Existing requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to authorize the development of the Bill Bradley Human Relations Pilot Project for teaching a course on human relations and to take specified actions in that regard.
Under existing law, the California International Studies Program is established for purposes of achieving specified goals relating to international studies skills and provides specified funding for program participants.
Under existing law, the Reading First Plan is established to provide grants to eligible local educational agencies to provide reading instruction to pupils in kindergarten and grades 1 to 3, inclusive, and to special education pupils in kindergarten and grades 1 to 12, inclusive.
Under existing law, the Early Warning
Program is established for the purpose of allocating grants to local educational agencies to implement specified requirements of the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.
Under existing law, the No Child Left Behind Liaison Team is established to advise the Superintendent and the State Board of Education on matters relating to the implementation of the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.
Under existing law, the Education Technology Grant Act of 2002 is established to provide grants to eligible school districts, county offices of education, and charter schools for purposes of implementing and supporting a system that uses technology to improve pupil academic achievement consistent with specified provisions of the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2002.
Under existing law, the Educational Improvement Act of 1969 is established to provide entitlements calculated by the
Superintendent to eligible school districts for specified educational purposes.
Under existing law, the School Improvement Act of 1970 provides for the establishment of program improvement schools, as defined, throughout the state.
Under existing law, the Education Improvement Incentive Program is established to encourage improvement in public school performance by providing fiscal incentives to motivate teachers and schoolsite administrators to work to increase school performance.
Under existing law, the Demonstration of Restructuring in Public Education is established to provide demonstration grants to applicant school districts to develop and implement policies and procedures that support specified educational objectives.
Under existing law, the State Instructional Materials Fund is established in the State Treasury to annually fund the
acquisition of instructional materials.
This bill would repeal all of the above-specified provisions. The bill would also repeal provisions relating to the sunsetting of obsolete programs.
Existing law establishes the Conservation Education Service in the State Department of Education, authorizes the governing board of a school district and specified other entities to apply to the Conservation Education Service for planning and implementation grants for conservation education in accordance with specified requirements, and authorizes the Superintendent to make grants pursuant to those provisions.
This bill would repeal the provisions authorizing grants to be made pursuant to those provisions.