(a) The Hire UP: From Corrections to Career Pilot Program is hereby established, to be administered by the Student Aid Commission and the Office of the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges, for purposes of providing justice-involved individuals access to the credential programs and workforce support needed to enter, participate, and compete in California’s economy.(b) (1) The Office of the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges may enter into agreements with up to 10 community college districts for a five-year pilot program to provide funding for stipends to formerly incarcerated individuals.
individuals, CalWORKs recipients, and former foster youth.
(2) Stipends provided under this article shall be equal to the state minimum wage for the duration of the academic program in which the student is enrolled.
(3) The stipend amount shall be determined based on the number of hours in the academic program, up to 40 hours per week for a full-time program.
(4) Students receiving stipends pursuant to this article shall have access to all supportive, academic, and professional services available through the Rising Scholars Network and their
partners, or any services and programs offered by the participating community college district that are designed to benefit justice-involved students.
(c) (1) The chancellor’s office shall develop an application for community college districts wishing to participate to apply for funding pursuant to this article. The application shall include, but not be limited to, all of the following information:
(A) Current participation in the Rising Scholars Network or in another dedicated reentry program.
(B) A description of the mechanism the community college district will use to measure program and student success.
(C) A
demonstration that the community college district has sufficient staff and resources to serve students in the program, including one dedicated student outreach and recruitment staff position and one dedicated workforce and industry development staff position.
(D) A commitment to serve a specified number of students, as established by the chancellor’s office.
(E) A description of the partners and services available to students participating in the program.
(F) A description of the local employers, industry recruiters, trade groups, career centers, and other workforce placement entities that the community college district will engage for the purpose of establishing a career pathway for students receiving a stipend
pursuant to this article.
(2) The chancellor’s office shall establish requirements for community college districts related to program data collection and the number of stipend recipients per district.
(d)The chancellor’s office shall develop criteria for the selection of individual stipend recipients, including, but not limited to, all of the following criteria:
(1)The student has been released from incarceration within the last three years.
(2)The student is a current participant in the Rising Scholars Network or in another dedicated reentry program.
(3)The student is enrolled in a career education or degree
program at a California community college.
(d) A community college student enrolled in a certificate or degree program at a California community college is eligible for a stipend if either of the following apply:
(1) The student has been released from incarceration within the last three years and is a current participant in the Rising Scholars Network or in another dedicated reentry program.
(2) The student is a CalWORKs recipient or former foster youth.
(a) (1) The Chancellor of the California Community Colleges shall submit an annual report to the Legislature on the implementation of the pilot program, including, but not limited to, all of the following information:(A) The number of students receiving a stipend pursuant to this article.
(B) The degree or training program the student has completed or is participating in.
(C) The name of each community college district participating pursuant to this article.
(D) The outcomes for all participants, including employment, additional education, or business startups.
(E) The percentage of students employed in the field in which they received a degree or completed training.
(F) The degree to which Hire UP supportive services acknowledge and address historic racial inequity and socioeconomic barriers to workforce participation for the target population groups.
(G) The impact of the pilot program on the target population groups, including key conclusions and policy recommendations to provide guidance to the Legislature and the Governor.
(2) The report submitted pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be submitted in
compliance with Section 9795 of the Government Code.
(b) Participating community college districts shall provide all of the information in subdivision (a) to the chancellor’s office to facilitate pilot program evaluation.
(c) Participating community college districts and community partners may be required to participate in technical assistance activities, including, but not limited to, convening practice communities to identify and help replicate evidence-based practices and facilitate an assessment and evaluation of the performance and success of the pilot program.
Funding for the Hire UP pilot program shall be subject to appropriation by the Legislature for purposes of this article, up to sixty million dollars ($60,000,000) annually. Funding for the Hire UP pilot program shall not draw from, supplant, or redirect existing state or federally funded education, workforce development, or employment services programs, except that those funds may, but shall not be required to, be used as leverage with Hire UP funding.