Amended  IN  Senate  June 12, 2023
Amended  IN  Assembly  May 04, 2023
Amended  IN  Assembly  March 13, 2023


Assembly Bill
No. 676

Introduced by Assembly Member Bennett

February 13, 2023

An act to amend Section 106 of the Water Code, relating to water.


AB 676, as amended, Bennett. Water: general state policy.
Existing law establishes various state water policies, including the policy that the use of water for domestic purposes is the highest use of water and that the next highest use is for irrigation.
This bill would provide specific examples of specify that the use of water for domestic purposes, including, but not limited to, sustenance of human beings and household conveniences. purposes includes water use for human consumption, cooking, sanitary purposes, and care of household livestock, animals, and gardens.
Vote: MAJORITY   Appropriation: NO   Fiscal Committee: NO   Local Program: NO  

The people of the State of California do enact as follows:


 Section 106 of the Water Code is amended to read:

 (a) It is hereby declared to be the established policy of this state that the use of water for domestic purposes is the highest use of water and that the next highest use is for irrigation.
(b) Domestic purposes include, but are not limited to, water use for include water use for purposes such as all of the following:

(1)Sustenance of human beings and household conveniences.

(1) Human consumption, cooking, or sanitary purposes.
(2) Care of household livestock and animals.
(3) Care of household gardens.
(4) Deliveries of water for purposes such as those listed in paragraphs (1) to (3), inclusive, by water corporations regulated by the Public Utilities Commission, community water systems, and other public, municipal, and industrial water agencies, and water corporations regulated by the Public Utilities Commission. agencies.