INTRODUCED BY   Assembly Member Solorio
    (   Principal coauthor:   Assembly Member
  Gatto   ) 
    (   Coauthors:   Assembly Members 
 Blumenfield,   Gordon,   Jeffries,  
and Ma   ) 
    (   Coauthor:   Senator   Evans

                        FEBRUARY 7, 2011

   An act to amend Section 7027.5 of the Business and Professions
Code, and to add Part 2.4 (commencing with Section 10570) to Division
6 of the Water Code, relating to water.


   AB 275, as amended, Solorio. Rainwater Capture Act of 2011.
   (1) Under existing law, the State Water Resources Control Board
(state board) and the California regional water quality control
boards prescribe waste discharge requirements for the discharge of
stormwater in accordance with the national pollutant discharge
elimination system (NPDES) permit program and the Porter-Cologne
Water Quality Control Act. Existing law authorizes a city, county, or
special district to develop, jointly or individually, stormwater
resource plans that meet certain standards.
   This bill would enact the Rainwater Capture Act of 2011, which
would authorize landowners to install, maintain, and operate rain
barrel systems, as defined, and rainwater capture systems, as
defined, for specified purposes, provided that the systems comply
with specified requirements.
   (2) Existing law, the Contractors' State License Law, creates the
Contractors' State License Board within the Department of Consumer
Affairs and provides for the licensing and regulation of contractors.
Existing law authorizes a landscape contractor working within the
classification of his or her license to enter into a prime contract
for the construction of a swimming pool, spa, or hot tub, an outdoor
cooking center, or an outdoor fireplace, if certain conditions are
met. Under existing law, a violation of these provisions and related
provisions of existing law is grounds for disciplinary action.
   This bill would additionally authorize a landscape contractor
working within the classification of his or her license to enter into
a prime contract for the construction of a rainwater capture system,
as defined, if the system is used for landscape irrigation. The bill
would authorize a landscape contractor holding a specified
classification to design and install all exterior components of a
rainwater capture system that are not a part of, or attached to, a
   Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: no.
State-mandated local program: no.


  SECTION 1.  Section 7027.5 of the Business and Professions Code is
amended to read:
   7027.5.  (a) A landscape contractor working within the
classification for which the license is issued may design systems or
facilities for work to be performed and supervised by that
   (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, a
landscape contractor working within the classification for which the
license is issued may enter into a prime contract for the
construction of any of the following:
   (1) A swimming pool, spa, or hot tub, provided that the
improvements are included within the landscape project that the
landscape contractor is supervising and the construction of any
swimming pool, spa, or hot tub is subcontracted to a single licensed
contractor holding a Swimming Pool (C-53) classification, as set
forth in Section 832.53 of Title 16 of the California Code of
Regulations, or performed by the landscape contractor if the
landscape contractor also holds a Swimming Pool (C-53)
classification. The contractor constructing the swimming pool, spa,
or hot tub may subcontract with other appropriately licensed
contractors for the completion of individual components of the
   (2) An outdoor cooking center, provided that the improvements are
included within a residential landscape project that the contractor
is supervising. For purposes of this subdivision, "outdoor cooking
center" means an unenclosed area within a landscape that is used for
the cooking or preparation of food or beverages.
   (3) An outdoor fireplace, provided that it is included within a
residential landscape project that the contractor is supervising and
is not attached to a dwelling.
   (4) A rainwater capture system, as defined in Section 10573 of the
Water Code, used for landscape irrigation.
   (c) (1) Work performed in connection with a landscape project
specified in paragraph (2), (3), or (4) of subdivision (b) that is
outside of the field and scope of activities authorized to be
performed under the Landscape Contractor (C-27) classification, as
set forth in Section 832.27 of Title 16 of the California Code of
Regulations, may only be performed by a landscape contractor if the
landscape contractor also either holds an appropriate specialty
license classification to perform the work or is licensed as a
General Building contractor. If the landscape contractor neither
holds an appropriate specialty license classification to perform the
work nor is licensed as a General Building  or General
Engineering  contractor, the work shall be performed by a
Specialty contractor holding the appropriate license classification
or by a General Building contractor performing work in accordance
with the requirements of subdivision (b) of Section 7057  or by a
General Engineering contractor  .
   (2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), a landscape contractor
performing work under the Landscape Contractor (C-27) classification,
as set forth in Section 832.27 of Title 16 of the California Code of
Regulations, may design and install all exterior components of a
rainwater capture system, as defined in Section 10573 of the Water
Code, that are not a part of, or attached to, a structure.
   (d) A violation of this section shall be cause for disciplinary
  SEC. 2.  Part 2.4 (commencing with Section 10570) is added to
Division 6 of the Water Code, to read:

      PART 2.4.  Rainwater Capture Act of 2011

   10570.  This part shall be known, and may be cited, as the
Rainwater Capture Act of 2011.
   10571.  The Legislature finds and declares all of the following:
   (a) As California has grown and developed, the amount of
stormwater flowing off of buildings, parking lots, roads, and other
impervious surfaces into surface water streams, flood channels, and
storm sewers has increased, thereby reducing the volume of water
allowed to infiltrate into groundwater aquifers and increasing water
and pollution flowing to the ocean and other surface waters. At the
same time, recurring droughts and water shortages in California have
made local water supply augmentation and water conservation efforts a
   (b) Historical patterns of precipitation are predicted to change,
with two major implications for water supply. First, an increasing
amount of California's water is predicted to fall not as snow in the
mountains, but as rain in other areas of the state. This will likely
have a profound and transforming effect on California's hydrologic
cycle and much of that water will no longer be captured by California'
s reservoirs, many of which are located to capture snowmelt. Second,
runoff resulting from snowmelt is predicted to occur progressively
earlier in the year, and reservoirs operated for flood control
purposes must release water early in the season to protect against
later storms, thereby reducing the amount of early season snowmelt
that can be stored.
   (c) Rainwater and stormwater, captured and properly managed, can
contribute significantly to local water supplies by infiltrating and
recharging groundwater aquifers, thereby increasing available
supplies of drinking water. In addition, the onsite capture, storage,
and use of rainwater and stormwater for nonpotable uses
significantly reduces demand for potable water, contributing to the
statutory objective of a 20-percent reduction in urban per capita
water use in California by December 31, 2020.
   (d) Expanding opportunities for rainwater and stormwater capture
to augment water supply will require efforts at all levels, from
individual landowners to state and local agencies and watershed
   10572.  Nothing in this part shall be construed to do either of
the following:
   (a) Alter or impair any existing rights.
   (b) Change existing water rights law.
   10573.  Solely for the purposes of this part, and unless the
context otherwise requires, the following definitions govern the
construction of this part:
   (a) "Agricultural lands" has the same meaning as defined pursuant
to Section 56016 of the Government Code.
   (b) "Developed or developing lands" means lands that have one or
more of the characteristics described in subparagraphs (A) to (C),
inclusive, of paragraph (4) of subdivision (b) of Section 56375.3 of
the Government Code.
   (c) "Rainwater" means precipitation that has not entered an
offsite storm drain system or channel, a flood control channel, or
any other stream channel, and has not previously been put to
beneficial use.
   (d) "Rain barrel system" is a type of rainwater capture system
that does not use electricity and is not connected to a pressurized
water distribution system for distribution of potable water.
   (e) "Rainwater capture system" means a facility designed to
capture, retain, and store rainwater flowing off of a building,
parking lot, road, or any other manmade, impervious surface, for
subsequent onsite use.
   (f) "Stormwater" means temporary surface water runoff and drainage
generated by immediately preceding storms. This definition shall be
interpreted consistent with the definition of "stormwater" in Section
122.26 of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, as that
section may be amended.
   (g) "Stormwater capture system" means a facility that is operated
by a public agency and designed to capture and retain stormwater
flowing upon the public right-of-way, or through a public stormwater
management system or a public stormwater drainage system, for
subsequent use.
   10574.  (a) A landowner may install, maintain, and operate any of
the following systems:
   (1) A rain barrel system, if the system is used only to supply
water for outdoor, nonpotable uses and is used in compliance with all
manufacturer instructions.
   (2) A rainwater capture system for subsequent outdoor nonpotable
use or infiltration into groundwater.
   (3) A rainwater capture system for subsequent indoor nonpotable
use, if all of the following conditions are met:
   (A) The system includes supplemental filtration, a disinfection
device, or both. For purposes of this subparagraph, "disinfection
device" includes, but is not limited to, a pressure filter,
chlorination, or ultraviolet radiation.
   (B) If the system is connected to receive water from a potable
source, the system is equipped with a device that is adequate to
prevent backflow.
   (C) The local agency with jurisdiction over the enforcement of
building standards agrees to issue a permit for the system and
inspects the installation of the system before the system is
operated, and the landowner complies with the conditions and
requirements imposed by the permit. 
   (D) The system complies with the requirements for Non-Potable
Rainwater Catchment Systems contained in the 2010 Green Plumbing and
Mechanical Code Supplement, published by the International
Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO), unless the
California Building Standards Commission adopts superseding building
standards for rainwater capture systems for indoor nonpotable use.

   (b) A system authorized pursuant to subdivision (a) may only be
used on the landowner's property for the capture of rainwater on
developed or developing lands, and shall not be used to capture
rainwater on agricultural lands. 
   (c) A rainwater capture system that is a part of, or attached to,
a structure regulated by the California Building Standards Code shall
be installed and used consistent with applicable requirements of the
California Building Standards Code, including building drainage
    (d)  (1) Except as provided in paragraph (3), if a local
agency has a program to promote rainwater capture or stormwater
capture and use, a landowner installing, maintaining, or operating a
rainwater capture system pursuant to this section shall comply with
applicable requirements of the program, including, but not limited
to, a stormwater resource plan adopted pursuant to Part 2.3
(commencing with Section 10560).
   (2) Except as provided in paragraph (3), this section shall not be
construed to impose a duty on, or impair the authority of, a local
agency to establish or implement a program for rainwater capture or
stormwater capture in its jurisdiction.
   (3) A landowner shall not be required to obtain any permit or
other authorization from a local public agency as a condition of
installing, maintaining, or operating a rain barrel system pursuant
to paragraph (1) of subdivision (a).
   10575.  (a) It is the intent of the Legislature that the use of
rainwater for nonpotable uses should not be constrained by standards
for drinking water or recycled water in Title 22 of the California
Code of Regulations, but shall fully comply with water quality
requirements for nonpotable water pursuant to the Porter-Cologne
Water Quality Control Act (Division 7 (commencing with Section
   (b) Notwithstanding subdivision (a), this part does not affect any
additional state, regional, or local requirements for the protection
of groundwater quality from contamination resulting from stormwater