BILL NUMBER: ACR 132 ENROLLED BILL TEXT ADOPTED IN SENATE MAY 14, 2012 ADOPTED IN ASSEMBLY APRIL 12, 2012 AMENDED IN ASSEMBLY APRIL 12, 2012 AMENDED IN ASSEMBLY MARCH 27, 2012 INTRODUCED BY Assembly Member John A. Pérez (Coauthors: Assembly Members Achadjian, Alejo, Allen, Ammiano, Atkins, Beall, Bill Berryhill, Block, Blumenfield, Bonilla, Bradford, Brownley, Buchanan, Butler, Campos, Carter, Chesbro, Conway, Davis, Dickinson, Donnelly, Eng, Feuer, Fong, Fuentes, Furutani, Beth Gaines, Galgiani, Gatto, Gordon, Gorell, Grove, Hagman, Halderman, Hall, Harkey, Hayashi, Roger Hernández, Hill, Huber, Hueso, Huffman, Jeffries, Jones, Knight, Lara, Logue, Bonnie Lowenthal, Ma, Mansoor, Mendoza, Miller, Mitchell, Monning, Morrell, Nestande, Nielsen, Norby, Olsen, Pan, Perea, V. Manuel Pérez, Portantino, Silva, Skinner, Smyth, Solorio, Swanson, Torres, Valadao, Wagner, Williams, and Yamada) MARCH 20, 2012 Relative to organ donation. LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST ACR 132, John A. Pérez. Donate Life California Day: driver's license. This measure would designate April 18, 2012, as DMV/Donate Life California Day in the State of California, and April 2012 as DMV/Donate Life California Month in the State of California, and would encourage all Californians to be organ, tissue, and blood donors. WHEREAS, Organ, tissue, eye, and blood donations are compassionate and life-giving acts looked upon and recognized in the highest regards; and WHEREAS, More than 113,000 individuals nationwide and more than 20,000 Californians are currently on the national organ transplant wait list. While about one-third of these patients receive a transplant each year, another one-third die while waiting due to a shortage of donated organs; and WHEREAS, A single individual's donation of heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, pancreas, and small intestine can save up to eight lives. The donation of tissue can save and enhance the lives of up to 50 others, and a single blood donation can help three people in need; and WHEREAS, Millions of lives each year are saved and enhanced by donors of organs, tissue, eyes, and blood; and WHEREAS, Californians by the millions are joining together to save and enhance lives by becoming registered donors. Nearly nine million Californians have signed up with the state-authorized Donate Life California Registry to ensure that their wishes to be an organ and tissue donor are honored; and WHEREAS, A California resident can register with the Donate Life California Registry when applying for or renewing his or her driver's license or identification card at the Department of Motor Vehicles; now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Assembly of the State of California, the Senate thereof concurring, That in recognition of April as National Donate Life Month, the Legislature proclaims April 18, 2012, as DMV/Donate Life California Day in the State of California, and April 2012 as DMV/Donate Life California Month in the State of California. In doing so, the Legislature encourages all Californians to register with the Donate Life California Registry by checking "YES" when applying for or renewing a driver's license or identification card or by signing up at or; and be it further Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly transmit copies of this resolution to the author for appropriate distribution.