INTRODUCED BY   Assembly Member Fox

                        FEBRUARY 15, 2013

   An act to amend Sections 4040 and 4076 of the Business and
Professions Code, relating to pharmacy.


   AB 396, as introduced, Fox. Prescriptions.
   Existing law, the Pharmacy Law, provides for the licensure and
regulation of pharmacists by the California State Board of Pharmacy
and provides that a knowing violation of the law is a crime. Existing
law requires every prescription, as defined, to include a legible,
clear notice of the condition or purpose for which the drug is
prescribed, if requested by the patient. Existing law prohibits a
pharmacist from dispensing any prescription unless it is in a
specified container that is correctly labeled to include, among other
information, the condition or purpose for which the drug was
prescribed if the condition or purpose is indicated on the
   This bill would instead require that every prescription include a
legible, clear notice of the condition or purpose for which the drug
is prescribed, unless the patient or prescriber requests that this
information be omitted. The bill would also require that every
prescription container be correctly labeled to include that
information, if so indicated on the prescription, unless the patient
or prescriber requests that this information be omitted.
   By revising these requirements, the knowing violation of which
would be a crime, the bill would impose a state-mandated local
   The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse local
agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the
state. Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that
   This bill would provide that no reimbursement is required by this
act for a specified reason.
   Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes.
State-mandated local program: yes.


  SECTION 1.  Section 4040 of the Business and Professions Code is
amended to read:
   4040.  (a) "Prescription" means an oral, written, or electronic
transmission order that is both of the following:
   (1) Given individually for the person or persons for whom ordered
that includes all of the following:
   (A) The name or names and address of the patient or patients.
   (B) The name and quantity of the drug or device prescribed and the
directions for use.
   (C) The date of issue.
   (D) Either rubber stamped, typed, or printed by hand or typeset,
the name, address, and telephone number of the prescriber, his or her
license classification, and his or her federal registry number, if a
controlled substance is prescribed.
   (E) A legible, clear notice of the condition or purpose for which
the drug is being prescribed,  if requested by  
unless  the patient or patients  , or the prescriber,
requests that this information be omitted  .
   (F) If in writing, signed by the prescriber issuing the order, or
the certified nurse-midwife, nurse practitioner, physician assistant,
or naturopathic doctor who issues a drug order pursuant to Section
2746.51, 2836.1, 3502.1, or 3640.5, respectively, or the pharmacist
who issues a drug order pursuant to either Section 4052.1 or 4052.2.
   (2) Issued by a physician, dentist, optometrist, podiatrist,
veterinarian, or naturopathic doctor pursuant to Section 3640.7 or,
if a drug order is issued pursuant to Section 2746.51, 2836.1,
3502.1, or 3460.5, by a certified nurse-midwife, nurse practitioner,
physician assistant, or naturopathic doctor licensed in this state,
or pursuant to either Section 4052.1 or 4052.2 by a pharmacist
licensed in this state.
   (b) Notwithstanding subdivision (a), a written order of the
prescriber for a dangerous drug, except for any Schedule II
controlled substance, that contains at least the name and signature
of the prescriber, the name and address of the patient in a manner
consistent with paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of Section 11164 of
the Health and Safety Code, the name and quantity of the drug
prescribed, directions for use, and the date of issue may be treated
as a prescription by the dispensing pharmacist as long as any
additional information required by subdivision (a) is readily
retrievable in the pharmacy. In the event of a conflict between this
subdivision and Section 11164 of the Health and Safety Code, Section
11164 of the Health and Safety Code shall prevail.
   (c) "Electronic transmission prescription" includes both image and
data prescriptions. "Electronic image transmission prescription"
means any prescription order for which a facsimile of the order is
received by a pharmacy from a licensed prescriber. "Electronic data
transmission prescription" means any prescription order, other than
an electronic image transmission prescription, that is electronically
transmitted from a licensed prescriber to a pharmacy.
   (d) The use of commonly used abbreviations shall not invalidate an
otherwise valid prescription.
   (e) Nothing in the amendments made to this section (formerly
Section 4036) at the 1969 Regular Session of the Legislature shall be
construed as expanding or limiting the right that a chiropractor,
while acting within the scope of his or her license, may have to
prescribe a device.
  SEC. 2.  Section 4076 of the Business and Professions Code is
amended to read:
   4076.  (a) A pharmacist shall not dispense any prescription except
in a container that meets the requirements of state and federal law
and is correctly labeled with all of the following:
   (1) Except where the prescriber or the certified nurse-midwife who
functions pursuant to a standardized procedure or protocol described
in Section 2746.51, the nurse practitioner who functions pursuant to
a standardized procedure described in Section 2836.1 or protocol,
the physician assistant who functions pursuant to Section 3502.1, the
naturopathic doctor who functions pursuant to a standardized
procedure or protocol described in Section 3640.5, or the pharmacist
who functions pursuant to a policy, procedure, or protocol pursuant
to either Section 4052.1 or 4052.2 orders otherwise, either the
manufacturer's trade name of the drug or the generic name and the
name of the manufacturer. Commonly used abbreviations may be used.
Preparations containing two or more active ingredients may be
identified by the manufacturer's trade name or the commonly used name
or the principal active ingredients.
   (2) The directions for the use of the drug.
   (3) The name of the patient or patients.
   (4) The name of the prescriber or, if applicable, the name of the
certified nurse-midwife who functions pursuant to a standardized
procedure or protocol described in Section 2746.51, the nurse
practitioner who functions pursuant to a standardized procedure
described in Section 2836.1 or protocol, the physician assistant who
functions pursuant to Section 3502.1, the naturopathic doctor who
functions pursuant to a standardized procedure or protocol described
in Section 3640.5, or the pharmacist who functions pursuant to a
policy, procedure, or protocol pursuant to either Section 4052.1 or
   (5) The date of issue.
   (6) The name and address of the pharmacy, and prescription number
or other means of identifying the prescription.
   (7) The strength of the drug or drugs dispensed.
   (8) The quantity of the drug or drugs dispensed.
   (9) The expiration date of the effectiveness of the drug
   (10) The condition or purpose for which the drug was prescribed
 ,  if the condition or purpose is indicated on the
prescription  ,   unless the patient or patients, or the
prescriber, requests that this information be omitted  .
   (11) (A) Commencing January 1, 2006, the physical description of
the dispensed medication, including its color, shape, and any
identification code that appears on the tablets or capsules, except
as follows:
   (i) Prescriptions dispensed by a veterinarian.
   (ii) An exemption from the requirements of this paragraph shall be
granted to a new drug for the first 120 days that the drug is on the
market and for the 90 days during which the national reference file
has no description on file.
   (iii) Dispensed medications for which no physical description
exists in any commercially available database.
   (B) This paragraph applies to outpatient pharmacies only.
   (C) The information required by this paragraph may be printed on
an auxiliary label that is affixed to the prescription container.
   (D) This paragraph shall not become operative if the board, prior
to January 1, 2006, adopts regulations that mandate the same labeling
requirements set forth in this paragraph.
   (b) If a pharmacist dispenses a prescribed drug by means of a unit
dose medication system, as defined by administrative regulation, for
a patient in a skilled nursing, intermediate care, or other health
care facility, the requirements of this section will be satisfied if
the unit dose medication system contains the aforementioned
information or the information is otherwise readily available at the
time of drug administration.
   (c) If a pharmacist dispenses a dangerous drug or device in a
 facility licensed pursuant to   health
facility, as defined in  Section 1250 of the Health and Safety
Code, it is not necessary to include on individual unit dose
containers for a specific patient, the name of the certified
nurse-midwife who functions pursuant to a standardized procedure or
protocol described in Section 2746.51, the nurse practitioner who
functions pursuant to a standardized procedure described in Section
2836.1 or protocol, the physician assistant who functions pursuant to
Section 3502.1, the naturopathic doctor who functions pursuant to a
standardized procedure or protocol described in Section 3640.5, or
the pharmacist who functions pursuant to a policy, procedure, or
protocol pursuant to either Section 4052.1 or 4052.2.
   (d) If a pharmacist dispenses a prescription drug for use in a
facility licensed pursuant to Section 1250 of the Health and Safety
Code, it is not necessary to include the information required in
paragraph (11) of subdivision (a) when the prescription drug is
administered to a patient by a person licensed under the Medical
Practice Act (Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 2000)), the Nursing
Practice Act (Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 2700)), or the
Vocational Nursing Practice Act (Chapter 6.5 (commencing with Section
2840)), who is acting within his or her scope of practice.
  SEC. 3.  No reimbursement is required by this act pursuant to
Section 6 of Article XIII B of the California Constitution because
the only costs that may be incurred by a local agency or school
district will be incurred because this act creates a new crime or
infraction, eliminates a crime or infraction, or changes the penalty
for a crime or infraction, within the meaning of Section 17556 of the
Government Code, or changes the definition of a crime within the
meaning of Section 6 of Article XIII B of the California