INTRODUCED BY   Assembly Members Chau and Atkins

                        JANUARY 7, 2015

   An act to amend Section 50408 of, and to add Chapter 6.8
(commencing with Section 50676) to Part 2 of Division 31 of, the
Health and Safety Code, relating to housing.


   AB 90, as amended, Chau. Federal Housing Trust Fund.
   Existing law establishes the Department of Housing and Community
Development in the Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agency.
The department is responsible for administering various housing and
home loan programs throughout the state. Existing law also
establishes the California Housing Finance Agency within the
department, and provides that the primary purpose of the agency is to
meet the housing needs of persons and families of low to moderate
   Existing federal law requires the Secretary of the Department of
Housing and Urban Development to establish a Housing Trust Fund to
provide grants to states to increase the supply of rental housing for
extremely low- and very low income families, including homeless
families, and  homeownership   home ownership
 for extremely low- and very low income families.
   This bill would designate the Department of Housing and Community
Development as the state agency responsible for administering funds
received by the state from the federal Housing Trust Fund. This bill
would require the department to administer the funds through 
existing or newly created  programs that produce, preserve,
rehabilitate, or support the operation of rental housing for
extremely low income and very low income households, except that up
to 10% of funding may be used to support  homeownership
  home ownership  for extremely low income and very
low income households. The bill would require any rental project
funded from the federal Housing Trust Fund to restrict affordability
for 55  years   years, as specified,  and
require any  homeownership   home ownership
 program funded from the federal Housing Trust Fund to restrict
affordability for 30  years.   years, as
   This bill would require the department to collaborate with the
California Housing Finance Agency to develop an allocation plan to
demonstrate how the funds will be distributed, based on the priority
housing needs identified in the state's consolidated plan, and to
convene a stakeholder process to inform the development of the plan.
The bill would require the allocation plan  and guidelines 
to give priority to projects based on specified factors. The bill
would require the department to submit the plan to the Assembly
Committee on Housing and Community Development and the Senate
Transportation and Housing Committee 30 days after receipt of the
federal funds. 
   The bill would authorize the department to adopt, amend, or repeal
guidelines to implement these provisions. The bill would exempt
these guidelines from the Administrative Procedure Act. 
   Existing law requires, on or before December 31 of each year, the
department to submit an annual report, containing specified
information, to the Governor and both houses of the Legislature on
the operations and accomplishments during the previous fiscal year of
the housing programs administered by the department.
   This bill would require that annual report to also include an
evaluation of any program established by the department to meet the
 legal requirements of the  Federal Housing Trust Fund
program guidelines. 
   This bill would incorporate additional changes to Section 50408 of
the Healthy and Safety Code proposed by AB 388 that would become
operative if this bill and AB 388 are enacted and this bill is
enacted last. 
   Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes.
State-mandated local program: no.


  SECTION 1.  Section 50408 of the Health and Safety Code is amended
to read:
   50408.  (a) On or before December 31 of each year, the department
shall submit an annual report to the Governor and both houses of the
Legislature on the operations and accomplishments during the previous
fiscal year of the housing programs administered by the department,
including, but not limited to, the Emergency Housing and Assistance
Program and Community Development Block Grant activity.
   (b) The report shall include all of the following information:
   (1) The number of units assisted by those programs.
   (2) The number of individuals and households served and their
income levels.
   (3) The distribution of units among various areas of the state.
   (4) The amount of other public and private funds leveraged by the
assistance provided by those programs.
   (5) Information detailing the assistance provided to various
groups of persons by programs that are targeted to assist those
   (6) The information required to be reported pursuant to Section
   (7) An evaluation, in collaboration with the Department of
Veterans Affairs, of any program established by the department
pursuant to Article 3.2 (commencing with Section 987.001) of Chapter
6 of Division 4 of the Military and Veterans Code.
   (8) An evaluation of any program established by the department to
meet the  legal requirements of the  Federal Housing Trust
Fund program guidelines.
   SEC. 1.5.    Section 50408 of the   Health
and Safety Code   is amended to read: 
   50408.  (a)  On or before December 31 of each year, the department
shall submit an annual report to the Governor and both houses of the
Legislature on the operations and accomplishments during the
previous fiscal year of the housing programs administered by the
department, including, but not limited to, the Emergency Housing and
Assistance Program and Community Development Block Grant activity.
   (b)  The report shall include all of the following information:
   (1)  The number of units assisted by those programs.
   (2)  The number of individuals and households served and their
income levels.
   (3)  The distribution of units among various areas of the state.
   (4)  The amount of other public and private funds leveraged by the
assistance provided by those programs.
   (5)  Information detailing the assistance provided to various
groups of persons by programs that are targeted to assist those
   (6)  The information required to be reported pursuant to Section
   (7)  (A)    An evaluation, in collaboration with
the Department of Veterans Affairs, of any program established by
the department pursuant to Article 3.2 (commencing with Section
987.001) of Chapter 6 of Division 4 of the Military and Veterans
 Code.     Code, including information
relating to the effectiveness of assisted projects in helping
veterans occupying any supportive housing or transitional housing
development that was issued funds pursuant to that article. 

   (B) The evaluation shall include, but is not limited to, the
following information:  
   (i) Performance outcome data including, but not limited to,
housing stability, housing exit information, and tenant satisfaction,
which may be measured by a survey, and changes in income, benefits,
and education.  
   (I) For purposes of this paragraph, the term "housing stability"
includes, but is not limited to, how many tenants exit transitional
housing to permanent housing or maintain permanent housing, and the
length of time those tenants spent in assisted units.  
   (II) For purposes of this paragraph, the term "housing exit
information" includes, but is not limited to, the following: 

   (ia) How many tenants left assisted units.  
   (ib) The length of tenancy in assisted units.  
   (ic) The reason those tenants left assisted units, when that
information is readily obtainable.  
   (id) The housing status of a tenant exiting an assisted unit upon
exit when that information is readily available.  
   (ii) Client data, which may include, but is not limited to,
demographic characteristics of the veteran and his or her family,
educational and employment status of the veteran, and
veteran-specific information including, but not limited to,
disability ratings, type of discharge, branch, era of service, and
veterans affairs health care eligibility.  
   (8) An evaluation of any program established by the department to
meet the legal requirements of the Federal Housing Trust Fund program
  SEC. 2.  Chapter 6.8 (commencing with Section 50676) is added to
Part 2 of Division 31 of the Health and Safety Code, to read:

   50676.  (a) The department is hereby designated as the state
agency responsible for administering funds received by the state from
the federal Housing Trust Fund pursuant to the Housing and Economic
Recovery Act of 2008 (Public Law 110-289), and implementing federal
   (b) The department shall administer the funds through  any
existing or newly created  programs that produce, preserve,
rehabilitate, or support the operation of rental housing for
extremely low income and very low income households, except that up
to 10 percent of funding may be used to support 
homeownership   home ownership  for extremely low
income and very low income households. Any rental project funded from
the federal Housing Trust Fund shall restrict affordability for 55
 years.   years through a recorded and
enforceable affordability covenant.  Any  homeownership
  home ownership  program funded from the federal
Housing Trust Fund shall restrict affordability for 30 
years.   years through either a recorded and enforceable
affordability covenant or a recorded and enforceable equity
recapture agreement. 
   (c) The department shall collaborate with the California Housing
Finance Agency to develop an allocation plan to demonstrate how the
funds shall be distributed, based on the priority housing needs
identified in the state's consolidated plan prepared in accordance
with Part 91 (commencing with Section 91.1) of Subtitle A of Title 24
of the Code of Federal Regulations. The department shall submit the
plan to the Assembly Committee on Housing and Community Development
and the Senate Transportation and Housing Committee 30 days after
receipt of the federal funds.
   (d) The allocation plan  and guidelines  shall give
priority to projects based on:
   (1) Geographic diversity.
   (2) The extent to which rents are affordable, especially to
extremely low income households.
   (3) The merits of a project.
   (4) Applicants readiness.
   (5) The extent to which projects will use nonfederal funds.
   50676.1.   (a)    The departments shall convene
a stakeholder process to inform the development of the allocation
plan. Stakeholders represented shall include, but not be limited to,
organizations that provide rental housing for extremely low income
households and very low income households or assist extremely low
income households and very low income households to become
   (b) The department may adopt, amend, or repeal guidelines to
implement this chapter. Any guidelines adopted to implement this
chapter shall not be subject to Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section
11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code.

   SEC.   3.    Section 1.5 of this bill
incorporates amendments to Section 50408 of the Health and Safety
Code proposed by both this bill and Assembly Bill 388. It shall only
become operative if (1) both bills are enacted and become effective
on or before January 1, 2016, (2) each bill amends Section 50408 of
the Health and Safety Code, and (3) this bill is enacted after
Assembly Bill 388, in which case Section 1 of this bill shall not
become operative.