Assembly Bill
No. 2568

Introduced by Assembly Member Pacheco

February 14, 2024

An act to amend Section 1700.10 of the Labor Code, relating to employment.


AB 2568, as introduced, Pacheco. Talent agencies: licenses.
Existing law requires talent agencies to be licensed by the Labor Commissioner and to comply with specified employment laws applicable to talent agencies. Existing law provides that a talent agency license generally runs from birthday to birthday of the licensee, and requires each license to be renewed within the 30 days preceding the licensee’s birthday.
This bill would make nonsubstantive changes to these provisions.
Vote: MAJORITY   Appropriation: NO   Fiscal Committee: NO   Local Program: NO  

The people of the State of California do enact as follows:


 Section 1700.10 of the Labor Code is amended to read:

 The (a) A license when first issued shall run to the next birthday of the applicant, and each license shall then be renewed within the 30 days preceding the licensee’s birthday and shall run from birthday to birthday. In case If the applicant is a partnership, such the license shall be renewed within the 30 days preceding the birthday of the oldest partner. If the applicant is a corporation, such the license shall be renewed within the 30 days preceding the anniversary of the date the corporation was lawfully formed. Renewal shall require the filing of an application for renewal, a renewal bond, and the payment of the annual license fee, but the Labor Commissioner may demand that a new application or new bond be submitted.


(b) If the applicant or licensee desires, in addition, also desires a branch office license, he the applicant shall file an application in accordance with the provisions of this section as heretofore set forth. pursuant to this section.