INTRODUCED BY   Assembly Member Low

                        FEBRUARY 19, 2016

   An act to add Section 463 to the Business and Professions Code,
relating to professions and vocations.


   AB 2859, as introduced, Low. Professions and vocations: retired
category: licenses.
   Existing law provides for numerous boards, bureaus, commissions,
or programs within the Department of Consumer Affairs that administer
the licensing and regulation of various businesses and professions.
Existing law authorizes any of the boards, bureaus, commissions, or
programs within the department, except as specified, to establish by
regulation a system for an inactive category of license for persons
who are not actively engaged in the practice of their profession or
vocation. Under existing law, the holder of an inactive license is
prohibited from engaging in any activity for which a license is
required. Existing law defines "board" for these purposes to include,
unless expressly provided otherwise, a bureau, commission,
committee, department, division, examining committee, program, and
   This bill would additionally authorize any of the boards, bureaus,
commissions, or programs within the department to establish by
regulation a system for a retired category of license for persons who
are not actively engaged in the practice of their profession or
vocation, and would prohibit the holder of a retired license from
engaging in any activity for which a license is required, unless
regulation specifies the criteria for a retired licensee to practice
his or her profession. The bill would authorize a board upon its own
determination, and would require a board upon receipt of a complaint
from any person, to investigate the actions of any licensee,
including, among others, a person with a license that is retired or
   Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes.
State-mandated local program: no.


  SECTION 1.  Section 463 is added to the Business and Professions
Code, to read:
   463.  (a) Any of the boards, bureaus, commissions, or programs
within the department may establish, by regulation, a system for a
retired category of licensure for persons who are not actively
engaged in the practice of their profession or vocation.
   (b) The regulation shall contain the following:
   (1) The holder of a retired license issued pursuant to this
section shall not engage in any activity for which a license is
required, unless the board, by regulation, specifies the criteria for
a retired licensee to practice his or her profession or vocation.
   (2) The holder of a retired license shall not be required to renew
that license.
   (3) In order for the holder of a retired license issued pursuant
to this section to restore his or her license to an active status,
the holder of that license shall meet all the following:
   (A) Pay a fee established by statute or regulation.
   (B) Certify, in a manner satisfactory to the board, that he or she
has not committed an act or crime constituting grounds for denial of
   (C) Comply with the fingerprint submission requirements
established by regulation.
   (D) If the board requires completion of continuing education for
renewal of an active license, complete continuing education
equivalent to that required for renewal of an active license, unless
a different requirement is specified by the board.
   (E) Complete any other requirements as specified by the board by
   (c) A board may upon its own determination, and shall upon receipt
of a complaint from any person, investigate the actions of any
licensee, including a person with a license that either restricts or
prohibits the practice of that person in his or her profession or
vocation, including, but not limited to, a license that is retired,
inactive, canceled, revoked, or suspended.