INTRODUCED BY   Assembly Member Perea

                        FEBRUARY 3, 2011

   An act to add and repeal Section 17053.90 of  , and to 
 repeal and amend Sections 17053.80 and 23623 of,  the
Revenue and Taxation Code, relating to taxation, to take effect
immediately, tax levy.


   AB 248, as amended, Perea.  Personal income tax:
physicians:   Income taxes: credit:  qualified
medical services  exclusion: hiring credit  .
   The Personal Income Tax Law authorizes various credits against the
taxes imposed by that law  , including a credit in an amount
equal to $3,000 for each net increase of full-time employee hired
during the taxable year by a qualified employer, as defined. Existing
law caps the total amount of that credit that may be allocated under
those provisions to $400,000,000  . 
   This bill would reduce the total amount of credit that may be
allocated under those laws to $250,000,000. 
   This bill would authorize a credit against those taxes for each
taxable year beginning on or after January 1,  2012 
 2013  , and before January 1,  2017  
2016  , in an amount equal to 25% of the value of qualified
medical services, as defined, personally provided by a qualified
taxpayer during the taxable year.  This bill would cap the total
amount of credit that may be allocated to $150,000,000.  
   This bill would include a change in state statute that would
result in a taxpayer paying a higher tax within the meaning of
Section 3 of Article XIII A of the California Constitution, and thus
would require for passage the approval of 2/3 of the membership of
each house of the Legislature. 
   This bill would take effect immediately as a tax levy.
   Vote:  majority   2/3  . Appropriation:
no. Fiscal committee: yes. State-mandated local program: no.


   SECTION 1.    Section 17053.80 of the  
Revenue and Taxation Code  , as added by Section 3 of
Chapter 10   of the Third Extraordinary Session of the
Statutes of 2009, is repealed.  
   17053.80.  (a) For each taxable year beginning on or after January
1, 2009, there shall be allowed as a credit against the "net tax,"
as defined in Section 17039, three thousand dollars ($3,000) for each
net increase in qualified full-time employees, as specified in
subdivision (c), hired during the taxable year by a qualified
   (b) For purposes of this section:
   (1) "Acquired" includes any gift, inheritance, transfer incident
to divorce, or any other transfer, whether or not for consideration.
   (2) "Qualified full-time employee" means:
   (A) A qualified employee who was paid qualified wages by the
qualified employer for services of not less than an average of 35
hours per week.
   (B) A qualified employee who was a salaried employee and was paid
compensation during the taxable year for full-time employment, within
the meaning of Section 515 of the Labor Code, by the qualified
   (3) A "qualified employee" shall not include any of the following:

   (A) An employee certified as a qualified employee in an enterprise
zone designated in accordance with Chapter 12.8 (commencing with
Section 7070) of Division 7 of Title 1 of the Government Code.
   (B) An employee certified as a qualified disadvantaged individual
in a manufacturing enhancement area designated in accordance with
Section 7073.8 of the Government Code.
   (C) An employee certified as a qualified employee in a targeted
tax area designated in accordance with Section 7097 of the Government
   (D) An employee certified as a qualified disadvantaged individual
or a qualified displaced employee in a local agency military base
recovery area (LAMBRA) designated in accordance with Chapter 12.97
(commencing with Section 7105) of Division 7 of Title 1 of the
Government Code.
   (E) An employee whose wages are included in calculating any other
credit allowed under this part.
   (4) "Qualified employer" means a taxpayer that, as of the last day
of the preceding taxable year, employed a total of 20 or fewer
   (5) "Qualified wages" means wages subject to Division 6
(commencing with Section 13000) of the Unemployment Insurance Code.
   (6) "Annual full-time equivalent" means either of the following:
   (A) In the case of a full-time employee paid hourly qualified
wages, "annual full-time equivalent" means the total number of hours
worked for the taxpayer by the employee (not to exceed 2,000 hours
per employee) divided by 2,000.
   (B) In the case of a salaried full-time employee, "annual
full-time equivalent" means the total number of weeks worked for the
taxpayer by the employee divided by 52.
   (c) The net increase in qualified full-time employees of a
qualified employer shall be determined as provided by this
   (1) (A) The net increase in qualified full-time employees shall be
determined on an annual full-time equivalent basis by subtracting
from the amount determined in subparagraph (C) the amount determined
in subparagraph (B).
   (B) The total number of qualified full-time employees employed in
the preceding taxable year by the taxpayer and by any trade or
business acquired by the taxpayer during the current taxable year.
   (C) The total number of full-time employees employed in the
current taxable year by the taxpayer and by any trade or business
acquired during the current taxable year.
   (2) For taxpayers who first commence doing business in this state
during the taxable year, the number of full-time employees for the
immediately preceding prior taxable year shall be zero.
   (d) In the case where the credit allowed by this section exceeds
the "net tax," the excess may be carried over to reduce the "net tax"
in the following year, and succeeding seven years if necessary,
until the credit is exhausted.
   (e) Any deduction otherwise allowed under this part for qualified
wages shall not be reduced by the amount of the credit allowed under
this section.
   (f) For purposes of this section:
   (1) All employees of the trades or businesses that are treated as
related under either Section 267, 318, or 707 of the Internal Revenue
Code shall be treated as employed by a single taxpayer.
   (2) In determining whether the taxpayer has first commenced doing
business in this state during the taxable year, the provisions of
subdivision (f) of Section 17276, without application of paragraph
(7) of that subdivision, shall apply.
   (g) (1) (A) Credit under this section and Section 23623 shall be
allowed only for credits claimed on timely filed original returns
received by the Franchise Tax Board on or before the cut-off date
established by the Franchise Tax Board.
   (B) For purposes of this paragraph, the cut-off date shall be the
last day of the calendar quarter within which the Franchise Tax Board
estimates it will have received timely filed original returns
claiming credits under this section and Section 23623 that
cumulatively total four hundred million dollars ($400,000,000) for
all taxable years.
   (2) The date a return is received shall be determined by the
Franchise Tax Board.
   (3) (A) The determinations of the Franchise Tax Board with respect
to the cut-off date, the date a return is received, and whether a
return has been timely filed for purposes of this subdivision may not
be reviewed in any administrative or judicial proceeding
   (B) Any disallowance of a credit claimed due to a determination
under this subdivision, including the application of the limitation
specified in paragraph (1), shall be treated as a mathematical error
appearing on the return. Any amount of tax resulting from such
disallowance may be assessed by the Franchise Tax Board in the same
manner as provided by Section 19051.
   (4) The Franchise Tax Board shall periodically provide notice on
its Web site with respect to the amount of credit under this section
and Section 23623 claimed on timely filed original returns received
by the Franchise Tax Board.
   (h) (1) The Franchise Tax Board may prescribe rules, guidelines or
procedures necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of
this section, including any guidelines regarding the limitation on
total credits allowable under this section and Section 23623 and
guidelines necessary to avoid the application of paragraph (2) of
subdivision (f) through split-ups, shell corporations, partnerships,
tiered ownership structures, or otherwise.
   (2) Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of
Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code does not apply to any
standard, criterion, procedure, determination, rule, notice, or
guideline established or issued by the Franchise Tax Board pursuant
to this section.
   (i) This section shall remain in effect only until December 1 of
the calendar year after the year of the cut-off date, and as of that
December 1 is repealed. 
   SEC. 2.    Section 17053.80 of the   Revenue
and Taxation Code   , as added   by Section 3 of
Chapter 17 of   the Third Extraordinary Session of the
Statutes of 2009, is amended to read: 
   17053.80.  (a) For each taxable year beginning on or after January
1, 2009, there shall be allowed as a credit against the "net tax,"
as defined in Section 17039, three thousand dollars ($3,000) for each
net increase in qualified full-time employees, as specified in
subdivision (c), hired during the taxable year by a qualified
   (b) For purposes of this section:
   (1) "Acquired" includes any gift, inheritance, transfer incident
to divorce, or any other transfer, whether or not for consideration.
   (2) "Qualified full-time employee" means:
   (A) A qualified employee who was paid qualified wages by the
qualified employer for services of not less than an average of 35
hours per week.
   (B) A qualified employee who was a salaried employee and was paid
compensation during the taxable year for full-time employment, within
the meaning of Section 515 of the Labor Code, by the qualified
   (3) A "qualified employee" shall not include any of the following:

   (A) An employee certified as a qualified employee in an enterprise
zone designated in accordance with Chapter 12.8 (commencing with
Section 7070) of Division 7 of Title 1 of the Government Code.
   (B) An employee certified as a qualified disadvantaged individual
in a manufacturing enhancement area designated in accordance with
Section 7073.8 of the Government Code.
   (C) An employee certified as a qualified employee in a targeted
tax area designated in accordance with Section 7097 of the Government
   (D) An employee certified as a qualified disadvantaged individual
or a qualified displaced employee in a local agency military base
recovery area (LAMBRA) designated in accordance with Chapter 12.97
(commencing with Section 7105) of Division 7 of Title 1 of the
Government Code.
   (E) An employee whose wages are included in calculating any other
credit allowed under this part.
   (4) "Qualified employer" means a taxpayer that, as of the last day
of the preceding taxable year, employed a total of 20 or fewer
   (5) "Qualified wages" means wages subject to Division 6
(commencing with Section 13000) of the Unemployment Insurance Code.
   (6) "Annual full-time equivalent" means either of the following:
   (A) In the case of a full-time employee paid hourly qualified
wages, "annual full-time equivalent" means the total number of hours
worked for the taxpayer by the employee (not to exceed 2,000 hours
per employee) divided by 2,000.
   (B) In the case of a salaried full-time employee, "annual
full-time equivalent" means the total number of weeks worked for the
taxpayer by the employee divided by 52.
   (c) The net increase in qualified full-time employees of a
qualified employer shall be determined as provided by this
   (1) (A) The net increase in qualified full-time employees shall be
determined on an annual full-time equivalent basis by subtracting
from the amount determined in subparagraph (C) the amount determined
in subparagraph (B).
   (B) The total number of qualified full-time employees employed in
the preceding taxable year by the taxpayer and by any trade or
business acquired by the taxpayer during the current taxable year.
   (C) The total number of full-time employees employed in the
current taxable year by the taxpayer and by any trade or business
acquired during the current taxable year.
   (2) For taxpayers  who   that  first
commence doing business in this state during the taxable year, the
number of full-time employees for the immediately preceding prior
taxable year shall be zero.
   (d) In the case where the credit allowed by this section exceeds
the "net tax," the excess may be carried over to reduce the "net tax"
in the following year, and succeeding seven years if necessary,
until the credit is exhausted.
   (e) Any deduction otherwise allowed under this part for qualified
wages shall not be reduced by the amount of the credit allowed under
this section.
   (f) For purposes of this section:
   (1) All employees of the trades or businesses that are treated as
related under either Section 267, 318, or 707 of the Internal Revenue
Code shall be treated as employed by a single taxpayer.
   (2) In determining whether the taxpayer has first commenced doing
business in this state during the taxable year, the provisions of
subdivision (f) of Section  17276   17276.20
 , without application of paragraph (7) of that subdivision,
shall apply.
   (g) (1) (A)  Credit   A credit  under
this section and Section 23623 shall be allowed only for credits
claimed on  a  timely filed original  returns
  return  received by the Franchise Tax Board on or
before the cut-off date established by the Franchise Tax Board.
   (B) For purposes of this paragraph, the cut-off date shall be the
last day of the calendar quarter within which the Franchise Tax Board
estimates it will have received timely filed original returns
claiming credits under this section and Section 23623 that
cumulatively total  four   two  hundred
 fifty  million dollars  ($400,000,000) 
 ($250,000,000)  for all taxable years.
   (2) The date a return is received shall be determined by the
Franchise Tax Board.
   (3) (A) The determinations of the Franchise Tax Board with respect
to the cut-off date, the date a return is received, and whether a
return has been timely filed for purposes of this subdivision may not
be reviewed in any administrative or judicial proceeding  .

   (B) Any disallowance of a credit claimed due to a determination
under this subdivision, including the application of the limitation
specified in paragraph (1), shall be treated as a mathematical error
appearing on the return. Any amount of tax resulting from such
disallowance may be assessed by the Franchise Tax Board in the same
manner as provided by Section 19051.
   (4) The Franchise Tax Board shall periodically provide notice on
its  Internet  Web site with respect to the amount of credit
under this section and Section 23623 claimed on timely filed
original returns received by the Franchise Tax Board.
   (h) (1) The Franchise Tax Board may prescribe rules, guidelines
 ,  or procedures necessary or appropriate to carry out the
purposes of this section, including any guidelines regarding the
limitation on total credits allowable under this section and Section
23623 and guidelines necessary to avoid the application of paragraph
(2) of subdivision (f) through split-ups, shell corporations,
partnerships, tiered ownership structures, or otherwise.
   (2) Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of
Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code does not apply to any
standard, criterion, procedure, determination, rule, notice, or
guideline established or issued by the Franchise Tax Board pursuant
to this section.
   (i) This section shall remain in effect only until December 1 of
the calendar year after the year of the cut-off date, and as of that
December 1 is repealed.
   SECTION 1.   SEC. 3.   Section 17053.90
is added to the Revenue and Taxation Code, to read:
   17053.90.  (a) For each taxable year beginning on or after January
1,  2012   2013  , and before January 1,
 2017   2016  , there shall be allowed as a
credit against the "net tax," as defined in Section 17039, an amount
equal to 25 percent of the value of qualified medical services
personally provided by a qualified taxpayer during the taxable year.
   (b) For purposes of this section:
   (1) "Emergency medical services" has the same meaning as
"emergency services and care" as that term is defined in subdivision
(a) of Section 1317.1 of the Health and Safety Code.
   (2) "Local community clinic" means a community clinic or free
clinic as defined in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of paragraph (1) of
subdivision (a) of Section 1204 of the Health and Safety Code.
   (3) "Qualified medical services" means medical services provided
by a qualified taxpayer free of charge or at a reduced rate at a
local community clinic, or emergency medical services provided by a
qualified taxpayer free of charge or at a reduced rate in an
emergency department of a general acute care hospital licensed
pursuant to Section 1250 of the Health and Safety Code.
   (4) "Qualified taxpayer" means a physician or surgeon licensed by
the Medical Board of California or the Osteopathic Medical Board of
   (c) The amount of credit allowed to any qualified taxpayer by this
section shall not exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000) per taxable
   (d) (1) The value of medical services provided shall be determined
according to the usual, reasonable, and customary rate as described
in Section 1300.71(a)(3)(B) of Title 28 of the California Code of
   (2) In the case of medical services being provided at a reduced
rate, the amount used to calculate the value of the qualified medical
services provided shall be the difference between the value of the
medical services provided, as determined by paragraph (1), and the
reduced rate charged.
   (e) No other credit or deduction shall be allowed by this part for
any amount for which a credit is claimed under this section. 
   (f) A credit shall not be allowed under this section for emergency
medical services for which a qualified taxpayer has received
reimbursement pursuant to Chapter 2.5 (commencing with Section
1797.98a) of Division 2.5 of the Health and Safety Code. 

    (g)  The local community clinic or general acute care
hospital, as described in this section, shall provide documentation
to the qualified taxpayer regarding the value of services provided,
as prescribed by this section. 
    (h)  If the credit allowed by this section exceeds the
"net tax" for the taxable year, the excess may be carried over to
reduce the "net tax" for the succeeding eight taxable years, or until
the credit has been exhausted, whichever occurs first. 
   (i) (1) (A) Notwithstanding subdivision (a), a credit under this
section shall be allowed only for credits claimed on a timely filed
original return received by the Franchise Tax Board on or before the
cut-off date established by the Franchise Tax Board.  
   (B) For purposes of this paragraph, the cut-off date shall be the
last day of the calendar quarter within which the Franchise Tax Board
estimates it will have received timely filed original returns
claiming credits under this section that cumulatively total one
hundred fifty million dollars ($150,000,000) for all taxable years.
   (2) The date a return is received shall be determined by the
Franchise Tax Board.  
   (3) (A) The determinations of the Franchise Tax Board with respect
to the cut-off date, the date a return is received, and whether a
return has been timely filed for purposes of this subdivision may not
be reviewed in any administrative or judicial proceeding.  

   (B) Any disallowance of a credit claimed due to a determination
under this subdivision, including the application of the limitation
specified in paragraph (1), shall be treated as a mathematical error
appearing on the return. Any amount of tax resulting from that
disallowance may be assessed by the Franchise Tax Board in the same
manner as provided by Section 19051.  
   (4) The Franchise Tax Board shall periodically provide notice on
its Internet Web site with respect to the amount of credit under this
section claimed on timely filed original returns received by the
Franchise Tax Board.  
    (j)  This section shall remain in effect only until
December 1,  2017   2016  , and as of that
date is repealed.  However, any unused credit may continue to
be carried forward, as provided in subdivision (g). 
   SEC. 4.    Section 23623 of the   Revenue
and Taxation Code  , as added by Section 8 of Chapter 10 of
the   Third Extraordinary Session of the Statutes of 2009,
is repealed.  
   23623.  (a) For each taxable year beginning on or after January 1,
2009, there shall be allowed as a credit against the "tax," as
defined in Section 23036, three thousand dollars ($3,000) for each
net increase in qualified full-time employees, as specified in
subdivision (c), hired during the taxable year by a qualified
   (b) For purposes of this section:
   (1) "Acquired" includes any gift, inheritance, transfer incident
to divorce, or any other transfer, whether or not for consideration.
   (2) "Qualified full-time employee" means:
   (A) A qualified employee who was paid qualified wages during the
taxable year by the qualified employer for services of not less than
an average of 35 hours per week.
   (B) A qualified employee who was a salaried employee and was paid
compensation during the taxable year for full-time employment, within
the meaning of Section 515 of the Labor Code, by the qualified
   (3) A "qualified employee" shall not include any of the following:

   (A) An employee certified as a qualified employee in an enterprise
zone designated in accordance with Chapter 12.8 (commencing with
Section 7070) of Division 7 of Title 1 of the Government Code.
   (B) An employee certified as a qualified disadvantaged individual
in a manufacturing enhancement area designated in accordance with
Section 7073.8 of the Government Code.
   (C) An employee certified as a qualified employee in a targeted
tax area designated in accordance with Section 7097 of the Government
   (D) An employee certified as a qualified disadvantaged individual
or a qualified displaced employee in a local agency military base
recovery area (LAMBRA) designated in accordance with Chapter 12.97
(commencing with Section 7105) of Division 7 of Title 1 of the
Government Code.
   (E) An employee whose wages are included in calculating any other
credit allowed under this part.
   (4) "Qualified employer" means a taxpayer that, as of the last day
of the preceding taxable year, employed a total of 20 or fewer
   (5) "Qualified wages" means wages subject to Division 6
(commencing with Section 13000) of the Unemployment Insurance Code.
   (6) "Annual full-time equivalent" means either of the following:
   (A) In the case of a full-time employee paid hourly qualified
wages, "annual full-time equivalent" means the total number of hours
worked for the taxpayer by the employee (not to exceed 2,000 hours
per employee) divided by 2,000.
   (B) In the case of a salaried full-time employee, "annual
full-time equivalent" means the total number of weeks worked for the
taxpayer by the employee divided by 52.
   (c) The net increase in qualified full-time employees of a
qualified employer shall be determined as provided by this
   (1) (A) The net increase in qualified full-time employees shall be
determined on an annual full-time equivalent basis by subtracting
from the amount determined in subparagraph (C) the amount determined
in subparagraph (B).
   (B) The total number of qualified full-time employees employed in
the preceding taxable year by the taxpayer and by any trade or
business acquired by the taxpayer during the current taxable year.
   (C) The total number of full-time employees employed in the
current taxable year by the taxpayer and by any trade or business
acquired during the current taxable year.
   (2) For taxpayers who first commence doing business in this state
during the taxable year, the number of full-time employees for the
immediately preceding prior taxable year shall be zero.
   (d) In the case where the credit allowed by this section exceeds
the "tax," the excess may be carried over to reduce the "tax" in the
following year, and succeeding seven years if necessary, until the
credit is exhausted.
   (e) Any deduction otherwise allowed under this part for qualified
wages shall not be reduced by the amount of the credit allowed under
this section.
   (f) For purposes of this section:
   (1) All employees of the trades or businesses that are treated as
related under either Section 267, 318, or 707 of the Internal Revenue
Code shall be treated as employed by a single taxpayer.
   (2) In determining whether the taxpayer has first commenced doing
business in this state during the taxable year, the provisions of
subdivision (f) of Section 17276, without application of paragraph
(7) of that subdivision, shall apply.
   (g) (1) (A) Credit under this section and Section 17053.80 shall
be allowed only for credits claimed on timely filed original returns
received by the Franchise Tax Board on or before the cut-off date
established by the Franchise Tax Board.
   (B) For purposes of this paragraph, the cut-off date shall be the
last day of the calendar quarter within which the Franchise Tax Board
estimates it will have received timely filed original returns
claiming credits under this section and Section 17053.80 that
cumulatively total four hundred million dollars ($400,000,000) for
all taxable years.
   (2) The date a return is received shall be determined by the
Franchise Tax Board.
   (3) (A) The determinations of the Franchise Tax Board with respect
to the cut-off date, the date a return is received, and whether a
return has been timely filed for purposes of this subdivision may not
be reviewed in any administrative or judicial proceeding.
   (B) Any disallowance of a credit claimed due to a determination
under this subdivision, including the application of the
                               limitation specified in paragraph (1),
shall be treated as a mathematical error appearing on the return.
Any amount of tax resulting from such disallowance may be assessed by
the Franchise Tax Board in the same manner as provided by Section
   (4) The Franchise Tax Board shall periodically provide notice on
its Web site with respect to the amount of credit under this section
and Section 17053.80 claimed on timely filed original returns
received by the Franchise Tax Board.
   (h) (1) The Franchise Tax Board may prescribe rules, guidelines or
procedures necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of
this section, including any guidelines regarding the limitation on
total credits allowable under this section and Section 17053.80 and
guidelines necessary to avoid the application of paragraph (2) of
subdivision (f) through split-ups, shell corporations, partnerships,
tiered ownership structures, or otherwise.
   (2) Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of
Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code does not apply to any
standard, criterion, procedure, determination, rule, notice, or
guideline established or issued by the Franchise Tax Board pursuant
to this section.
   (i) This section shall remain in effect only until December 1 of
the calendar year after the year of the cut-off date, and as of that
December 1 is repealed. 
   SEC. 5.    Section 23623 of the   Revenue
and Taxation Code   , as added by Section 8 of Chapter 17 of
the   Third Extraordinary Session of the Statutes of 2009,
is amended to read: 
   23623.  (a) For each taxable year beginning on or after January 1,
2009, there shall be allowed as a credit against the "tax," as
defined in Section 23036, three thousand dollars ($3,000) for each
net increase in qualified full-time employees, as specified in
subdivision (c), hired during the taxable year by a qualified
   (b) For purposes of this section:
   (1) "Acquired" includes any gift, inheritance, transfer incident
to divorce, or any other transfer, whether or not for consideration.
   (2) "Qualified full-time employee" means:
   (A) A qualified employee who was paid qualified wages during the
taxable year by the qualified employer for services of not less than
an average of 35 hours per week.
   (B) A qualified employee who was a salaried employee and was paid
compensation during the taxable year for full-time employment, within
the meaning of Section 515 of the Labor Code, by the qualified
   (3) A "qualified employee" shall not include any of the following:

   (A) An employee certified as a qualified employee in an enterprise
zone designated in accordance with Chapter 12.8 (commencing with
Section 7070) of Division 7 of Title 1 of the Government Code.
   (B) An employee certified as a qualified disadvantaged individual
in a manufacturing enhancement area designated in accordance with
Section 7073.8 of the Government Code.
   (C) An employee certified as a qualified employee in a targeted
tax area designated in accordance with Section 7097 of the Government
   (D) An employee certified as a qualified disadvantaged individual
or a qualified displaced employee in a local agency military base
recovery area (LAMBRA) designated in accordance with Chapter 12.97
(commencing with Section 7105) of Division 7 of Title 1 of the
Government Code.
   (E) An employee whose wages are included in calculating any other
credit allowed under this part.
   (4) "Qualified employer" means a taxpayer that, as of the last day
of the preceding taxable year, employed a total of 20 or fewer
   (5) "Qualified wages" means wages subject to Division 6
(commencing with Section 13000) of the Unemployment Insurance Code.
   (6) "Annual full-time equivalent" means either of the following:
   (A) In the case of a full-time employee paid hourly qualified
wages, "annual full-time equivalent" means the total number of hours
worked for the taxpayer by the employee (not to exceed 2,000 hours
per employee) divided by 2,000.
   (B) In the case of a salaried full-time employee, "annual
full-time equivalent" means the total number of weeks worked for the
taxpayer by the employee divided by 52.
   (c) The net increase in qualified full-time employees of a
qualified employer shall be determined as provided by this
   (1) (A) The net increase in qualified full-time employees shall be
determined on an annual full-time equivalent basis by subtracting
from the amount determined in subparagraph (C) the amount determined
in subparagraph (B).
   (B) The total number of qualified full-time employees employed in
the preceding taxable year by the taxpayer and by any trade or
business acquired by the taxpayer during the current taxable year.
   (C) The total number of full-time employees employed in the
current taxable year by the taxpayer and by any trade or business
acquired during the current taxable year.
   (2) For taxpayers  who   that  first
commence doing business in this state during the taxable year, the
number of full-time employees for the immediately preceding prior
taxable year shall be zero.
   (d) In the case where the credit allowed by this section exceeds
the "tax," the excess may be carried over to reduce the "tax" in the
following year, and succeeding seven years if necessary, until the
credit is exhausted.
   (e) Any deduction otherwise allowed under this part for qualified
wages shall not be reduced by the amount of the credit allowed under
this section.
   (f) For purposes of this section:
   (1) All employees of the trades or businesses that are treated as
related under either Section 267, 318, or 707 of the Internal Revenue
Code shall be treated as employed by a single taxpayer.
   (2) In determining whether the taxpayer has first commenced doing
business in this state during the taxable year, the provisions of
subdivision  (f)   (g)  of Section 
17276   24416.20  , without application of
paragraph (7) of that subdivision, shall apply.
   (g) (1) (A)  Credit   A   credit
 under this section and Section 17053.80 shall be allowed only
for credits claimed on  a  timely filed original 
returns   return  received by the Franchise Tax
Board on or before the cut-off date established by the Franchise Tax
   (B) For purposes of this paragraph, the cut-off date shall be the
last day of the calendar quarter within which the Franchise Tax Board
estimates it will have received timely filed original returns
claiming credits under this section and Section 17053.80 that
cumulatively total  four   two  hundred
 fifty  million dollars  ($400,000,000) 
 ($250,000,000)  for all taxable years.
   (2) The date a return is received shall be determined by the
Franchise Tax Board.
   (3) (A) The determinations of the Franchise Tax Board with respect
to the cut-off date, the date a return is received, and whether a
return has been timely filed for purposes of this subdivision may not
be reviewed in any administrative or judicial proceeding.
   (B) Any disallowance of a credit claimed due to a determination
under this subdivision, including the application of the limitation
specified in paragraph (1), shall be treated as a mathematical error
appearing on the return. Any amount of tax resulting from such
disallowance may be assessed by the Franchise Tax Board in the same
manner as provided by Section 19051.
   (4) The Franchise Tax Board shall periodically provide notice on
its  Internet  Web site with respect to the amount of credit
under this section and Section 17053.80 claimed on timely filed
original returns received by the Franchise Tax Board.
   (h) (1) The Franchise Tax Board may prescribe rules, guidelines
,  or procedures necessary or appropriate to carry out the
purposes of this section, including any guidelines regarding the
limitation on total credits allowable under this section and Section
17053.80 and guidelines necessary to avoid the application of
paragraph (2) of subdivision (f) through split-ups, shell
corporations, partnerships, tiered ownership structures, or
   (2) Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of
Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code does not apply to any
standard, criterion, procedure, determination, rule, notice, or
guideline established or issued by the Franchise Tax Board pursuant
to this section.
   (i) This section shall remain in effect only until December 1 of
the calendar year after the year of the cut-off date, and as of that
December 1 is repealed.
   SEC. 2.   SEC. 6.   This act provides
for a tax levy within the meaning of Article IV of the Constitution
and shall go into immediate effect.