Existing law authorizes the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to issue various types of teaching and services credentials, including preliminary and clear multiple and single subject teaching credentials. The commission is also authorized to issue emergency teaching and specialist permits that correspond to specified credential types. Statutory provisions specify the requirements with which applicants for those credentials and permits are required to comply.
Existing regulations provide for procedures by which the commission may issue a permit authorizing the holder to substitute teach, limiting each school year to up to 30 days for any one teacher in a general education classroom, or 20 days for any one teacher in a special education classroom.
This bill would permit a person authorized to serve as a substitute teacher pursuant to those regulations, or any successor regulations, to serve as a substitute teacher for as long as the teacher of record is on leave.
Existing regulations require an employing agency to request the issuance of short-term staff permits when there is an acute staffing need and provisional internship permits when a suitable credentialed teacher cannot be found after a diligent search. Existing regulations require that these permits be issued for a term of no more than one year. Existing regulations prohibit the reissue of a short-term staff permit and prohibit the renewal of a provisional internship permit.
This bill would authorize the reissue or renewal, as applicable, of either of those permits for a second year if the person holding the permit is, at the time of renewal,
substitute teaching for a teacher of record whose leave will extend into the following school year.