Assembly Bill
No. 2429

Introduced by Assembly Member Alvarez

February 13, 2024

An act to add Section 51225.38 to the Education Code, relating to pupil instruction.


AB 2429, as introduced, Alvarez. Pupil instruction: health education courses: fentanyl.
Existing law requires a pupil to complete designated coursework and other course requirements adopted by a governing board of a school district while in grades 9 to 12, inclusive, in order to receive a diploma of graduation from high school. Existing law requires the governing board of a school district or the governing body of a charter school that requires a course in health education for graduation from high school to include instruction in sexual harassment and violence, as provided.
This bill would, commencing with the 2026–27 school year, require the governing board of a school district or the governing body of a charter school that has elected to require its pupils to complete a course in health education for graduation from high school to include instruction in the dangers associated with fentanyl use, as provided.
Vote: MAJORITY   Appropriation: NO   Fiscal Committee: NO   Local Program: NO  

The people of the State of California do enact as follows:


 Section 51225.38 is added to the Education Code, immediately following Section 51225.37, to read:

 (a) If the governing board of a school district or the governing body of a charter school requires a course in health education for graduation from high school, the governing board of a school district or the governing body of a charter school shall include, commencing with the 2026–27 school year, instruction in the dangers associated with fentanyl use.
(b) Instruction provided pursuant to subdivision (a) shall be provided by a teacher, school nurse, or school counselor based on information from the National Institutes of Health and the United States Department of Health and Human Services. Instruction shall include, but not be limited to, all of the following:
(1) Information on what fentanyl is, including, but not limited to, all of the following:
(A) An explanation of the differences between synthetic opioids, nonsynthetic opioids, and illicit drugs.
(B) Variations of fentanyl.
(C) The differences between the legal and illegal uses of fentanyl.
(2) The side effects and risk factors of using fentanyl, including, but not limited to, all of the following:
(A) The lethal dose of fentanyl, including comparing that lethal dose of fentanyl to the lethal dose of other drugs.
(B) How often fentanyl is put into illegal drugs without a user’s knowledge.
(C) An explanation of what fentanyl does to a human body and the severity of fentanyl’s addictive properties.
(D) How the consumption of fentanyl can lead to hypoxia and an explanation of what hypoxia is and how it can affect the human body.
(3) An explanation of the process of adding or mixing fentanyl with other drugs, a process more commonly known as “lacing,” and why lacing with fentanyl is common.
(4) How to detect fentanyl in drugs and how to potentially save a person from a fentanyl overdose, including, but not limited to, all of the following:
(A) How to buy and use fentanyl test strips.
(B) How to buy and use naloxone in the form of a prefilled nasal spray and an injection.
(C) How to detect if someone is overdosing on fentanyl.
(c) Pupils shall be assessed on the instruction provided pursuant to subdivision (b) and may include assessing if a pupil understands all of the following:
(1) The differences between synthetic and nonsynthetic drugs.
(2) Hypoxia and how it is related to fentanyl use.
(3) The effects of fentanyl on a human body.
(4) The lethal dose of fentanyl.
(5) How to detect and prevent fentanyl overdoses.