Assembly Bill
No. 3230

Introduced by Assembly Member Friedman

February 21, 2020

An act to add Section 3242 to the Public Resources Code, relating to oil and gas.


AB 3230, as introduced, Friedman. Oil and gas: abandoned wells: hazard determination.
Existing law requires the State Oil and Gas Supervisor to supervise the drilling, operation, maintenance, and abandonment of oil and gas wells, as provided. Existing law requires the supervisor, in cooperation with appropriate state and local agencies, to both (1) conduct a study of abandoned oil and gas wells located in those areas of the state with substantial potential for methane and other hazardous gas accumulations in order to determine the location, the extent of methane gas and other hazardous gas accumulations, and potential hazards from the abandoned wells, and (2) develop a strategy for extracting existing accumulations of methane gas and other hazardous gas from abandoned oil and gas wells in high-risk areas identified by the supervisor in order to protect the health and safety of the public.
This bill would require the Geologic Energy Management Division to review the study and strategy and determine if any of the oil and gas wells identified continue to pose a hazard.
Vote: MAJORITY   Appropriation: NO   Fiscal Committee: YES   Local Program: NO  

The people of the State of California do enact as follows:


 Section 3242 is added to the Public Resources Code, immediately following Section 3241, to read:

 The division shall review the study conducted pursuant to Section 3240 and the strategy developed pursuant to Section 3241 and determine if any of the oil and gas wells identified continue to pose a hazard.