INTRODUCED BY   Assembly Member Ting

                        FEBRUARY 20, 2014

   An act to amend Section 2717 of, and to add Sections 2852.5,
3518.1, 3770.1, and 4506 to, the Business and Professional Code,
relating to healing arts.


   AB 2102, as amended, Ting. Licensees: data collection.
   Existing law requires the Board of Registered Nursing, the
Physician Assistant Board, the Respiratory Care Board of California,
and Board of Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians of the
State of California to regulate and oversee the practice the healing
arts within their respective jurisdictions.
   This bill would require these boards to annually collect and
report specific demographic data relating to its licensees to Office
of Statewide Health Planning and Development.
   This bill would also  make technical, nonsubstantive
changes   delete obsolete provisions  .
   Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes.
State-mandated local program: no.


  SECTION 1.  The Legislature finds and declares the following:
   (a) The Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development
prepares an annual report to the Legislature on the gaps in the
health care workforce in California.
   (b) The Employment Development Department's Labor Market
Information Division and state licensing boards share data with the
Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development.
   (c) All regulatory boards collect information about their
licensees through the licensing process.
   (d) California's regulated health professions collect information
that is often limited and not always regularly updated.
   (e) The information collected is inconsistent among the various
regulatory agencies using different definitions and categories.
   (f) The collection of demographic data on certain allied health
professions will allow for the consistent determination of geographic
areas in the state where there are shortages of health care workers
with cultural and linguistic competency.
  SEC. 2.  Section 2717 of the Business and Professions Code is
amended to read:
   2717.  (a) The board shall collect and analyze workforce data from
its licensees for future workforce planning. The board may collect
the data at the time of license renewal or from a scientifically
selected random sample of its licensees. The board shall produce
reports on the workforce data it collects, at a minimum, on a
biennial basis. The board shall maintain the confidentiality of the
information it receives from licensees under this section and shall
only release information in an aggregate form that cannot be used to
identify an individual. The workforce data collected by the board
shall include, at a minimum, employment information such as hours of
work, number of positions held, time spent in direct patient care,
clinical practice area, type of employer, and work location. The data
shall also include future work intentions, reasons for leaving or
reentering nursing, job satisfaction ratings, and demographic data.
   (b) Aggregate information collected pursuant to this section shall
be placed on the board's Internet Web site.
   (c) (1) Notwithstanding subdivision (a), the board shall annually
collect all of the following data on nurses licensed under this
   (A) Location of practice.
   (B) Race  or ethnicity  .
   (C)  Ethnicity   Gender  .
   (D) Languages spoken.
   (E) Educational background.
   (2) The board shall annually provide the data collected pursuant
to paragraph (1) to the Office of Statewide Health Planning and
Development in a manner directed by the office that allows for
inclusion of the data into the annual report required by Section
128052 of the Health and Safety Code.
  SEC. 3.  Section 2852.5 is added to the Business and Professions
Code, to read:
   2852.5.  (a) The board shall annually collect all of the following
data on vocational nurses licensed under this chapter:
   (1) Location of practice.
   (2) Race  or ethnicity  .
   (3)  Ethnicity  Gender  .
   (4) Languages spoken.
   (5) Educational background.
   (b) The board shall annually provide the data collected pursuant
to subdivision (a) to the Office of Statewide Health Planning and
Development in a manner directed by the office that allows for
inclusion of the data into the annual report required by Section
128052 of the Health and Safety Code.
  SEC. 4.  Section 3518.1 is added to the Business and Professions
Code, to read:
   3518.1.  (a) The board shall annually collect all of the following
data on physician assistants licensed under this chapter:
   (1) Location of practice.
   (2) Race  or ethnicity .
   (3)  Ethnicity   Gender  .
   (4) Languages spoken.
   (5) Educational background.
   (b) The board shall annually provide the data collected pursuant
to subdivision (a) to the Office of Statewide Health Planning and
Development in a manner directed by the office that allows for
inclusion of the data into the annual report required by Section
128052 of the Health and Safety Code.
  SEC. 5.  Section 3770.1 is added to the Business and Professions
Code, to read:
   3770.1.  (a) The board shall annually collect all of the following
data on respiratory therapists licensed under this chapter:
   (1) Location of practice.
   (2) Race  or ethnicity  .
   (3)  Ethnicity   Gender  .
   (4) Languages spoken.
   (5) Educational background.
   (b) The board shall annually provide the data collected pursuant
to subdivision (a) to the Office of Statewide Health Planning and
Development in a manner directed by the office that allows for
inclusion of the data into the annual report required by Section
128052 of the Health and Safety Code.
  SEC. 6.  Section 4506 is added to the Business and Professions
Code, to read:
   4506.  (a) The board shall annually collect all of the following
data on psychiatric technicians licensed under this chapter:
   (1) Location of practice.
   (2) Race  or ethnicity  .
   (3)  Ethnicity   Gender  .
   (4) Languages spoken.
   (5) Educational background.
   (b) The board shall annually provide the data collected pursuant
to subdivision (a) to the Office of Statewide Health Planning and
Development in a manner directed by the office that allows for
inclusion of the data into the annual report required by Section
128052 of the Health and Safety Code.