The Legislature finds and declares:(a) The year 2026 marks the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the founding of the United States of America.
(b) The founding of the United States is one of the most significant and providential events in human history and should be celebrated accordingly.
(c) The United States Semiquincentennial Commission was established by Congress to inspire each and every American to participate in our greatest milestone ever, the 250th anniversary of the
founding of the United States.
(d) The United States Semiquincentennial Commission will coordinate the commemoration and observance of the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence and American Revolution, and is charged with orchestrating the largest and most inclusive anniversary observance in our nation’s history.
(e) The United States Semiquincentennial Commission consists of 8 members of Congress, 16 private citizens, and 9 federal officials, including the Secretary of State, Librarian of Congress, and Archivist of the United States.
(f) The United States Semiquincentennial Commission has encouraged states to establish state-level commissions to help plan and coordinate activities within each state
celebrating the 250th anniversary of the nation’s founding.
(g) California has a unique history through its relationship with Spain, an ally of the Americans during the American Revolution.
(h) California is home to hundreds of thousands of descendants of the men and women who actively participated in the American Revolution and the founding of the United States.