INTRODUCED BY   Assembly Member Bass

                        FEBRUARY 18, 2010

    An act to amend Section 15570 of the Government Code,
relating to economic development.   An act to add
Chapter 1.6 (commencing with Section 12096) to Part 2 of Division 3
of Title 2 of the Government Code, relating to econ   omic


   AB 2287, as amended, Bass.  California Economic
Development Strategic Plan: economic strategy panel.  
Office of Economic Development: California Business Investment
Services Program   .  
   Existing law provides for various state programs and services for
the purpose of attracting and retaining businesses in this state.
Existing law creates the Office of Small Business Advocate in the
Office of Planning and Research in the Governor's office.  
   This bill would create the Office of Economic Development in the
Governor's office, to be directed by a secretary appointed by the
Governor. The bill would create the California Business Investment
Services Program, as specified, within the Office of Economic
Development, under the authority of the secretary, for the purpose of
serving employers, corporate executives, business owners, and site
location consultants who are considering California for business
investment and expansion.  
   Existing law requires the Secretary of Labor and Workforce
Development to convene an economic strategy panel, with a prescribed
membership, to develop a California Economic Development Strategic
Plan that addresses prescribed issues relating to economic
   This bill would make a technical, nonsubstantive change to these
   Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee:  no
  yes  . State-mandated local program: no.



      Article 1.  General

   12096.  (a) The Office of Economic Development is hereby
established in state government within the Governor's office. The
office shall be under the direct control of a secretary, who shall be
responsible to the Governor.
   (b) The Governor shall appoint the Secretary of the Office of
Economic Development, subject to confirmation by the Senate, who
shall perform all duties, exercise all powers, assume and discharge
all responsibilities, and carry out and effect all purposes vested by
law in the office, including contracting for professional or
consultant services in connection with the work of the office.
   (c) The salary of the Secretary of the Office of Economic
Development shall be fixed pursuant to Section 12001.

      Article 2.  California Business Investment Services Program

   12096.5.  (a) The California Business Investment Services Program
is hereby created within the Office of Economic Development.
   (b) The program shall be under the direct authority of the
   (c) The purpose of the program is to serve employers, corporate
executives, business owners, and site location consultants who are
considering California for business investment and expansion. Among
other things, the program shall provide:
   (1) Economic and demographic data.
   (2) Financial information to help link businesses with state and
local public and private programs.
   (3) Workforce information including labor availability, training,
and education programs.
   (4) Transportation and infrastructure information.
   (5) Assistance in obtaining state and local permits.
   (6) Information on tax credits and other incentives.
   (7) Permitting, siting, and other regulatory information pertinent
to business operations in California.
   (d) The program shall have a well-advertised telephone number, an
interactive Internet Web site, and an administrative structure that
effectively supports the facilitation of business development and
investment in the state.
   (e) In implementing the program, the secretary shall establish and
implement a process for convening strike teams on key business
development situations, including, but not limited to, attracting new
businesses, relocation of large manufacturers, or the closure of a
large business employer.
   (f) In implementing the program, the secretary shall work
cooperatively with local, regional, federal, and other state public
and private marketing institutions and trade organizations in
attracting, retaining, and helping businesses to grow and be
successful in California.  
  SECTION 1.    Section 15570 of the Government Code
is amended to read:
   15570.  (a) The secretary shall lead the preparation of a biennial
California Economic Development Strategic Plan. In fulfilling this
duty, the secretary shall do the following:
   (1) Review the recommendations made by the California Economic
Strategy Panel in their biennial economic development strategic plan
document. This document shall make recommendations regarding an
economic development strategic plan for the state, covering a
two-year time period and containing a statement of economic goals for
the state, a prioritized list identifying significant issues learned
from economic development strategic plan panel meetings, proposals
for legislation, regulations, and administrative reforms necessary to
improve the business climate and economy of the state, evaluation of
the effectiveness of the state's economic development programs, a
list of key industries in which the state shall focus its economic
development efforts, and strategies to foster job growth and economic
development covering all state agencies, offices, boards, and
commissions that have economic development responsibilities.
   (2) Convene a biennial economic strategy panel to provide
recommendations regarding a California economic development strategic
plan. The panel shall conduct meetings in Sacramento, all cities of
the state with populations over 500,000, and in major cities of other
regions of California as designated by the secretary. The secretary
shall invite businesses, labor unions, organizations representing the
interests of diverse ethnic and gender groups, local government
leaders, academic economists and business professors, chambers of
commerce and other business organizations, government agencies, and
key industries to contribute to the preparation of the recommended
economic strategy. These meetings shall address at least the
following matters of concern:
   (A) Strengths and weaknesses of the California economy and the
state's prospects for future economic prosperity.
   (B) Emerging and declining industries in California and elsewhere.

   (C) Effectiveness of California's economic development programs in
creating and retaining jobs and attracting industries.
   (D) Adequacy of state and local physical and economic
   (E) Government impediments to economic development.
   (F) The development of a system of accountability for use in the
annual state budget process and in the legislative process to measure
the performance of all state policies, programs, and tax
expenditures intended to stimulate the economy. In developing a
system of accountability, the panel shall, by using only existing
resources and without future budget augmentation made for this
purpose, do all of the following:
   (i) Develop a standard definition of economic development.
   (ii) Develop, for use in state law, standard measurements of real
per capita income, job growth, new business creation, private sector
investment, minority entrepreneurship, and income inequality.
   (iii) Survey and evaluate efforts in other states to develop
accountability measures for public investments in economic
   (iv) Determine whether a return on investment calculation is
feasible for public investments in economic development.
   (v) Conduct a comparative study of various methodologies for
preparing the economic development sections of a state budget,
including unified functional budget, zero-based budget, and
performance-based budget methodologies.
   (vi) Study the feasibility of statutory disclosure requirements on
specified publicly funded subsidies to private sector businesses.
   (vii) Submit a report of its findings and recommendations
regarding this subparagraph to the Legislature no later than one year
after its first meeting after January 1, 2005.
   (b) The panel shall be composed of the following 15 members:
   (1) The Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development, who shall
serve as chair of the panel.
   (2) Eight persons appointed by the Governor.
   (3) The Speaker of the Assembly or his or her designee.
   (4) The President pro Tempore of the Senate or his or her
   (5) The Minority Leader of the Assembly or his or her designee.
   (6) The Minority Leader of the Senate or his or her designee.
   (7) One person appointed by the Speaker of the Assembly.
   (8) One person appointed by the Senate Committee on Rules.
   (c) The panel shall be representative of state government,
business, labor, finance, and academic institutions, and shall be
broadly reflective of the state's population as to gender, ethnicity,
and geographic residence within California.
   At least one-half of all the persons on the panel shall be from
the private sector and at least two appointments shall be from
private businesses with less than 50 employees. At least two
appointments shall be from rural areas of the state. Beginning
January 1, 2004, appointments to the panel shall be for four-year
terms, except that the Governor's appointments made pursuant to
paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) shall be made as follows:
   (1) Four members shall be appointed on January 1, 2004, and every
four years thereafter.
   (2) Four members shall be appointed on January 1, 2004, for a
two-year term.
   (3) Upon the expiration of the initial appointments made pursuant
to paragraph (2), four members shall be appointed on January 1, 2006,
and every four years thereafter.
   (d) The secretary shall deliver copies of the economic strategy
panel's recommended California economic development strategic plan to
every constitutional officer, legislator, member of the Governor's
cabinet, members of the economic development strategic plan panel,
and every state agency, office, board, and commission having economic
development responsibilities.
   (e) In each succeeding two-year cycle, the secretary shall
undertake this process anew, so as to update the economic strategy on
or before October 31 of each succeeding second year.