Existing law generally designates local air districts with the primary responsibility for the control of air pollution from all sources other than vehicular sources. Existing law requires an air district to file with the state board, within 30 days any rule or regulation the air district board adopts, amends, or repeals. Existing law requires the state board, to coordinate air pollution control activities throughout the state and to ensure that the entire state is, or will be, in compliance with state standards, to review the rules, regulations, and programs submitted by an air district to determine whether they are sufficiently effective to achieve and maintain the state ambient air quality standards. Existing law authorizes the state board, if, after a public hearing, it finds that a program or the rules and regulations of an air district will not likely achieve and maintain the state’s
ambient air quality standards, to establish a program, or portion thereof, or rules and regulations it deems necessary to enable the air district to achieve and maintain ambient air quality standards.
This bill would make nonsubstantive changes to this latter provision.