INTRODUCED BY   Assembly Member Galgiani

                        FEBRUARY 18, 2010

    An act to amend Section 290.022 of the Penal Code,
relating to violent crime.   An act to add Section
5023.1 to the Penal Code, relating to prisons. 


   AB 2062, as amended, Galgiani.  Violent Crime Information
Network.   Prisons: healthcare: telemedicine.  

   Existing law, the Telemedicine Development Act of 1996, regulates
the practice of telemedicine, defined as the practice of health care
delivery, diagnosis, consultation, treatment, transfer of medical
data, and education using interactive audio, video, or data
communications, by a health care practitioner, as defined. Existing
law establishes that it is the intent of the Legislature that the
Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation operate in the most
cost-effective and efficient manner possible when purchasing health
care services for inmates.  
   This bill would authorize the department to use "store and forward"
telemedicine technology in state prisons, which would involve the
transmission of a prisoner's medical information to be reviewed at a
later time by a physician at a distant site. The bill would require
that a patient receiving telemedicine by "store and forward" be
notified of the right to interactive communication with the distant
   This bill would authorize the department, where feasible, to
utilize "store and forward" telemedicine for teleradiology,
teleophthalmology, teledermatology, and telepathology, as defined.
The bill would authorize the department to expand the use of "store
and forward" telemedicine.  
   Existing law requires the Attorney General to establish and
maintain the Violent Crime Information Network (VCIN) to enable crime
analysts with expertise in child abuse, missing persons, child
abductions, and sexual assaults to electronically share their data,
analysis, and findings with each other, and to assist law enforcement
in apprehending violent offenders. Existing law further requires the
Department of Justice to renovate the VCIN, on or before July 1,
2010, to correct specified deficiencies, improve system performance,
and meet other goals.  
   This bill would make nonsubstantive changes to those provisions.

   Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee:  no
  yes  . State-mandated local program: no.


   SECTION 1.    Section 5023.1 is added to the 
 Penal Code   , to read:  
   5023.1.  (a) The Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation may
use "store and forward" telemedicine technology in state prisons.
   (b) For purposes of this section, "store and forward" telemedicine
means an asynchronous transmission of medical information to be
reviewed at a later time by a physician at a distant site, where the
physician or specialist at the distant site reviews the medical
information without the patient being present in real time.
   (c) A patient receiving telemedicine by "store and forward"
telemedicine technology shall be notified of the right to receive
interactive communication with the distant physician or specialist,
and shall receive interactive communication with the distant
physician or specialist, upon request.
   (d) If the reviewing physician or specialist identifies a disease
or condition requiring consultation or referral, that consultation or
referral shall be with an appropriate physician or specialist, as
   (e) In order to maximize the benefits that come with the use of
telemedicine in the state's prisons, the department, where feasible,
may utilize "store and forward" telemedicine for all of the
   (1) Teleradiology of radiological patient images, such as X-rays,
CTs, and MRIs, from one location to another for the purposes of
interpretation or consultation, or both.
   (2) Teleophthalmology for the examination, monitoring, and
treatment of eye-related problems.
   (3) Teledermatology, whereby digital images are taken of skin
conditions, and sent to a dermatologist for diagnosis and to prevent
the spread of skin cancer.
   (4) Telepathology, whereby images of pathology slides may be sent
from one location to another for diagnostic consultation.
   (f) In order to maximize the benefits that come with the use of
"store and forward" telemedicine, the department may continue to
expand the use of "store and forward" telemedicine in the state's
  SECTION 1.    Section 290.022 of the Penal Code is
amended to read:
   290.022.  On or before July 1, 2010, the Department of Justice
shall renovate the Violent Crime Information Network to do all of the
   (a) Correct all software deficiencies affecting data integrity and
include designated data fields for all mandated sex offender data.
   (b) Consolidate and simplify program logic, thereby increasing
system performance and reducing system maintenance costs.
   (c) Provide all necessary data storage, processing, and search
   (d) Provide law enforcement agencies with full Internet access to
all sex offender data and photos.
   (e) Incorporate a flexible design structure to readily meet future
demands for enhanced system functionality, including public Internet
access to sex offender information pursuant to Section 290.46.