INTRODUCED BY   Assembly Member Weber

                        FEBRUARY 18, 2016

   An act to amend Section 186.34 of, and to add Section 186.35 to,
the Penal Code, relating to criminal gangs.


   AB 2298, as amended, Weber. Criminal gangs.
   Existing law, the California Street Terrorism Enforcement and
Prevention Act  (act) and   (act), 
provides specified punishments for certain crimes committed for the
benefit of, at the direction of, or in association with, a criminal
street gang, as specified. The act defines a "shared gang database"
as having various attributes, including, among others, that the
database contains personal, identifying information in which a person
may be designated as a suspected gang member, associate, or
affiliate, or for which entry of a person in the database reflects a
designation of that person as a suspected gang member, associate, or
affiliate. Existing law requires a law enforcement agency, before
designating a person as a suspected gang member, associate, or
affiliate in the database, to provide a written notice to the person'
s parent or guardian, if the person is a minor.
   This bill would require the notice described above to be provided
to an adult before designating a person as a suspected gang member,
associate, or affiliate in the database. The bill would require these
databases to comply with federal requirements regarding the privacy
and accuracy of information in the database, and other operating
principles for maintaining these databases. The bill would require
local law enforcement, commencing  December 1, 2017,
  January 15, 2018,  and every  December
1st   January 15  thereafter to submit specified
data pertaining to the database to the Department of Justice, and
would require the Department of Justice, commencing  January
1,   February 15,  2018, and every  January
1   February 15  thereafter, to  submit a
report containing that information to the CalGang Executive Board and
to the Legislature.   post that information on the
department's Internet Web site.  The bill would require that a
person designated as a suspected gang member, associate, or affiliate
in a shared gang database who has not been convicted of a violation
of gang-related crimes, as specified, within 3 years of the initial
designation be removed from the database.
   By imposing additional duties on local law enforcement entities,
this bill would impose a state-mandated local program.
   The bill would establish a procedure for a person designated in a
shared gang database to challenge that designation through an
administrative hearing and appeal to the superior court.
   By requiring local law enforcement to implement an appeal process
for persons designated in a shared gang database, this bill would
impose a state-mandated local program.
   The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse local
agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the
state. Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that
   This bill would provide that, if the Commission on State Mandates
determines that the bill contains costs mandated by the state,
reimbursement for those costs shall be made pursuant to these
statutory provisions.
   Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes.
State-mandated local program: yes.


  SECTION 1.  Section 186.34 of the Penal Code is amended to read:
   186.34.  (a) (1) For purposes of this section, "shared gang
database" shall mean any database that satisfies all of the
   (A) Allows access for any local law enforcement agency.
   (B) Contains personal, identifying information in which a person
may be designated as a suspected gang member, associate, or
affiliate, or for which entry of a person in the database reflects a
designation of that person as a suspected gang member, associate, or
   (C) Is subject to Part 23 of Title 28 of the Code of Federal
Regulations. If federal funding is no longer available to a database
through the federal Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of
1968 (42 U.S.C. Sec. 3711 et seq.), a database shall not have to
satisfy this subparagraph to meet the definition of a "shared gang
   (2) A "shared gang database" does not include dispatch operator
reports, information used for the administration of jail or custodial
facilities, criminal investigative reports, probation reports, or
information required to be collected pursuant to Section 186.30.
   (3) Notwithstanding subparagraph (C) of paragraph (1), a "shared
gang database" includes the CalGang system, operated pursuant to Part
23 of Title 28 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
   (b) Notwithstanding subparagraph (C) of paragraph (1) of
subdivision (a), a shared gang database, as defined in this section,
shall retain records related to the gang activity of the individuals
in the database consistent with the provisions contained in Section
23.20(h) of Title 28 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
   (c) (1) Commencing  December 1, 2017,  
January 15, 2018,  and annually on  December 1 
 January 15  thereafter, any law enforcement agency that
elects to utilize a shared gang database, as defined in subdivision
(a), shall submit a report to the Department of  Justice
  Justice, in a format developed by the department,
 that contains, by ZIP Code, referring agency, race, gender, and
age, the following information:
   (A) The number of persons included in the database on the day of
   (B) The number of persons added to the database during the
immediately preceding 12 months.
   (C) The number of requests for removal of a person from the
database received during the immediately preceding 12 months.
   (D) The number of requests for removal of a person from the
database that were granted during the immediately preceding 12
   (E) The number of persons automatically removed from the database
during the immediately preceding 12 months.
   (2) Commencing  January 1,   February 15,
 2018, and annually on  December 1  
February 15  thereafter, the Department of Justice shall
 submit a report to the CalGang Executive Board and to the
Legislature that contains the information collected pursuant to
paragraph (1).   post each law enforcement agency's
report that contains the information collected pursuant to paragraph
(1) on the department's Internet Web site.  
   (3) A report submitted to the Legislature pursuant to subdivision
(a) shall comply with Section 9795 of the Government Code. 
   (d) (1) To the extent a local law enforcement agency elects to
utilize a shared gang database, as defined in subdivision (a), prior
to a local law enforcement agency designating a person as a suspected
gang member, associate, or affiliate in a shared gang database, or
submitting a document to the Attorney General's office for the
purpose of designating a person in a shared gang database, or
otherwise identifying the person in a shared gang database, the local
law enforcement agency shall provide written notice to the person,
and shall, if the person is under 18 years of age, provide written
notice to the person and his or her parent or guardian, of the
designation and the basis for the designation, unless providing that
notification would compromise an active criminal investigation or
compromise the health or safety of the minor.
   (2) The notice described in paragraph (1) shall describe the
process for the person, or, if the person is under 18 years of age,
for his or her parent or guardian, or an attorney working on behalf
of the person, to contest the designation of the person in the
database. The notice shall also inform the person of the reason for
his or her designation in the database.
   (e) (1) (A) A person, or, if the person is under 18 years of age,
his or her parent or guardian, or an attorney working on behalf of
the person may request information of any law enforcement agency as
to whether the person is designated as a suspected gang member,
associate, or affiliate in a shared gang database accessible by that
law enforcement agency and what law enforcement agency made the
designation. A request pursuant to this paragraph shall be in
   (B) If a person about whom information is requested pursuant to
subparagraph (A) is designated as a suspected gang member, associate,
or affiliate in a shared gang database by that law enforcement
agency, the person making the request may also request information as
to the reason for the designation for the purpose of contesting the
designation as described in subdivision (f).
   (2) The law enforcement agency shall provide information requested
under paragraph (1), unless doing so would compromise an active
criminal investigation or compromise the health or safety of the
person if the person is under 18 years of age.
   (3) The law enforcement agency shall respond to a valid request
pursuant to paragraph (1) in writing to the person making the request
within 30 calendar days of receipt of the request.
   (f) Subsequent to the notice described in subdivision (d), the
person to be designated as a suspected gang member, associate, or
affiliate, or his or her parent or guardian, may submit written
documentation to the local law enforcement agency contesting the
designation. The local law enforcement agency shall review the
documentation, and if the agency determines that the person is not a
suspected gang member, associate, or affiliate, the agency shall
remove the person from the shared gang database. The local law
enforcement agency shall provide the person and his or her parent or
guardian with written verification of the agency's decision within 30
days of submission of the written documentation contesting the
designation. If the law enforcement agency denies the request for
removal, the notice of its determination shall state the reason for
the denial. The person may appeal the denial pursuant to Section
   (g) A person designated as a suspected gang member, associate, or
affiliate in a shared gang database who has not been convicted of a
violation of Section 186.22 within three years of the initial
designation shall be removed from the database.
   (h) Nothing in this section shall require a local law enforcement
agency to disclose any information protected under Section 1040 or
1041 of the Evidence Code or Section 6254 of the Government Code.
  SEC. 2.  Section 186.35 is added to the Penal Code, to read:
   186.35.  (a) A person who is listed by a law enforcement agency in
a shared gang database as a gang member, suspected gang member,
associate, or affiliate may contest that designation pursuant to this
section. The person may contest the designation initially pursuant
to this section or a denial as specified in subdivision (f) of
Section 186.34.
   (b) The person may request an administrative hearing to review the
designation decision.
   (c) An administrative hearing shall be held within 90 calendar
days following the receipt of a request for an administrative
hearing. The person requesting the hearing may request one
continuance, not to exceed 21 calendar days.
   (d) The administrative hearing shall be conducted in accordance
with written procedures established by the agency. The hearing shall
provide an independent, objective, fair, and impartial review of a
contested designation.
   (e) The agency shall appoint or contract with qualified examiners
or administrative hearing providers that employ qualified examiners
to conduct the administrative hearings. Examiners shall demonstrate
those qualifications, training, and objectivity necessary to conduct
a fair and impartial review.
   (f) The examiner's decision following the administrative hearing
may be personally delivered to the person by the examiner or sent by
first-class mail, and, if the designation is not canceled, shall
include a written reason for that denial.
   (g) Within 30 calendar days after the mailing or personal delivery
of the examiner's decision, the person may seek review by filing an
appeal to be heard by the superior court where the appeal shall be
heard de novo. A copy of the notice of appeal shall be served in
person or by first-class mail upon the agency by the person. For
purposes of computing the 30-calendar-day period, Section 1013 of the
Code of Civil Procedure shall be applicable.
   (h) The fee for filing the notice of appeal is as provided in
Section 70615 of the Government Code. The court shall notify the
person of the appearance date by mail or personal delivery. The court
shall retain the fee under Section 70615 of the Government Code
regardless of the outcome of the appeal. If the court finds in favor
of the person, the amount of the fee shall be reimbursed to the
person by the agency.
   (i) The law enforcement agency has the burden of demonstrating
active gang membership, associate status, or affiliate status to the
court by clear and convincing evidence.
   (j) A successful challenge to the designation shall result in the
removal of the person from the shared gang database.
  SEC. 3.   If the Commission on State Mandates determines that this
act contains costs mandated by the state, reimbursement to local
agencies and school districts for those costs shall be made pursuant
to Part 7 (commencing with Section 17500) of Division 4 of Title 2 of
the Government Code.