Assembly Bill
No. 3103

Introduced by Assembly Member Megan Dahle

February 21, 2020

An act to amend Section 14978.1 of the Food and Agricultural Code, relating to commercial feed.


AB 3103, as introduced, Megan Dahle. Commercial feed: Feed Inspection Advisory Board.
Existing law establishes the Feed Inspection Advisory Board in state government and generally requires it to serve in an advisory capacity to the Secretary of Food and Agriculture with respect to the operation of the law governing commercial feed. Existing law authorizes the board to establish or designate one or more other entities to administer all or part of the law governing commercial feed and requires the secretary to adopt regulations and procedures to be used by the entity or entities. Existing law specifies the entity or entities that may be established or designated by the board for this purpose including state accredited or certified chemistry laboratories.
This bill would authorize state accredited, certified, or licensed laboratories to be established or designated for this purpose instead of state accredited or certified chemistry laboratories.
Vote: MAJORITY   Appropriation: NO   Fiscal Committee: NO   Local Program: NO  

The people of the State of California do enact as follows:


 Section 14978.1 of the Food and Agricultural Code is amended to read:

 (a) The entity or entities that may be established or designated by the board pursuant to Section 14978 includes, but shall not be limited to, the following:


(1) The committee established pursuant to Section 14978.2.


(2) Agricultural councils, commissions, and any entity established in accordance with a marketing order.


(3) Federal, state, or county agencies.


(4) The University of California and cooperative extension service.


(5) Agricultural associations and cooperatives.


(6) State accredited or certified chemistry accredited, certified, or licensed laboratories.

However, the

(b) The board may not designate any entity pursuant to Section 14978 that is a trade association whose membership is composed primarily of persons licensed under this chapter or that represents persons regulated by this chapter.