INTRODUCED BY   Assembly Member V. Manuel Pérez

                        FEBRUARY 20, 2014

   An act to add Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 1234) to Title 8
of Part 2 of the Penal Code, relating to recidivism.


   AB 2060, as amended, V. Manuel Pérez. Supervised Population
Workforce Training Grant Program.
   Existing law defines probation to mean the suspension of the
imposition or execution of a sentence  of an individual convicted
of a crime  and the order of  his or her  conditional
and revocable release in the community under the supervision of a
probation officer. Existing law authorizes probation for some, but
not all, felony convictions.
   Existing law requires all eligible people released from prison on
and after October 1, 2011, or, whose sentences have been deemed
served, as provided, after serving a prison term for a felony, upon
release from prison, and for a period not exceeding 3 years
immediately following release, to be subject to postrelease community
supervision provided by a county agency designated by each county's
board of supervisors that is consistent with evidence-based
practices, including, but not limited to, supervision policies,
procedures, programs, and practices demonstrated by scientific
research to reduce recidivism among individuals under postrelease
supervision. Existing law authorizes a court, when sentencing a
person to county jail for a felony, to commit the person to county
jail for either the full term in custody, as specified, or to suspend
the execution of a concluding portion of the term selected at the
court's discretion. Under existing law, this period of suspended
execution is supervised by the county probation officer and is known
as mandatory supervision.
   Existing law creates the Recidivism Reduction Fund in the State
Treasury, available upon appropriation by the Legislature, for, among
other things, activities designed to reduce recidivism of the state'
s prison population.
   This bill would establish the Supervised Population Workforce
Training Grant Program to be administered, as provided, by the
California Workforce Investment Board and funded, upon appropriation
by the Legislature, using moneys from the Recidivism Reduction Fund.
The bill, among other things, would provide grant program eligibility
criteria for counties. The bill would also provide that eligible
uses for grant funds include, but are not limited to, vocational
training, stipends for trainees, and apprenticeship opportunities for
the supervised population, which would include individuals on
probation, mandatory supervision, and postrelease community
supervision. By January 1, 2017, the board would be required to
submit a report to the Legislature containing specified information,
including an evaluation of the effectiveness of the grant program.
   Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes.
State-mandated local program: no.


  SECTION 1.  Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 1234) is added to
Title 8 of Part 2 of the Penal Code, to read:

   1234.  For purposes of this chapter, the following terms have the
following meanings:
   (a) "California Workforce Investment Board" or "State WIB" means
the California Workforce Investment Board established pursuant to
Article 1 (commencing with Section 14010) of Chapter 3 of Division 7
of the Unemployment Insurance Code.
   (b) "Grant program" means the Supervised Population Workforce
Training Grant Program.
   (c) "Recidivism Reduction Fund" means the Recidivism Reduction
Fund created pursuant to Section 1233.9.
   (d) "Supervised population" means those persons who are on
probation, mandatory supervision, or postrelease community
supervision and are supervised by, or are under the jurisdiction of,
the county.
   1234.1.  (a) This chapter establishes the Supervised Population
Workforce Training Grant Program to be administered by the California
Workforce Investment Board.
   (b) The grant program shall be competitive and open to all
counties in accordance with the criteria set forth in Section 1234.3.

   (c) The grant program shall be funded, upon appropriation of the
Legislature, using moneys from the Recidivism Reduction Fund.
   1234.2.  The State WIB shall administer the grant program as
   (a) Develop criteria for the selection of grant recipients through
a public process.
   (b) Design the grant program application to ensure all of the
following occurs:
   (1) There is fairness and competitiveness for smaller counties.
   (2) There is fair and equitable geographic distribution of grant
   (3) There is greater consideration given to counties that have
demonstrated a collaborative working relationship with local
workforce investment boards  or   and  that
currently have in place a workforce training program for the
supervised population.
   1234.3.  (a) Each county is eligible to apply for the grant
program funds.
   (b) (1) Preference shall be given to counties with demonstrated
matching funding.
   (2) Matching funds may come from governmental or nongovernmental
sources, including, but not limited to, local workforce investment
boards, local governments, or private foundation funds.
   (c) Eligible uses of grant funds include, but are not limited to,
vocational training, stipends for trainees, and apprenticeship
opportunities for the supervised population.
   1234.4.  (a) Upon completion of the grant period, grant recipients
shall report to the State WIB regarding their use of the funds and
workforce training program outcomes.
   (b) By January 1, 2017, the State WIB shall submit a report to the
Legislature using the reports from the grant recipients. The report
shall contain all the following information:
   (1) The overall success of the grant program.
   (2) An evaluation of the effectiveness of the grant program.
   (3) A recommendation on the long-term viability of local workforce
investment board and county collaborations on workforce training
programs for the supervised population.
   (4) A recommendation on the long-term viability of county
workforce training programs for the supervised population. 
   (5) In considering the overall success and effectiveness of the
grant program, the report shall include a discussion of all of the
   (A) Whether the programs aligned with the workforce needs of
high-demand sectors of the state and regional economies.  
   (B) Whether there was an active job market for the skills being
developed where the member of the supervised population was likely to
be released.  
   (C) Whether the program increased the number of members of the
supervised population that obtained a marketable and industry or
apprenticeship board-recognized certification, credential, or degree.
   (D) Whether there were formal or informal networks in the field
that support finding employment upon release from custody.  

   (E) Whether the program led to employment in occupations with a
livable wage. 
   (c) (1) The requirement for submitting a report imposed under
subdivision (b) is inoperative on January 1, 2021, pursuant to
Section 12031.5 of the Government Code.
   (2) A report to be submitted pursuant to subdivision (b) shall be
submitted in compliance with Section 9795 of the Government Code.