INTRODUCED BY   Assembly Member Gatto

                        FEBRUARY 27, 2015

    An act to add Article 8 (commencing with Section 13558)
to Chapter 7 of Division 7 of the Water Code, relating to recycled
water.  An act to add Article 20.2 (commencing with
Section 69996) to Chapter 2 of Part 42 of Division 5 of Title 3 of
the Education Code, and to add Section 17131.12 to the Revenue and
Taxation Code, relating to student financial aid. 


   AB 1463, as amended, Gatto.  Onsite treated water.
  Student financial aid: California Covenants Program:
tuition certificates: gross income exclusion.  
   (1) Existing law establishes the California State University,
under the administration of the Trustees of the California State
University, and the University of California, under the
administration of the Regents of the University of California, as 2
of the segments of public postsecondary education in this state.
   This bill would establish the California Covenants Program, under
the administration of the Treasurer. The program would be a prepaid
college tuition program, under which an individual could purchase a
fixed percentage of the tuition and mandatory systemwide fees for an
academic year of full-time enrollment as an undergraduate at a campus
of the California State University, the University of California, or
an independent institution of higher education, as specified, for a
beneficiary who meets specified criteria.  
   The bill would establish the California Covenants Program Fund.
The bill would require that the moneys received by the Treasurer from
the individuals who purchase tuition certificates under the program,
as well as the proceeds from the sale of certain bonds authorized by
the bill, be deposited in the fund. The bill would authorize the
Treasurer, upon appropriation in the annual Budget Act, to allocate
moneys deposited in the fund to the California State University, the
University of California, or an independent institution of higher
education to pay the tuition and mandatory systemwide fees of
beneficiaries of the program during that fiscal year. The bill would
require the Director of Finance to determine, at the commencement of
each fiscal year, whether there are sufficient funds to implement the
program in that fiscal year, and to communicate this determination
to the Treasurer in a timely manner each fiscal year. The bill would
specify that the California State University is required, and the
University of California and independent institutions of higher
education are requested to, comply with the bill's provisions. 

   These provisions would become operative on January 1, 2018. 

   (2) The Personal Income Tax Law provides for various exclusions
from gross income, including moneys received pursuant to specified
grant programs.  
   This bill would, for taxable years beginning on or after January
1, 2018, also exclude from gross income amounts invested in, and
disbursed from, the California Covenants Program, as provided. 

   Existing law requires the State Water Resources Control Board to
establish uniform statewide recycling criteria for each varying type
of use of recycled water where the use involves the protection of
public health.  
   This bill would authorize onsite treated water from a graywater or
rainwater source, as prescribed, to be used for nonpotable uses in
residential, commercial, or industrial buildings. The bill would
require the state board, in consultation with the State Department of
Public Health, the Department of Housing and Community Development,
the California Building Standards Commission, and stakeholders, to
establish monitoring and reporting requirements for the nonpotable
use of onsite treated water from certain other sources prior to its
use in the internal plumbing of multifamily residential, commercial,
or industrial buildings. The bill would prohibit water from a toilet,
sewer, or onsite wastewater treatment system or septic tank from
being treated and used onsite in a single-family occupied building.

   Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes.
State-mandated local program: no.


   SECTION 1.    Article 20.2 (commencing with Section
69996) is added to Chapter 2 of Part 42 of Division 5 of Title 3 of
the   Education Code   , to read:  

      Article 20.2.  The California Covenants Program

   69996.  (a) The California Covenants Program is hereby established
under the administration of the Treasurer. The California Covenants
Program shall be a prepaid college tuition program established to
help families plan, save, and pay for the undergraduate college
education of family members at campuses of the California State
University, the University of California, and independent
institutions of higher education, as defined in Section 66010.
   (b) Under the program, the Treasurer shall issue tuition
certificates in accordance with all of the following requirements:
   (1) (A) The tuition certificate shall be issued by the Treasurer
for the prepaid purchase of a fixed percentage of the tuition and
mandatory systemwide fees for an academic year of full-time
enrollment as an undergraduate at a campus of the California State
University, the University of California, or an independent
institution of higher education, as defined in Section 66010. The
tuition certificate shall specify the percentage of tuition and
mandatory fees that have been purchased thereby. The certificate
covers annual tuition and fee increases of 7.5 percent or less.
   (B) The Treasurer is authorized to determine the cost of the fixed
percentage of tuition and mandatory systemwide fees for the
participating institutions at the commencement of this program in
2018. The Treasurer shall have the discretion to periodically adjust
the cost of the tuition certificates in light of changes in the cost
of living, the economy of the state, and the levels of tuition and
mandatory systemwide fees charged by the participating segments.
   (2) The purchaser of a tuition certificate shall specify its
intended beneficiary. The intended beneficiary may be any person who
has not yet commenced grade 11 or its equivalent. A tuition
certificate shall be valid for up to 30 years from the date that it
is purchased.
   (3) At the time the tuition certificate is used, the beneficiary
shall either be a California resident or a student who is exempt from
nonresident tuition pursuant to Section 68130.5.
   (4) An individual may purchase an initial tuition certificate, or
additional tuition certificates, for a beneficiary only between May 1
and June 30 of calendar years commencing in 2018. The minimum amount
of tuition certificates that an individual may purchase in a
calendar year shall be three hundred dollars ($300).
   (5) A tuition certificate shall be used only to cover the cost of
undergraduate tuition and mandatory systemwide fees at the California
State University, the University of California, or independent
institutions of higher education, as defined in Section 66010. A
tuition certificate shall not be used to cover the cost of textbooks,
supplies, or living expenses, including, but not necessarily limited
to, food, housing, and transportation.
   (6) If the intended beneficiary of a tuition certificate is unable
to, or chooses not to, attend the institution issuing the
certificate, the initial investment shall be returned to the
individual who purchased the certificate, with interest equal to that
earned by the Pooled Money Investment Fund, and shall not be subject
to a tax penalty pursuant to Section 17131.12 of the Revenue and
Taxation Code.
   (c) The Treasurer, in collaboration with the Trustees of the
California State University and the Regents of the University of
California, may establish administrative guidelines and other
requirements for purposes of implementing this article.
   69996.3.  (a) The California Covenants Program Fund is hereby
established. The moneys received by the Treasurer from the
individuals who purchase tuition certificates under the program, and
from the sale of bonds as authorized under subdivision (b), shall be
deposited in the fund. Upon appropriation by the Legislature in the
annual Budget Act, the moneys in the fund may be allocated by the
Treasurer to the California State University, the University of
California, and participating independent institutions of higher
education, as defined in Section 66010, to pay the tuition and
mandatory systemwide fees of beneficiaries of the program during that
fiscal year.
   (b) The Treasurer is authorized to issue bonds backed by the
tuition certificate revenues. The proceeds of any bonds sold pursuant
to this subdivision shall be deposited in the California Covenants
Program Fund established by subdivision (a).
   (c) The Director of Finance shall determine, at the commencement
of each fiscal year, whether there are sufficient funds to implement
the program in that fiscal year. The Director of Finance shall
communicate this determination to the Treasurer in a timely manner
each fiscal year.
   (d) The California State University shall, and the University of
California and independent institutions of higher education, as
defined in Section 66010, are requested to, comply with the
requirements of this article.
   69996.5.  This article shall become operative on January 1, 2018.

   SEC. 2.    Section 17131.12 is added to the 
 Revenue and Taxation Code   , to read:  
   17131.12.  For taxable years beginning on or after January 1,
2018, gross income does not include:
   (a) Moneys invested by the taxpayer, including interest accrued by
that investment, in the California Covenants Program established
pursuant to Article 20.2 (commencing with Section 69996) of Chapter 2
of Part 42 of Division 5 of Title 3 of the Education Code.
   (b) (1) Disbursements to the taxpayer from the California
Covenants Program for use by a beneficiary at an educational
institution that participates in the program.
   (2) Tax, additions to tax, and penalties shall not apply to an
amount disbursed to a taxpayer where the beneficiary does not attend
an educational institution that participates in the California
Covenants Program if the full amount, including interest, is returned
to the taxpayer.  
  SECTION 1.    Article 8 (commencing with Section
13558) is added to Chapter 7 of Division 7 of the Water Code, to

      Article 8.  Onsite Treated Water

   13558.  For the purposes of this article, "onsite treated water"
means water, including graywater, rainwater, and other water captured
onsite, that has been sourced, used, and treated as needed onsite in
a building.
   13559.  (a) (1) Onsite treated water from a graywater or rainwater
source, as defined in and meeting the requirements of Chapters 16
and 17 of the California Plumbing Code, may be used for nonpotable
uses in residential, commercial, or industrial buildings.
   (2) A local government may prescribe additional monitoring and
reporting requirements for the use of onsite treated water from a
graywater or rainwater source by ordinance.
   (b) The state board, in consultation with the State Department of
Public Health, the Department of Housing and Community Development,
the California Building Standards Commission, and stakeholders, shall
establish monitoring and reporting requirements for the nonpotable
use of onsite treated water sourced from a toilet, sewer, onsite
wastewater treatment system or septic tank, stormwater capture, or
industrial wastewater that otherwise meets the water quality
standards defined in Section 60301.230 of Title 22 of the California
Code of Regulations prior to its use in the internal plumbing of
multifamily residential, commercial, or industrial buildings.
   (c) Water from a toilet, sewer, or onsite wastewater treatment
system or septic tank shall not be treated and used onsite in a
single-family occupied building.