INTRODUCED BY   Committee on Accountability and Administrative Review
(Assembly Members Dickinson (Chair), Block, Buchanan, Huber, Bonnie
Lowenthal, Mitchell, Pan, and Portantino)

                        APRIL 14, 2011

   An act to repeal Section 4934.1 of the Business and Professions
Code,  to repeal Sections 22218.5 and 24400 of the Education
Code,   to amend Sections 8670.55, 10242.5, 13103.5,
 14838.1,  65089.11,  and  67150.3 
, and 99503  of  , and to repeal Section 14714 of,
 the Government Code, to amend Sections 44003.5 and 104200
of the Health and Safety Code, to amend Section 1872.87 of the
Insurance Code, to amend Sections 28004, 28007, and 41821.5 of the
Public Resources Code, to amend Section 353.15 of the Public
Utilities Code,  to amend Section 13396.9 of the Water Code,
  and to repeal Section 4097.3 of the Welfare and
Institutions Code, relating to government reports.


   AB 1431, as amended, Committee on Accountability and
Administrative Review. Government reports.
   Existing law requires that various state agencies submit certain
reports to the Legislature and other state agencies.
   This bill would eliminate the requirement that certain state
agencies submit certain reports to the Legislature and other state
   Existing law requires the Legislative Counsel to annually prepare,
publish, and maintain an electronic list of all reports that state
and local agencies are required or requested by law to prepare and
file with the Governor or the Legislature, or both, in the future or
within the preceding year. Existing law further requires the
Legislative Counsel to update that list by removing obsolete or
duplicate reports and other reports specified by law. 

   This bill would require the Legislative Counsel to delete
specified reports from the list. 
   This bill would make various conforming changes.
   Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes.
State-mandated local program: no.


  SECTION 1.  Section 4934.1 of the Business and Professions Code is
  SEC. 2.    Section 22218.5 of the Education Code
is repealed.  
  SEC. 3.    Section 24400 of the Education Code is
   SEC. 4.   SEC. 2.   Section 8670.55 of
the Government Code,  as added by Section 67 of Chapter 133
of the Statutes of 2011,  is amended to read:
   8670.55.  (a) The committee shall provide recommendations to the
administrator, the State Lands Commission, the California Coastal
Commission, and the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development
Commission on any provision of this chapter including the
promulgation of all rules, regulations, guidelines, and policies.
   (b) The committee may, at its own discretion, study, comment on,
or evaluate, any aspect of oil spill prevention and response in the
state. To the greatest extent possible, these studies shall be
coordinated with studies being done by the federal government, the
administrator, the State Lands Commission, the State Water Resources
Control Board, and other appropriate state and international
entities. Duplication with the efforts of other entities shall be
   (c) The committee may attend any drills called pursuant to Section
8601.10 or any oil spills, if practicable.
   (d) The committee shall report biennially to the Governor and the
Legislature on its evaluation of oil spill response and preparedness
programs within the state and may prepare and send any additional
reports it determines to be appropriate to the Governor and the
   (e) This section shall become operative on January 1, 2012.
   SEC. 5.   SEC. 3.  Section 10242.5 of
the Government Code is amended to read:
   10242.5.  (a) The Legislative Counsel shall annually prepare,
publish, and maintain an electronic list of all reports that state
and local agencies are required or requested by law to prepare and
file with the Governor or the Legislature, or both, in the future or
within the preceding year. The list shall include all of the
following information:
   (1) The name of the agency that is required or requested to
prepare and file the report.
   (2) A brief description of the subject of the report.
   (3) The date on which the report is to be completed and filed.
   (4) The date on which the report was completed and filed.
   (b) Each list by the Legislative Counsel prepared pursuant to
subdivision (a) shall be sent to each Member of the Legislature and
shall be available to the public. The Legislative Counsel may charge
a member of the public a fee that does not exceed the direct cost of
printing the list.
   (c) Each state and local agency that is required or requested by
law to prepare a report described in subdivision (a) shall file a
printed copy of the report with the Legislative Counsel.
   (d) As used in this section:
   (1) "Agency" includes any city, county, special district,
department, board, bureau, or commission, including any task force or
other similar body that is created by statute or resolution. "Agency"
does not include the University of California.
   (2) "Report" includes any study or audit.
   (e) (1) The Legislative Counsel shall update the list required by
subdivision (a) by removing obsolete or duplicate reports from the
list. The Legislative Counsel shall also remove reports from the list
as directed by Section 4 of Chapter 7 of the Statutes of 2010, or a
subsequent statute that further requires the Legislative Counsel to
remove reports included in the list.
   (2) For purposes of this subdivision, "obsolete report" means a
report that has not been completed and filed and for which the date
that the report was required to be completed and filed was four or
more years after the initial report is submitted.
   SEC. 6.   SEC. 4.   Section 13103.5 of
the Government Code is amended to read:
   13103.5.  The department may perform audits, as it deems
necessary, of the allocations or expenditures made in accordance with
Article XIX B of the California Constitution. 
  SEC. 7.    Section 14714 of the Government Code is
  SEC. 8.    Section 14838.1 of the Government Code
is amended to read:
   14838.1.  (a) In order to encourage the participation of small
businesses in the construction, alteration, demolition, repair, or
improvement, of the state's infrastructure, as provided in the
infrastructure-related bond acts of 2006, each state agency awarding
contracts financed with the proceeds of these bonds shall do all of
the following:
   (1) Establish a 25 percent small business participation goal in
all contracts it financed with the proceeds of the
infrastructure-related bond acts of 2006.
   (2) Advertise all upcoming opportunities to bid on contracts for
projects funded by the infrastructure-related bond acts of 2006,
described in subdivision (c), in the California State Contracts
Register and include in the advertisement an Internet link to
information for prospective bidders, including, but not limited to,
general bidding procedures and how to properly prepare a bid for
those contracts.
   (3) Provide information to California small businesses regarding
training and technical assistance that is available to assist these
small businesses in understanding and bidding on contracts for
projects funded by the infrastructure-related bond acts of 2006,
described in subdivision (c).
   (b) For purposes of this section, "small business" has the same
meaning as set forth in subdivision (d) in Section 14837.
   (c) For purposes of this section, all of the following measures
are deemed to be the infrastructure-related bond acts of 2006:
   (1) The Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port
Security Bond Act of 2006 (Chapter 12.49 (commencing with Section
8879.20) of Division 1 of the Government Code).
   (2) The Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund Act of 2006 (Part
12 (commencing with Section 53540) of Division 31 of the Health and
Safety Code).
   (3) The Kindergarten-University Public Education Facilities Bond
Act of 2006 (Part 69 (commencing with Section 101000) of the
Education Code).
   (4) The Disaster Preparedness and Flood Prevention Bond Act of
2006 (Chapter 1.699 (commencing with Section 5096.800) of Division 5
of the Public Resources Code).
   (5) The Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality and Supply, Flood
Control, River and Coastal Protection Bond Act of 2006 (Division 43
(commencing with Section 75001) of the Public Resources Code).
   (d) For the purposes of this section, "state agency" includes each
agency provided for in Section 12800 and each state entity included
in Section 10335.7 of the Public Contract Code in which the head of
the agency is appointed by the Governor.
   (e) This section does not require the expenditure of the proceeds
of the sale of the bonds described in this section, except as
permitted by the measure authorizing the issuance of the bond.

   SEC. 9.   SEC. 5.   Section 65089.11 of
the Government Code is amended to read:
   65089.11.  (a) The City/County Association of Governments of San
Mateo County, which has been formed by the resolutions of the board
of supervisors within San Mateo County and a majority of the city
councils within the county that represent a majority of the
population in the incorporated area of San Mateo County, may impose a
fee of up to four dollars ($4) on motor vehicles registered within
San Mateo County. The City/County Association of Governments of San
Mateo County may impose the fee only if the board of the association
adopts a resolution providing for both the fee and a corresponding
program for the management of traffic congestion and stormwater
pollution within San Mateo County as set forth in Sections 65089.12
to 65089.20, inclusive. Adoption by the board requires a vote of
approval by board members representing two-thirds of the population
of San Mateo County.
   (b) A fee imposed pursuant to this section shall not become
operative until July 1, 2005, pursuant to the resolution adopted by
the board in subdivision (a).
   (c) The City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County
may reauthorize the fee established under subdivision (a) pursuant
to the same conditions required in that subdivision for a period of
four years and the fee shall terminate on January 1, 2013, unless
reauthorized by the Legislature.
   SEC. 10.   SEC. 6.   Section 67150.3 of
the Government Code is amended to read:
   67150.3.  (a) The commission's plan and draft legislation shall
accomplish the Legislature's intent as set forth in Section 67150.1.
   (b) To the extent it determines it to be necessary, the commission
may prepare appropriate ballot propositions for individual
   (c) The commission may evaluate specific land use authority
alternatives in order to meet transportation goals as defined by the
   (d) The commission may evaluate the consolidation of other
regional agencies and functions.
   (e) Legislation implementing the commission's plan shall not
become operative unless a ballot proposition containing that proposal
is approved by a majority of the votes cast by the voters voting on
that proposition at an election that shall be conducted by the County
of San Diego in the San Diego region in either March 2002, or
November 2002. The County of San Diego shall conduct that election in
substantial compliance with the state laws pertaining to county
referendum elections. If that proposition is approved by a majority
of the votes cast at an election conducted in March 2002, the
operative date of the legislation shall be July 1, 2002. If that
proposition is approved by a majority of the votes cast at an
election conducted in November 2002, the operative date of the
legislation shall be January 1, 2003. 
  SEC. 11.    Section 95503 of the Government Code
is amended to read:
   95503.  (a) The department shall issue by July 1, 2003, a request
for proposals to entities that may apply to become the nonprofit
facilitator of the project. Applications shall include, but need not
be limited to, all of the following components:
   (1) A description of the organization submitting the proposal.
   (2) A description of the planning process used to design the
   (3) A business plan, including a market assessment, to be
developed and used during the planning process, describing a target
group or target area and the needs to be served, and cultural
   (4) A marketing plan, including a description of the outreach and
recruitment of participants for the project that uses information
developed in the planning and market assessments.
   (5) A description of project operations, including a description
of the fiscal management plan, staffing pattern, arrangements with
financial institutions, data management plan, and partnerships with
other organizations.
   (6) A description of the accounting methods to be used and
evidence that the entity has the capacity to monitor pooled matching
funds and project funding.
   (7) A financial projection, including a proposed budget and fund
development strategies.
   (8) An annual audit.
   (9) A description of primary project policies and procedures.
   (10) A description and plan for delivery of personal financial
management training and asset-specific training.
   (b) (1) The department shall assemble a review committee to read
and score proposals by interested nonprofit facilitators in response
to the request for proposals. The review committee shall include a
staff member from the department and other experienced individual
development account practitioners from diverse communities.
   (2) The review committee shall score the proposals according to
the components required in Section 95504, as well as best practice
standards agreed upon by the asset-building field and a demonstrated
capacity to conduct statewide activities and subcontract with service
providers around the state.
   (c) The department shall select a nonprofit facilitator to
participate in the project based on the proposals submitted and
scored pursuant to this section.
   (d) The department shall allocate funding to the nonprofit
facilitator for the project, subject to the requirements and
limitations of the funding source.
   (e) The department shall annually pay the nonprofit facilitator up
to 10 percent of the project's total annual allocation for the
purpose described in Section 95504, and may reserve up to 5 percent
of the project's total annual allocation for its own administrative
   SEC. 12.   SEC. 7.   Section 44003.5 of
the Health and Safety Code is amended to read:
   44003.5.  (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an
enhanced motor vehicle inspection and maintenance program, including
the provisions of the test-only program described in Section 44010.5,
is established in the San Francisco Bay Area Basin, consistent with
the requirements described in subdivision (b).
   (b) The department shall commence operation of the enhanced motor
vehicle inspection and maintenance program in the urbanized areas of
the San Francisco Bay Area Basin, including directing motor vehicles
to test-only facilities, after the department determines that an
adequate number of test-only stations, test and repair stations,
referee services, and other facilities and equipment necessary to
provide reliable and convenient service to vehicle owners subject to
the program exist in that basin.
   (c) Upon commencing operation of the enhanced program in those
areas of the San Francisco Bay Area Basin subject to the requirements
of the program, the bureau shall utilize emission standards for
oxides of nitrogen, and percentages of vehicles directed to test-only
stations similar to those utilized to begin the initial
implementation of the program in other enhanced areas of the state.
The department shall phase in more stringent emission standards for
oxides of nitrogen and direct higher percentages of vehicles to
test-only stations, so that the fully implemented enhanced program in
the San Francisco Bay area is consistent with the fully implemented
enhanced program in other areas of the state.
   (d) (1) On or before January 1, 2004, and concurrent with
implementing subdivision (b), the board shall submit for peer review
the study produced by the University of California at Riverside and
commissioned by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, and any
other available scientifically credible evidence, to determine the
impact of the enhanced motor vehicle inspection and maintenance
program on Contra Costa County and surrounding areas.
   (2) It is the intent of the Legislature in enacting this section
to seek implementation of those mitigation measures suggested under
paragraph (1) that are found to be scientifically credible means to
mitigate adverse ozone and other air quality impacts, are consistent
with this section, and do not adversely impact downwind regions.
   (e) Consistent with subdivision (b), it is the intent of the
Legislature that the department commence operation of the enhanced
motor vehicle inspection and maintenance program in the urbanized
areas of the San Francisco Bay Air Basin as expeditiously as possible
in order to assist the San Francisco Bay area and downwind air
districts in meeting their federal air quality attainment
   SEC. 13.   SEC. 8.   Section 104200 of
the Health and Safety Code is amended to read:
   104200.  (a) Subject to subdivision (f), the department shall
conduct the Cervical Cancer Community Awareness Campaign to do all of
the following:
   (1) To provide awareness, assistance, and information regarding
cervical cancer and the human papillomavirus (HPV). These efforts
shall include provider education aimed at promoting the awareness of
HPV and its link to cervical cancer. Information regarding
prevention, early detection, options for testing, and treatment costs
shall be included.
   (2) To promote the availability of preventive treatment for
cervical cancer for women in California.
   (3) To perform other activities related to cervical cancer.
   (b) (1) For purposes of the Cervical Cancer Community Awareness
Campaign, the department shall establish a study of and research
regarding cervical cancer.
   (2) The study and research shall contain, but not be limited to,
statistical information in order to target appropriate regions of the
state with the Cervical Cancer Community Awareness Campaign. The
statistical information shall include, but not be limited to, age,
ethnicity, region, and socioeconomic status of the women in the state
in relation to cervical cancer. The research shall provide studies
of current treatment evolutions, possible cures, and the availability
of preventive care for women in the state in relation to cervical
   (c) To the extent feasible and appropriate, the Cervical Cancer
Community Awareness Campaign shall be incorporated into existing
cancer awareness programs operated by the department.
   (d) There is hereby established in the State Treasury the Cervical
Cancer Fund to be expended by the State Department of Health Care
Services, upon appropriation of nonstate funds by the Legislature,
solely for the Cervical Cancer Community Awareness Campaign.
   (e) (1) The department shall conduct the Cervical Cancer Community
Awareness Campaign only if voluntary contributions are received to
support its activities pursuant to this section. The continued
implementation of this section shall be contingent upon the receipt
of voluntary contributions for that purpose.
   (2) Voluntary contributions received for purposes of this
subdivision shall be deposited into the Cervical Cancer Fund.
   (f) This section shall be implemented only after the Department of
Finance determines that nonstate funds in an amount sufficient to
fully support the activities of this section have been deposited with
the state. Thereafter, this section shall continue to be implemented
only to the extent that the Department of Finance determines that
sufficient nonstate funds to fully support the activities of this
section have been deposited with the state for purposes of this
section. If the Department of Finance determines that insufficient
voluntary contributions for purposes of implementing this section
have been deposited with the state by January 1, 2007, the Department
of Finance shall notify either the Chief Clerk of the Assembly or
the Secretary of the Senate of this fact, and this section shall be
repealed on January 1, 2007, unless a later enacted statute, that is
enacted before January 1, 2007, deletes or extends that date.
   SEC. 14.   SEC. 9.   Section 1872.87 of
the Insurance Code is amended to read:
   1872.87.  (a) Each insurer required to pay special purpose
assessments pursuant to Sections 1872.8, 1872.81, 1874.8, or
subdivision (a) of Section 1872.86 may, over a reasonable length of
time, but in no event later than the calendar year in which the
assessment is paid, recoup the special purpose assessments by way of
a surcharge on premiums charged for the insurance policies to which
those sections apply or by including the assessments within the
insurer's rates. Amounts recouped shall not be considered premiums
for any purpose, including the computation of gross premium tax or
agents' commission.
   (b) The amount of the surcharge shall be separately stated on
either a billing or policy declaration sent to an insured.
   SEC. 15.   SEC. 10.   Section 28004 of
the Public Resources Code is amended to read:
   28004.  (a) (1) The agency shall convene the Morro Bay Management
Plan Task Force to develop the plan. The Central Coast Regional Water
Quality Control Board shall be utilized to carry out necessary
administrative functions, including selecting a temporary chairperson
of the task force, until such time as the task force establishes its
own organization, leadership, and procedures. The task force shall
meet at least four times each calendar year. The task force shall
submit the plan to the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors
and to the Morro Bay City Council for approval.
   (2) On and after July 1, 1997, the task force shall, on an ongoing
basis, make recommendations to the agency regarding the need for any
revisions in the plan.
   (3) The task force shall terminate as of June 30, 2007.
   (b) The agency shall encourage all local, state, and federal
agencies with jurisdiction over parts of, or activities within, the
bay and its watershed to participate in the task force. The agency
shall also encourage the participation of all interested business and
agricultural groups, commercial organizations, environmental groups,
and any other interested groups or individuals.
   (1) Participating agencies may include, but are not limited to,
the agency, the National Guard, the Department of Parks and
Recreation, the Department of Fish and Game, the Department of
Corrections, the State Department of Health Services, the California
Coastal Commission, the State Water Resources Control Board, the
Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, the Coastal San
Luis Resource Conservation District, the State Coastal Conservancy,
the California Conservation Corps, California Polytechnic State
University San Luis Obispo, the University of California Agricultural
Extension, the County of San Luis Obispo, and the City of Morro Bay.

   (2) Other participants may include, but are not limited to, the
Pacific Gas and Electric Company, agricultural groups, commercial
fishing, mariculture, and fish processing groups, local chambers of
commerce, and members of the tourist industry.
   (3) The costs incurred by each voluntary participant in the task
force shall be limited to the costs of its own participation at the
meetings called by the chairperson of the task force.
   SEC. 16.   SEC. 11.   Section 28007 of
the Public Resources Code is amended to read:
   28007.  At two-year intervals, the agency shall call a task force
meeting to evaluate the effectiveness of the plan and to make any
necessary revisions in the plan. The revisions shall be subject to
the same approval process as the original plan.
   SEC. 17.   SEC. 12.   Section 41821.5 of
the Public Resources Code is amended to read:
   41821.5.  (a) Disposal facility operators shall submit to counties
information from periodic tracking surveys on the disposal tonnages
by jurisdiction or region of origin that are disposed of at each
disposal facility. To enable disposal facility operators to provide
that information, solid waste handlers and transfer station operators
shall provide information to disposal facility operators on the
origin of the solid waste that they deliver to the disposal facility.

   (b) Recycling and composting facilities shall submit periodic
information to counties on the types and quantities of materials that
are disposed of, sold to end users, or that are sold to exporters or
transporters for sale outside of the state, by county of origin.
When materials are sold or transferred by one recycling or composting
facility to another, for other than an end use of the material or
for export, the seller or transferor of the material shall inform the
buyer or transferee of the county of origin of the materials. The
reporting requirements of this subdivision do not apply to entities
that sell the byproducts of a manufacturing process.
   (c) Each county shall submit periodic reports to the cities within
the county, to any regional agency of which it is a member agency,
and to the board, on the amounts of solid waste disposed by
jurisdiction or region of origin, as specified in subdivision (a),
and on the categories and amounts of solid waste diverted to
recycling and composting facilities within the county or region, as
specified in subdivision (b).
   (d) The board may adopt regulations pursuant to this section
requiring practices and procedures that are reasonable and necessary
to perform the periodic tracking surveys required by this section,
and that provide a representative accounting of solid wastes that are
handled, processed, or disposed. Those regulations or periodic
tracking surveys approved by the board shall not impose an
unreasonable burden on waste handling, processing, or disposal
operations or otherwise interfere with the safe handling, processing,
and disposal of solid waste.
   SEC. 18.   SEC. 13.   Section 353.15 of
the Public Utilities Code is amended to read:
   353.15.  (a) In order to evaluate the efficiency, emissions, and
reliability of distributed energy resources with a capacity greater
than 10 kilowatts, customers that install those resources pursuant to
this article shall report to the commission, on an annual basis, all
of the following information, as recorded on a monthly basis:
   (1) Heat rate for the resource.
   (2) Total kilowatthours produced in the peak and off-peak periods,
as determined by the ISO.
   (3) Emissions data for the resource, as required by the State Air
Resources Board or the appropriate air quality management district or
air pollution control district.
   (b) The commission shall release the information submitted
pursuant to subdivision (a) in a manner that does not identify the
individual user of the distributed energy resource.
   (c) The commission, in consultation with the State Air Resources
Board, air quality management districts, air pollution control
districts, and the State Energy Resources Conservation and
Development Commission, shall evaluate the information submitted
pursuant to subdivision (a). 
  SEC. 19.    Section 13396.9 of the Water Code is
amended to read:
   13396.9.  (a) The California Coastal Commission and the Los
Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board shall establish and
participate in the multiagency Los Angeles Basin Contaminated
Sediments Task Force, in cooperation with all interested parties,
including, but not limited to, the United
              States Environmental Protection Agency, the United
States Army Corps of Engineers, the Port of Long Beach, and the Port
of Los Angeles.
   (b) (1) On or before January 1, 2005, the California Coastal
Commission shall, based upon the recommendations of the task force,
develop a long-term management plan for the dredging and disposal of
contaminated sediments in the coastal waters adjacent to the County
of Los Angeles. The plan shall include identifiable goals for the
purpose of minimizing impacts to water quality, fish, and wildlife
through the management of sediments. The plan shall include measures
to identify environmentally preferable, practicable disposal
alternatives, promote multiuse disposal facilities and beneficial
reuse, and support efforts for watershed management to control
contaminants at their source.
   (2) The California Coastal Commission and the Los Angeles Regional
Water Quality Control Board shall seek to enter into an agreement
with the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the United
States Army Corps of Engineers for those federal agencies to
participate in the preparation of the long-term management plan.
   (c) The California Coastal Commission and the Los Angeles Regional
Water Quality Control Board, in cooperation with the task force,
shall conduct not less than one annual public workshop to review the
status of the plan and to promote public participation. 
   SEC. 20.   SEC. 14.   Section 4097.3 of
the Welfare and Institutions Code is repealed. 
  SEC. 21.    (a) The Legislative Counsel shall
revise the list required by Section 10242.5 of the Government Code,
by deleting all of the following reports from the list:
   (1) Reports due from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District.

   (A) Description: Mitigation measures, if peer review of a study
concludes that the enhanced motor vehicle inspection and maintenance
program in the urbanized areas of the San Francisco Bay Area Basin
results in adverse ozone and other air quality impacts in Contra
Costa County or parts of Solano, San Joaquin, Alameda, and Santa
Clara Counties
   Authority: Section 44003.5 of the Health and Safety Code
   Date Due: On or before January 1, 2004
   Recipient: Legislature
   (2) Reports due from the Board of Dental Examiners of California.
   (A) Description: Plan to address potential deficit of board's fund

   Authority: Item 1260-001-0741 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: By December 1, 1997
   Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report on the impact of Business and Professions
Code Section 1636.5 on international dental candidates who are
admitted to, and take, the restorative technique examination on and
after January 1, 1993
   Authority: Section 3 of Chapter 791 of the Statutes of 1997
    Date Due: Between June 1, 1998, and December 31, 1998
   Recipient: Legislature
   (3) Reports due from the California Coastal Commission.
   (A) Description: Report on status of agreement with the United
States Environmental Protection Agency and the United States Army
Corps of Engineers on long term management plan for the dredging and
disposal of contaminated sediments in the coastal waters adjacent to
Los Angeles County
    Authority: Section 13396.9 of the Water Code
   Date Due: On or before January 1, 1999
   Recipient: Legislature
   (4) Reports due from the Chancellor of the California Community
   (A) Description: Level of state-funded full-time equivalent
students in 1996-97 and reasons for, and impact of, adjustments to
this level
   Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: By March 1, 1998
   Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report regarding fall enrollment information on
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) students
   Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: By November 15, 1997
   Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Report on analysis of competitive grants programs
to increase student success funded at each campus, including effect
on student outcomes
   Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: By September 30, 1998
   Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Report on enrollment of new CalWORKs students,
need for additional classes to accommodate CalWORKs students, and
expenditure plan for balance of funds
   Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: By November 15, 1998
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (E) Description: Report regarding telecommunications and
technology infrastructure programs used to assist learning, including
distance education and on-line courses, expand access, and
contribute to student success
   Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: Not later than November 1, 1999
   Recipient: Budget and fiscal committees of the Legislature
   (F) Description: Report regarding criteria for California Virtual
University distance education centers, instructing faculty in
teaching courses on-line, and other expenses for conversion of
courses for distance education
   Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: No later than November 1, 1998
   Recipient: Governor's Office of Child Development and Education
   (G) Description: Report of analysis of information technology
programs funded at each campus, including effects on student outcomes

   Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: By November 1, 1998
   Recipient: Legislature
   (H) Description: If the chancellor approves the use of funds for
direct instructional workload for CalWORKs students, he or she shall
submit a report that identifies the enrollment of new CalWORKs
students, and states whether and why additional classes were needed,
and sets forth an expenditure plan for the balance of funds
   Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: By November 15, 1999, if the Chancellor of the Community
Colleges approves the use of funds for instructional services for
CalWORKs students
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (I) Description: Report identifying any changes to the standards
developed pursuant to the control provisions relating to the program
to fund faculty and staff training in the use of technology to assist
learning in the Budget Act of 1977; the status of the implementation
of the telecommunication and technology infrastructure program to
date and any additional needs
   Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: No later than November 1, 1999
   Recipient: Budget and fiscal committees of the Legislature
   (J) Description: Report on an improved set of activity and outcome
measures for all economic Development Program grants beginning with
activities conducted in 1999-00, including the report element that
was required in the last paragraph of Provision 17(c) of Item
6870-101-0001 of the Budget Act of 1998
   Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: By September 1, 1999
   Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (K) Description: Report on the effectiveness of the community
college financial aid outreach programs and the increasing awareness
of financial aid opportunities to students
   Authority: Item 6870-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: Preliminary report no later than November 15, 2000;
final report no later than April 1, 2001
   Recipient: Legislature
   (L) Description: Report identifying any changes to the standards
developed pursuant to the control provisions for the program to fund
faculty and staff training in the use of technology in the Budget Act
of 1997 (Chapter 282, Statutes of 1997), the status of the
implementation of the telecommunication and technology infrastructure
program to date and any additional needs
   Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: No later than November 1, 2000
   Recipient: Budget and fiscal committees of the Legislature,
Legislative Analyst
   (M) Description: Progress reports on the status of implementation
for the expansion of nursing programs
   Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: By March 15, 2001, and November 15, 2001
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees
of the Legislature
   (N) Description: Report on the extent to which community college
district museums, galleries, and other programs that contain Native
American artifacts have complied with the Native American Grave
Protection and Repatriation Act, including all inventories that
districts submitted to the federal government in compliance with the
   Authority: Item 6870-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: By November 1, 2001
   Recipient: Legislature
   (O) Description: Report on the allocation of Basic Skills funding,
including a description of how the allocations and growth caps were
calculated in the 2000-01 and 2001-02 fiscal years and an analysis of
alternative ways to distribute unallocated growth funds
   Authority: Item 6870-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: By November 1, 2001
   Recipient: Legislature
   (P) Description: Report on campus transfer goals for annual change
for colleges participating in the Partnership for Excellence Program
established pursuant to Section 84754 of the Education Code, the
rationale for selecting those goals, and plans to achieve those goals

   Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: No later than February 1, 2002
   Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (Q) Description: Progress report on review of the capacity and
readiness of each community college district to meet the needs of
students desiring to transfer, and report on the technical assistance
provided to any college with persistently low numbers or rates of
   Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: On or before March 1, 2002
   Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (R) Description: Report which identifies the enrollment of new
CalWORKs students, states whether and why additional classes were
needed to accommodate the needs of CalWORKs students and sets forth
an expenditure plan for the balance of funds for CalWORKs students
   Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: If the chancellor approves the use of specified funds,
by November 15, 2001
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (S) Description: Report identifying any changes to the standards
developed pursuant to the control provisions for the
Telecommunications and Technology Infrastructure program in the
Budget Act of 1997 (Chapter 282 of the Statutes of 1997), the status
of the implementation of the program to date and any additional
needs, including the reasons therefore
   Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: No later than November 1, 2001
   Recipient: Budget and fiscal committees of the Legislature,
Legislative Analyst
   (T) Description: Report on reporting criteria for colleges
participating in the California Virtual University distance education
center program and a progress report on program implementation
   Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: No later than November 1, 2001
   Recipient: Legislative Analyst
   (U) Description: In connection with the transfer center planning
process, campus goals and action steps for achieving those goals for
annual change in transfer prepared and transfer ready students
through the 2005-06 fiscal year, as well as the rationale for
selecting those particular goals and action steps for achieving those
goals in colleges accepting Partnership for Excellence funds
   Authority: Item 6870-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: No later than February 1, 2003
   Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (V) Description: Report identifying any changes to the standards
developed pursuant to the control provisions regarding the technology
program in the Budget Act of 1997 (Chapter 282 of the Statutes of
1997), the status of the implementation of the Telecommunication and
Technology Infrastructure Program to date and any additional needs,
including the reasons therefore
   Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: No later than November 1, 2002
   Recipient: Budget and fiscal committees of the Legislature,
Legislative Analyst
   (W) Description: Progress report on California Virtual University
distance education centers for instructing faculty in teaching
courses online
   Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: No later than November 1, 2002
   Recipient: Legislative Analyst
   (X) Description: Report on how the $25 million reduction in the
appropriation in Item 6870-101-0001 of the Budget Act of 2003 was
allocated among the California Community College Districts
   Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: By January 1, 2004
   Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (Y) Description: Report on criteria adopted for the allocation of
funds appropriated in Schedule (1), Apportionments, and Schedule (3),
Growth for Apportionments, of Item 6870-101-0001 of the Budget Act
of 2003, so as to assure that courses related to student needs for
transfer, basic skills and vocational/workforce training are accorded
the highest priority within budgeted funds
   Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: By February 1, 2004
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees
of the Legislature
   (Z) Description: Report on the use of the funds in Schedule (5) of
Item 6870-001-0001 of the Budget Act of 2003 for student financial
   Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: No later than April 1, 2004
   Recipient: Legislature
   (AA) Description: Report on the impact of the 2003-04 fiscal year
fee increase on student enrollment and access to financial aid
comparing enrollment in the 2002-03 academic year with enrollment in
the 2003-04 academic year
   Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: By September 1, 2004
   Recipient: Legislature
   (AB) Description: Report on use of funds for direct instructional
workload for CalWORKs students, including the enrollment of new
CalWORKs students, whether and why additional classes were needed to
accommodate the needs of CalWORKs students, and an expenditure plan
for the balance of funds
   Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: By November 15, 2004
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (AC) Description: An accounting of all funding, description of all
activities, a listing of all institutions that are participating,
and any recommendations for future changes to the California
Partnership for Achieving Student Success program in 2005-06
   Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: May 1, 2006
   Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (AD) Description: Report on the allocation of funding indicating
(1) the amount of funding received (2) the number of nursing
full-time equivalent students (FTES) served in 2004-05, and the
additional number of FTES to be served with funding by Item
6870-101-0001 of the Budget Act of 2005 (3) the status of the
district's efforts to adopt a merit-based admissions criteria, and
(4) any equipment or infrastructure-related items acquired with the
funds appropriated in Item 6870-101-0001 of the Budget Act of 2005
   Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: On or before March 1, 2006
   Recipient: Legislature
   (AE) Description: Report on the use of the funds allocated
pursuant to Provision 10(b) of Item 6870-101-0001 of the Budget Act
of 2005, including the distribution of the funds, specific uses of
the funds, strategies employed to reach low-income and disadvantaged
students potentially eligible for financial aid, and the extent to
which districts were successful in increasing the number students
accessing financial aid, particularly the maximum Pell Grant award
   Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: On or before March 1, 2006
   Recipient: Legislature
   (AF) Description: Report, pursuant to Provision 10(b)(5) of Item
6870-101-0001 of the Budget Act of 2004, on the impact of fee
increases and outreach efforts on student headcount and full-time
enrollment students (FTES) enrollment for the 2003 and 2004 academic
   Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: By September 1, 2005
   Recipient: Legislature
   (AG) Description: Report, relative to funds used to provide credit
or noncredit classes for Cal WORKs students, that (1) identifies the
enrollment of new CalWORKs students, (2) states whether and why
additional classes were needed to accommodate the needs of CalWORKs
students, and (3) sets forth an expenditure plan for the balance of
   Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: By November 15, 2005
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (AH) Description: Report providing a review of further development
of the reporting criteria for colleges utilizing California Virtual
University distance education centers and a progress report on
program implementation
   Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: No later than November 1, 2005
   Recipient: Legislative Analyst
   (AI) Description: Report for the district-specific accountability
system reflecting outcomes from the 2005-06 fiscal year in context as
specified in the enacted legislation
   Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: By January 31, 2007
   Recipient: Legislative Analyst
   (AJ) Description: For each district receiving funding under this
item, the report shall indicate (1) the amount of funding received,
(2) the number of full-time-equivalent students (FTES) served in the
2004-05, and the additional number of nursing FTES to be served with
funding by this item, (3) the status of the district's efforts to
adopt merit-based admissions criteria, and (4) any equipment or
infrastructure-related items acquired with the funds appropriated in
this item
   Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: On or before March 1, 2006
   Recipient: Legislature
   (AK) Description: Progress on program implementation of the
California Virtual University distance education centers including,
but not limited to, numbers and nature of courses converted, and the
amount of distance education instructional workload services provided
as a result of these courses
   Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: No later than November 1, 2005
   Recipient: Legislative Analyst
   (AL) Description: Report for the district-specific accountability
system reflecting outcomes from the 2005-06 fiscal year in context as
specified in the enacted legislation
   Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: By January 31, 2007
   Recipient: Legislative Analyst
   (AM) Description: Use of the funds allocated pursuant to Provision
10(b)(5), including the distribution of the funds, specific uses of
the funds, strategies employed to reach low-income and disadvantaged
students potentially eligible for financial aid, and the extent to
which districts were successful in increasing the number of students
accessing financial aid, particularly the maximum Pell Grant award
   Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: April 1, 2007
   Recipient: Legislature
   (AN) Description: Report, pursuant to Provision 10(b)(5) of Item
6870-101-0001 of the Budget Act of 2004, on the impact of fee
increases and outreach efforts on student headcount and full-time
enrollment students (FTES) enrollment for the 2003 and 2004 academic
   Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: September 1, 2006
   Recipient: Legislature
   (AO) Description: The enrollment of new CalWORKs students, whether
and why additional classes were needed to accommodate the needs of
CalWORKs students, and an expenditure plan for the balance of funds
   Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: By November 1, 2006
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (AP) Description: Status report on the use of funds appropriated
in Schedule (2), Basic Skills and Apprenticeship, by the selected
community college district for faculty and staff development to
improve curriculum, instruction, student services, and program
practices in the areas of basic skills and English as a Second
Language (ESL) programs
   Authority: Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: September 1, 2008
   Recipient: Legislative Analyst
   (AQ) Description: Results of study on a baccalaureate degree
program educational partnership between Caņada College of the San
Mateo Community College District and San Francisco State University
of the California State University
   Authority: Section 3 of Chapter 519 of the Statutes of 2001
   Date Due: Preliminary report on or before January 1, 2003; Final
report on or before January 1, 2004
   Recipient: Legislature
   (5) Reports due from the Compton Planning and Transportation Task
   (A) Description: Report on work to develop a planning proposal
concerning the development of a railroad grade separation in the
vicinity of the corner of Willowbrook Avenue and Compton Boulevard
south to Greenleaf Boulevard in the City of Compton that addresses
increasing traffic congestion and its impact on economic growth,
quality of life and health, and traffic safety
   Authority: Resolution Chapter 104 of the Statutes of 2003
   Date Due: On or before January 1, 2005
   Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (6) Reports due from the County Office Fiscal Crisis and
Management Assistance Team.
   (A) Description: Progress that the West Fresno Elementary School
District is making in meeting the recommendations of the improvement
plans developed pursuant to Section 5 of Chapter 1 of the Statutes of
   Authority: Section 5 of Chapter 1 of the Statutes of 2003
   Date Due: Commencing in December 2003, and each six months
thereafter until June 2004
   Recipient: Appropriate policy and fiscal committees of the
   (B) Description: Progress that the Oakland Unified School District
is making in meeting the recommendations of the improvement plan
developed pursuant to Section 7 of Chapter 14 of the Statutes of 2003

   Authority: Section 7 of Chapter 14 of the Statutes of 2003
                                                      Date Due: 30
days following the effective date of Chapter 14 of the Statutes of
2003 and in September 2003, and each six months thereafter until
September 2004
   Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (C) Description: Improvement plan for the Vallejo City Unified
School District
   Authority: Section 7 of Chapter 53 of the Statutes of 2004
   Date Due: Commencing 30 days following the effective date of this
act and in May 2005, and each six months thereafter until May 2006
   Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature,
Members of the Legislature who represent the Vallejo City Unified
School District
   (7) Reports due from the County Office Fiscal Crisis and
Management Assistance Team Governing Board.
   (A) Description: Report on implementation of program to provide
technical assistance to school districts in hiring and related
personnel practices, in order to improve their ability to hire fully
credentialed teachers
   Authority: Item 6110-485-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: By July 1, 2001
   Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (8) Reports due from the County Offices of Education.
   (A) Description: Expenditure plan for funds received pursuant to
Education Code Section 42238.42 regarding the state's minimum funding
obligation to schools and community colleges
   Authority: Section 38 of Chapter 299 of the Statutes of 1997
   Date Due: By March 1, 1998
   Recipient: Governor
   (9) Reports due from the Department of Food and Agriculture.
   (A) Description: The diaprepes root weevil eradication effort,
including an accounting of how the monies to eradicate the root
weevil were expended and what, if any, additional outbreaks were
   Authority: Item 8570-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: January 10, 2007
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (10) Reports due from the Department of General Services.
   (A) Description: Study to determine cost effectiveness of
contracting out for architectural and engineering services and
appropriate level of architectural and engineering staff over the
long-term at Division of the State Architect
   Authority: Item 1760-001-0602 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: By February 1, 1997
   Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Energy savings in terms of megawatts per year,
for each public building retrofitted pursuant to Article 6
(commencing with Section 14710) of Chapter 2 of Part 5.5 of Division
3 of Title 2 of the Government Code
   Authority: Section 14714 of the Government Code
   Date Due: On or before two years after the effective date of the
act adding Section 14714 of the Government Code, and every 2 years
   Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (11) Reports due from the Department of Resources Recycling and
   (A) Description: Report on fund condition of Integrated Waste
Management Account
   Authority: Item 3910-001-0387 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: October 30, 1997; January 31,1998; and April 15, 1998
   Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Preliminary report on actions the California
Integrated Waste Management Board is taking to increase the leverage
of public funds, lower administrative costs, clarify and document its
loan policies, and generally increase participation in the Recycling
Market Development Zone Loan Program and make the program more
effective in developing markets for recycling-based businesses to
divert waste from landfills; final report regarding analysis of the
effectiveness of the actions identified in the preliminary report and
an identification of further actions required to make the program
more effective, including any statutory changes
   Authority: Item 3910-001-0281 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: Preliminary report due by December 1, 1998; final report
due by October 31, 1999
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal and policy
committees of the Legislature
   (C) Description: Actions the California Integrated Waste
Management Board will take to identify state facilities that are not
maximizing their recycling efforts and assist these facilities in
establishing recycling programs; barriers identified by the board
that are limiting the willingness or ability of state facilities to
recycle; recommendations for statutory changes or additional fiscal
resources necessary to remove the identified barriers
   Authority: Item 3910-001-0281 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: By December 1, 1998
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal and policy
committees of the Legislature
   (D) Description: Report on the status of the board's
implementation of the Integrated Waste Management Act and statutory
and budgetary actions needed to ensure compliance with the act's
provisions including landfill permitting requirements
   Authority: Item 3910-001-0387 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: On or before January 10, 2000
   Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (E) Description: Report on the allocation made by the board of the
one-time augmentation of $5 million for tire remediation and
   Authority: Item 3910-001-0387 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: By September 1, 1999
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees
of the Legislature
   (F) Description: Recommendations for providing additional
financial assurances for post-closure landfills to ensure the
protection of public health and safety
   Authority: Item 3910-001-0387 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: On or before January 10, 2007
   Recipient: Fiscal committees of the Legislature
   (G) Description: Report evaluating the implementation of a solid
waste disposal reporting system
   Authority: Section 41821.5 of the Public Resources Code
   Date Due: On or before January 1, 2002
   Recipient: Legislature
   (12) Reports due from the Division of the State Architect.
   (A) Description: Results of an evaluation on the safety of the
various means currently available for providing emergency exit from
portable classrooms
   Authority: Section 1 of Chapter 634 of the Statutes of 2002
   Date Due: By July 1, 2003
   Recipient: Legislature
   (13) Reports due from the Employment Development Department.
   (A) Description: Report on the California Savings and Asset
Project including, but not limited to: the number of enrolled
participants; the number of individual development accounts
established; the aggregate savings achievements; the number of
participants who have completed the program; the number of
participants who have completed financial education; a minimum of two
participant profiles; a financial report, including the use of state
funds, other leveraged funds, and the status of other committed
funds; a summary of program achievements and obstacles; and program
and fiscal projections for the next year
   Authority: Section 95503 of the Government Code
   Date Due: Annually on January 1, commencing in 2004
   Recipient: Legislature
   (14) Reports due from the Health and Human Services Agency Data
   (A) Description: Report on progress of Statewide Automated Welfare
System Technical Architecture/Cal-Serve project
   Authority: Item 4130-001-0632 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: No later than January 1, 1998
   Recipient: Legislature
   (15) Reports due from the Insurance Commissioner.
   (A) Description: Feasibility and fiscal impact of transferring
collection of the assessments specified in Sections 1872.8, 1872.81,
and 1874.8 regarding insurance fraud to the Department of Motor
Vehicles to be performed in conjunction with the registration of
motor vehicles
   Authority: Section 1872.87 of the Insurance Code
   Date Due: Prior to October 1, 2008
   Recipient: Governor, Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (16) Reports due from the Labor and Workforce Development Agency.
   (A) Description: Progress of the Underground Economy Enforcement
and justification for its continuance
   Authority: Item 7100-001-0870 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: No later than September 13, 2007
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (17) Reports due from the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality
Control Board.
   (A) Description: Report on the progress of the San Gabriel Basin
Water Quality Authority
   Authority: Section 705 of Chapter 776 of the Statutes of 1992
   Date Due: On or before January 1, 1997
   Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report on status of agreement with the United
States Environmental Protection Agency and the United States Army
Corps of Engineers regarding long term management plan for the
dredging and disposal of contaminated sediments in the coastal waters
adjacent to Los Angeles County
   Authority: Section 13396.9 of the Water Code
   Date Due: On or before January 1, 1999
   Recipient: Legislature
   (18) Reports due from the Los Angeles Unified School District.
   (A) Description: Plan for establishment of New California Center
for Culture, Education and Economic Development
   Authority: Section 41 of Chapter 299 of the Statutes of 1997
   Date Due: By February 15, 1998
   Recipient: Legislature
   (19) Reports due from the Mayor of the City of Marina.
   (A) Description: The number of dwelling units leased from the U.S.
Department of the Army, the number of those units that would have
been subject to replacement housing or relocation requirements
   Authority: Section 1 of Chapter 850 of the Statutes of 1996
   Date Due: On or before January 1, 2000
   Recipient: Legislature
   (20) Reports due from the Milton Marks Commission on California
State Government Organization and Economy.
   (A) Description: Report on findings and recommendations regarding
the scope of practice and educational requirements for
acupuncturists; evaluate the national examination administered by the
National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental
Medicine and whether or not the national examination should be
offered in California in lieu of, or as part of, the state
examination; and, make recommendations on the accreditation approval
process alternatives available
   Authority: Section 4934.1 of the Business and Professions Code
   Date Due: By September 1, 2004
   Recipient: Legislature
   (21) Reports due from the Morro Bay Management Plan Task Force.
   (A) Description: Morro Bay management plan developed pursuant to
Division 18 of the Public Resources Code
   Authority: Section 28004 of the Public Resources Code
   Date Due: July 1, 1997
   Recipient: Legislature
   (22) Reports due from the Napa Resource Conservation District.
   (A) Description: Report evaluating the use of form agreements that
identify projects and activities in accordance with the Napa River
Watershed Management Plan
   Authority: Section 6 of Chapter 166 of the Statutes of 1996
   Date Due: On or before January 1, 1998
   Recipient: Assembly Water, Parks, and Wildlife Committee, Senate
Natural Resources and Wildlife Committee
   (23) Reports due from the Office of Criminal Justice Planning.
   (A) Description: Report on plan for implementing regular and
ongoing evaluations of both federal and state-funded grant programs
that identifies: a list of all proposed evaluations planned for at
least two years, final evaluations and due dates for each, the
schedule for each evaluation, and when the Office of Criminal Justice
Planning will complete its compendium of evaluations completed by
grantees; updated evaluation plan that shows completed projects for
the year and plans for the next two years
   Authority: Item 8100-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: Initial plan due within 30 days of enactment of the
1998-99 Budget Act; updated evaluation due January 15 of each year
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees
of the Legislature
   (B) Description: Report on progress in meeting due dates
identified in plan for evaluation of federal and state-funded grant
   Authority: Item 8100-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: Quarterly
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees
of the Legislature
   (C) Description: Report measuring success of courses in
photodocumentation of victims' injuries and crime scenes in domestic
violence and sexual assault cases
   Authority: Section 2 of Chapter 9 of the Statutes of 1997
   Date Due: Annually, commencing on January 1, 1999
   Recipient: Legislature
   (24) Reports due from the Oil Spill Technical Advisory Committee.
   (A) Description: Comments on the Department of Finance report
required under Government Code Section 8670.42, regarding the
financial basis and programmatic effectiveness of the state's oil
spill prevention, response, and preparedness program, including
recommendations for improving this program
   Authority: Section 8670.55 of the Government Code
   Date Due: On or before August 1, 2005
   Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (25) Reports due from the Oxnard Union High School District.
   (A) Description: Report of independent evaluator on the Extended
Year School Year Program, including the impact of the longer year on
pupil achievement, pupil attendance, and dropout rates
   Authority: Item 6110-485-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: By November 1, 2000
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (B) Description: Evaluation of Oxnard Union High School District
Extended School Year Program, including the impact of the longer year
on student achievement, attendance, and dropout rates
   Authority: Section 52 of Chapter 330 of the Statutes of 1998
   Date Due: By November 1, 1999
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (26) Reports due from the President of California State University
at Northridge.
   (A) Description: Review of issues related to providing athletic
program complying with requirements of Title IV and CSU CAL/NOW
consent decree; and development of plan to support balanced and
financially viable athletic program
   Authority: Item 6610-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: By March 1, 1998
   Recipient: Legislature
   (27) Reports due from the Public Utilities Commission.
   (A) Description: Evaluation based on information about distributed
energy resources and recommending any changes determined to be
   Authority: Section 353.15 of the Public Utilities Code
   Date Due: Within two years of the effective date of Chapter 12 of
the 2001-2002 First Extraordinary Session
   Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (28) Reports due from the San Diego Association of Governments.
   (A) Description: Report regarding standardized data collection
activities for domestic violence intervention program, including
reports from local law enforcement agencies throughout San Diego
   Authority: Item 0820-102-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: No later than April 30, 1999
   Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report regarding standardized data collection
activities for domestic violence intervention program, including
reports from local law enforcement agencies throughout San Diego
   Authority: Item 1700-102-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: No later than April 30, 1999
   Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Report regarding standardized data collection
activities for domestic violence intervention program, including
reports from local law enforcement agencies throughout San Diego
   Authority: Item 4260-102-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: No later than April 30, 1999
   Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Data collection activities for domestic violence
intervention programs in San Diego County
   Authority: Item 0820-102-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: No later than April 30, 1999
   Recipient: Legislature
   (29) Reports due from the San Diego Regional Government Efficiency
   (A) Description: A plan and draft legislation for the
consolidation of regional agencies within the San Diego region; a
plan and draft legislation to improve coordination of regional
agencies within the San Diego region
   Authority: Section 67150.3 of the Government Code
   Date Due: On or before August 1, 2001
   Recipient: Legislature
   (30) Reports due from the San Francisco Bay Area Water Transit
   (A) Description: Report that details the work elements completed
to date, the amount of funds expended, the work elements to be
completed, and the estimated cost for completion of the remaining
work elements
   Authority: Item 2660-102-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: By December 15, 2000
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees
of the Legislature
   (31) Reports due from the San Francisco Bay Conservation and
Development Commission.
   (A) Description: Report providing a description of the staffing
and funding needed for revision and updating of the Bay Plan, adopted
pursuant to Title 7.2 of the Government Code, and a description of
the staffing and funding needed to ensure that the commission may
review permits applied for pursuant to Title 7.2 of the Government
   Authority: Item 3820-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: On or before January 1, 2000
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (32) Reports due from the San Francisco Unified School District.
   (A) Description: Report on the findings, projections and proposals
of the district's internal review of fiscal management and
   Authority: Section 1 of Chapter 457 of the Statutes of 2000
   Date Due: First preliminary report within four months of the
effective date of this act; second preliminary report within eight
months of the effective date of this act; final report within 12
months of the effective date of this act
   Recipient: Legislative Analyst, Joint Legislative Audit Committee
   (33) Reports due from the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy.
   (A) Description: Funds received, expended, encumbered, and on
reserve with the conservancy and each of joint powers authorities or
other organizations to which the conservancy is a party
   Authority: Item 3810-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: By January 1, 1997
   Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report on funds received, expended, encumbered,
and on reserve with the conservancy, and joint powers authorities to
which the conservancy is a party; financial statements for past three
years, and projected needs for current and budget years for the
   Authority: Item 3810-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: By January 1, 1998
   Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Report on all funds received, expended,
encumbered, and on reserve with the Santa Monica Mountain Conservancy
and each of the joint powers authorities or other organizations to
which the conservancy is a party; financial statements for the past
three years, and projected needs for the current and budget years for
the conservancy, the Mountains Conservation and Recreation
Authority, and any other joint powers authorities and organizations
to which the conservancy is a party; and information regarding the
activities of each of these organizations
   Authority: Item 3810-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: On or before January 1, 1999
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees
of the Legislature
   (D) Description: The conservancy's procedures and progress towards
achieving compliance with audit findings identified in "Final
Management Letter -- Audit of Proposition 12, 40, and 50 Bond Funds."
prepared by the Office of State Audits and Evaluations, Department
of Finance, dated March 1, 2005
   Authority: Item 3810-301-0941 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: No later than October 1, 2005
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (E) Description: The conservancy's procedures and progress towards
achieving compliance with audit findings identified in "Final
Management Letter - Audit of Proposition 12, 40, and 50 Bond Funds,
prepared by the Office of State Audits and Evaluations, Department of
Finance, dated March 1, 2005
   Authority: Item 3810-301-6031 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: No later than October 1, 2005
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (34) Reports due from the Secretary of State.
   (A) Description: Report on crime victim services in the state
   Authority: Section 2 of Chapter 89 of the Statutes of 2002
   Date Due: No later than January 1, 2004
   Recipient: Legislature
   (35) Reports due from the State and Consumer Services Agency.
   (A) Description: Report on progress attained in implementing the
recommendations contained in the April 1999 Bureau of State Audits
report pertaining to the mismanagement of the California Science
   Authority: Item 1100-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: January 1, 2000, and April 1, 2000
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, budget committees
of the Legislature
   (B) Description: The progress of the Underground Economy
Enforcement and justification for its continuance
   Authority: Item 1110-001-0735 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: By September 13, 2007
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (C) Description: Report on crime victim services in the state
   Authority: Section 2 of Chapter 89 of the Statutes of 2002
   Date Due: No later than January 1, 2004
   Recipient: Legislature
   (36) Reports due from the State Department of Health Care
   (A) Description: Progress of the Cervical Cancer Community
Awareness Campaign
   Authority: Section 104200 of the Health and Safety Code
   Date Due: On or before January 1, 2007
   Recipient: Assembly Committee on Health, Senate Committee on
   (37) Reports due from the State Department of Mental Health.
   (A) Description: Detailed implementation plan to implement
Accounting and Administrative Control Review recommendations
   Authority: Section 97 of Chapter 188 of the Statutes of 2007
   Date Due: March 2008
   Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (B) Description: Action plan to address reforms regarding Mental
Health Managed Care and Short/Doyle services
   Authority: Section 97 of Chapter 188 of the Statutes of 2007
   Date Due: March 2008
   Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (C) Description: Evaluation of the Early Intervention Mental
Health Program which provides services to infants and toddlers and
their families
   Authority: Section 4097.3 of the Welfare and Institutions Code
   Date Due: Interim reports by March 1, 2001, and 2002
   Recipient: Fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature
   (38) Reports due from the Technology, Trade, and Commerce Agency.
   (A) Description: Report on the performance and rank of each
foreign trade office
                                                  Authority: Item
2920-012-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of 1998
   Date Due: By April 1, 1999
   Recipient: Legislature
   (39) Reports due from the Youth and Adult Correctional Agency.
   (A) Description: Report on the number of internal affairs
investigations conducted during the 1997-98 fiscal year including,
but not limited to, the following information: the number of requests
for investigations received by the Inspector General from each
agency; the number of investigations initiated; the number of
investigations pending; the number of investigations referred to the
California Department of Justice or any other law enforcement agency;
the number of investigations completed, and a summary of the results

   Authority: Item 0550-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: By December 1, 1998
   Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report on epidemiological investigation of the
prevalence, incidence, and treatment of Hepatitis C in the Department
of Corrections and the Department of the Youth Authority
   Authority: Item 0550-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: No later than August 1, 2006
   Recipient: Legislature
   (40) Reports due from the Youthful Offender Parole Board.
   (A) Description: Report regarding the justification for
establishment of initial parole consideration date intervals that
exceed the prescribed interval contained in Title 15 of the
California Administrative Code
   Authority: Item 5450-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: On January 1, 2000 and June 1, 2000
   Recipient: Legislature
   (41) Reports due from the CalSTRS.
   (A) Description: Report on return on investments and actual
payroll subject to the Teachers' Retirement System for prior fiscal
   Authority: Section 2218.5 of the Education Code
   Date Due: March 1, 1995, and annually thereafter
   Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Extent inflation has eroded purchasing power of
benefits provided under the Defined Benefit Program, including the
amount of supplementary increases in retirement allowances required
to preserve the purchasing power of benefits provided by the Defined
Benefit Program
   Authority: Section 24400 of the Education Code
   Date Due: No later than April 1 of each year
   Recipient: Governor, Legislature
   (42) Reports due from the Department of Finance.
   (A) Description: Report on increase in expenditures to implement
the Statewide Automated Welfare System
   Authority: Item 4260-101-001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: None
   Recipient: Legislature
   (B) Description: Report on the adjustment and recapture of any
expenditures made pursuant to Item 6860-001-001 of the Budget Act of
1993 for the purchase of fuel oil for the operation of the training
ship, The Golden Bear, from federal funds, to the extent that the
federal funds are available
   Authority: Item 6860-001-001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: None
   Recipient: Legislature
   (C) Description: Integration Master Plan for integrating state tax
information systems
   Authority: Item 0860-001-001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
    Date Due: At least 30 days prior to approval
   Recipient: Legislature
   (D) Description: Integration Master Plan for integrating tax
information systems by State Board of Equalization, Franchise Tax
Board, and Employment Development Department
   Authority: Item 5100-001-870 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: At least 30 days before approval of plan
   Recipient: Legislature
   (E) Description: Determination whether need for technology exists
in state government that Department of Motor Vehicles surplus
computers might meet
   Authority: Item 2740-001-044 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: None
   Recipient: Legislature
   (F)  Description: Each completed Year 2000 Statement of Validation
submitted to the Department of Finance by the Department of
Information Technology
   Authority: Item 0505-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: None
   Recipient: Legislature
   (G) Description: An interim plan for abolishing the Technology,
Trade, and Commerce Agency and funding that would be transferred to
other state entities to administer for remainder of the 2003-04
fiscal year
   Authority: Item 2920-001-0001 of Section 2 of the Budget Act of
   Date Due: No later than October 1, 2003
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (H) Description: Audit report examining expenditures made pursuant
to the allocations authorized under Article XIX B of the California
   Authority: Section 13103.5 of the Government Code
   Date Due: As deemed necessary
   Recipient: Legislature
   (I) Description: Report on encumbrance of funds in excess of
$20,000 for "critical" alteration of state building
   Authority: Section 6.00 of Chapter 467 of the Statutes of 1990
   Date Due: Not less than 30 days prior to requesting bids for
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (J) Description: Any approved critical project for alteration, of
a state building costing more than $20,000, but not greater than
   Authority: Section 6.00 of Chapter 118 of the Statutes of 1991
   Date Due: Not less than 30 days prior to requesting bids for
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (K) Description: Amount and detail of any funds allocated to
counties or cities and counties from the Special Fund for Economic
Uncertainties with the rationale therefor
   Authority: Section 12.30 of Chapter 118 of the Statutes of 1991
   Date Due: Not later than 30 days prior to allocation of funds
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees
of the Legislature
   (L) Description: Report on any approved critical project for
proposed alteration to a state building costing more than $20,000,
and not greater than $250,000
   Authority: Section 6.00 of Chapter 55 of the Statutes of 1993
   Date Due: Not less than 30 days prior to requesting bids for
    Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (M) Description: Report on state building alterations costing
between $35,000 and $250,000
   Authority: Section 6.00 of Chapter 303 of the Statutes of 1995
   Date Due: Not less than 30 days prior to requesting bids for the
building alterations
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (N) Description: Report on reduction of amounts of federal block
grants and plan for reduced expenditures for each program affected by
the reduction
   Authority: Section 8.50 of Chapter 303 of the Statutes of 1995
   Date Due: Within 30 days after federal notification that federal
funds have been reduced
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, appropriations
committees of the Legislature
   (O) Description: Summary of the amounts reverted that reflect
savings resulting from the Hiring Freeze pursuant to Executive Order
   Authority: Section 68 of Chapter 1 of the 2001-2002 Third
Extraordinary Session
   Date Due: None
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, appropriations
committees of the Legislature
   (P) Description: Interim plan for abolishing the Office of
Criminal Justice Planning
   Authority: Section 25.00 of Chapter 157 of the Statutes of 2003
   Date Due: No later than October 1, 2003
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (Q) Description: Report on feasibility of assessing a surcharge on
state departments that allocate overhead costs currently incurred by
the Department of General Services, some of which are recovered
through building rental rates, to all state entities receiving a
benefit from these costs
   Authority: Section 4.60 of Chapter 208 of the Statutes of 2004
   Date Due: On or before August 1, 2004
   Recipient: Fiscal committees of the Legislature
   (R) Description: Report listing reductions in items of
appropriations regarding retirement contributions made pursuant to
Sec. 4.01, Stats. 2005, Ch. 38
   Authority: Section 4.01 of Chapter 38 of the Statutes of 2005
   Date Due: Not more than 30 days after the reductions are made
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, appropriations
committees of the Legislature
   (S) Description: Report on allocations made for the purpose of
offsetting existing expenditures by adjustment of items of
   Authority: Section 8.52 of Chapter 38 of the Statutes of 2005
   Date Due: Not less than 30 days prior to the effective date of any
adjustment to items of appropriation or a lesser time pursuant to
Sec. 8.52, Stats. 2005, Ch. 38
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, fiscal committees
of the Legislature
   (T) Description: The specific reductions, by department, agency,
and program, and state the programmatic effects and impacts of each
   Authority: Section 30 of Chapter 39 of the Statutes of 2005
   Date Due: No more than 30 days after the reductions are made
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, appropriations
committees of the Legislature
   (U) Description: Report regarding reductions in appropriations
pursuant to this section reflecting savings achieved pursuant to the
Alternate Retirement Program and through reforms in employee
   Authority: Section 4.01 of Chapter 171 of the Statutes of 2007
   Date Due: Not more than 30 days after the reductions are made
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, appropriations
committees of the Legislature
   (V) Description: Report regarding reductions in appropriations
pursuant to this section reflecting savings achieved pursuant to the
Alternate Retirement Program and through reforms in employee
   Authority: Section 4.01 of Chapter 171 of the Statutes of 2007
   Date Due: Not more than 30 days after the reductions are made
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, appropriations
committees of the Legislature
   (W) Description: Report on any approved critical project for the
proposed alteration of a state facility costing more than $100,000
and no greater than $400,000
   Authority: Section 6.00 of Chapter 171 of the Statutes of 2007
    Date Due: Not less than 30 days prior to requesting bids
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (X) Description: Report regarding reductions in appropriations
pursuant to this section reflecting savings achieved pursuant to the
Alternate Retirement Program and through reforms in employee
   Authority: Section 4.01 of Chapter 268 of the Statutes of 2008
   Date Due: Not more than 30 days after the reductions are made
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, appropriations
committees of the Legislature
   (Y) Description: Information on resources bond funds for the
CALFED Bay-Delta Program contained in the base budget, including the
amount of bond funds, the source of bond funds, and the activities
and positions supported by the funds
   Authority: Section 5.45 of Chapter 268 of the Statutes of 2008
   Date Due: At the time the Governor's Budget is submitted to the
   Recipient: Legislature
   (Z) Description: Report on any approved critical project for the
proposed alteration of a state facility costing more than $100,000
and no greater than $400,000
   Authority: Section 6.00 of Chapter 268 of the Statutes of 2008
   Date Due: Not less than 30 days prior to requesting bids
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee
   (AA) Description: Report regarding reductions in appropriations
pursuant to this section reflecting savings achieved pursuant to the
Alternate Retirement Program and through reforms in employee
   Authority: Section 4.01 of Chapter 1 of the 2009-2010 Third
Extraordinary Session
   Date Due: Not more than 30 days after the reductions are made
   Recipient: Joint Legislative Budget Committee, appropriations
committees of the Legislature
   (b) The requirement to delete a report pursuant to subdivision (a)
shall not prohibit the Legislative Counsel from including the report
on a future publication of the list, if the report is required by
law to be listed pursuant to Section 10242.5.