.00 of the   Budget Act of 2015   , to read: 
 2665-001-3228--For support of High-Speed Rail 
 Authority, payable from the Greenhouse Gas 
 Reduction Fund................................    103,000 

      (1) 1970-Administration..........  103,000 
      1.  Funds appropriated in this item shall 
          count towards the share of annual 
          proceeds continuously appropriated to 
          the High Speed Rail Authority as 
          specified in paragraph (2) of 
          subdivision (b) of Section 39719 of 
          the Health and Safety Code. 

   SEC. 3.    Item 3860-001-3228 is added to Section
2.00 of the   Budget Act of 2015   , to read: 
 3860-001-3228--For support of Department of 
 Water Resources, payable from the Green 
 House Gas Reduction Fund..................... 1,000,000 
      (1) 3230-Continuing 
          Formulation of the 
          California Water Plan...... 1,000,000 
      1.  The amount appropriated in this item 
          shall be available for encumbrance
          or expenditure until June 30, 2017, 
          and available for liquidation until 
          June 30, 2019. 
      2.  The funds appropriated in this item 
          shall be available to administer a 
          grant program for local agencies, 
          joint powers authorities, or 
          nonprofit organizations to implement 
          residential, commercial, or 
          institutional water efficiency 
          programs or projects that reduce 
          greenhouse gas emissions, and also 
          reduce water and energy use. 

   SEC. 4.    Item 3860-101-3228 is added to Section
2.00 of the   Budget Act of 2015   , to read: 
 3860-101-3228--For local assistance, 
 Department of Water Resources, payable from 
 the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund ........... 19,000,000 
      (1)    3230-Continuing 
             Formulation of the 
             California Water Plan.  19,000,000 
      1.     The amount appropriated in this 
             item shall be available for 
             encumbrance or expenditure until 
             June 30, 2017, and available for 
             liquidation until June 30, 2019. 
      2.     The funds appropriated in this 
             item shall be available for 
             assistance to local agencies, 
             joint powers authorities, or 
             nonprofit organizations to 
             implement residential, 
             commercial, or institutional 
             water efficiency programs or 
             projects that reduce greenhouse 
             gas emissions, and also reduce 
             water and energy use. 

   SEC. 5.    Item 39   00-001-3228 of Section
2.00 of the   Budget Act of 2015   is amended to
3900-001-3228--For support of State Air
Resources Board, payable from the
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund..............  16,486,000

    (1)    3510-Climate Change..   16,486,000  

    1.     Notwithstanding any other
           provision of law, of the funds
           appropriated in this item, up to
           $1,000,000 is available to fund
           the Greenhouse Gas Reduction
           Fund expenditure project
           tracking system upon project
           approval by the Department of
           Technology, and shall be
           available for expenditure until
           June 30, 2017.

   SEC. 6.    Item 3900-101-3228 is added to Section
2.00 of the   Budget Act of 2015   , to read: 
 3900-101-3228--For local assistance, State 
 Air Resources Board, payable from the 
 Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund................ 90,000,000 
      (1)    3510-Climate Change...  90,000,000 
      1.     Notwithstanding Section 16304.1 
             of the Government Code, the funds 
             appropriated in this item shall 
             be available for encumbrance 
             until June 30, 2018, and be 
             available for liquidation of 
             encumbrances until June 30, 2021. 

   SEC. 7.    Item 4700-001-3228 of Section 2.00 of the
  Budget Act of 2015   is amended to read: 
4700-001-3228--For support of Department of
Community Services and Development, payable
from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund.......  4,700,000

     (1) 4180-Energy Programs.......  4,700,000 
     1.  Notwithstanding any other provision
         of law, the department may transfer
         funds from this item to Item 4700-
         101-3228, upon the Department of
         Finance's approval.
     2.  Notwithstanding any other provision
         of law, any unexpended funds of this
         appropriation as of June 30, 2016,
         shall be available for encumbrances
         in the subsequent fiscal year and
         for liquidation through June 30,

   SEC. 8.    Item 4700-101-3228 is added to Section
2.00 of the   Budget Act of 2015   , to read: 
 4700-101-3228--For local assistance, 
 Department of Community Services and 
 Development, for Weatherization and 
Renewable Energy Projects, payable from the 
 Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund................ 70,000,000 
      (1)    4180-Energy Programs..  70,000,000 
      1.     Notwithstanding any other 
             provision of law, the department 
             may transfer funds from this item 
             to Item 4700-001-3228, upon the 
             Department of Finance's approval. 
      2.     Notwithstanding any other 
             provision of law, any unexpended 
             funds of this appropriation as of 
             June 30, 2016, shall be available 
             for encumbrances in the 
             subsequent fiscal year; and, 
             available for liquidation through 
             June 30, 2018. 

   SEC. 9.    Item 8570-001-3228 is added to Section
2.00 of the   Budget Act of 2015   , to read: 

 8570-001-3228--For support of Department of 
 Food and Agriculture, payable from the 
 Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund ............... 40,000,000 
      (1)    6590-General 
             Activities............  40,000,000 
      (3)    9900100- 
             Administration........     781,000 
      (4)    9900200- 
             -Distributed .........    -781,000 
      1.     Of the funds appropriated in this 
             item, $40,000,000 shall be 
             available for expenditure or 
             encumbrance until June 30, 2017, 
             to support greenhouse gas 
             emission reductions through water 
             and energy efficiency grants 
             promoting water and energy 

  SEC. 10.    Section 39.00 of the   Budget Act of
2015   is amended to read: 
  SEC. 39.00.  The Legislature hereby finds and declares that the
following bills are other bills providing for appropriations related
to the Budget Bill within the meaning of subdivision (e) of Section
12 of Article IV of the California Constitution: AB 94, AB 95, AB
104, AB 105, AB 106, AB 107, AB 108, AB 109, AB 110, AB 111, AB 112,
AB 113, AB 114, AB 115, AB 116, AB 117, AB 118, AB 119, AB 120, AB
121, AB 122, AB 123, AB 124, AB 125,  AB 126,  AB
127, AB 128, AB 129, AB 130, AB 131, AB 132, AB 133,  AB 134,
 AB 135, AB 136, AB 137, AB 138, SB 70, SB 71, SB 72, SB
73, SB 74, SB 75, SB 76, SB 77, SB 78, SB 79, SB 80, SB 81, SB 82, SB
83, SB 84, SB 85, SB 86, SB 87, SB 88, SB 89, SB 90, SB 91, SB 92,
SB 93, SB 94, SB 95, SB 96,  SB 97,  SB 98, SB 99,
SB 100,  SB 101,  SB 102, SB 103, SB 104, SB 105, SB
106, SB 107, SB 108, and SB 109, in the form that these bills
existed at the time that the act amending this section of the Budget
Act of 2015 took effect.
   SEC. 11.    This act is a Budget Bill within the
meaning of subdivision (c) of Section 12 of Article IV of the
California Constitution and shall take effect immediately. 

  SECTION 1.   It is the intent of the Legislature
to enact statutory changes relating to the Budget Act of 2015.