Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 162

Relative to the Officer Nicholas Vella Memorial Highway.

[ Filed with Secretary of State  August 19, 2022. ]


ACR 162, Nguyen. Officer Nicholas Vella Memorial Highway.
This measure would designate a specified portion of State Highway Route 39 in the City of Huntington Beach as the Officer Nicholas Vella Memorial Highway. The measure would request that the Department of Transportation determine the cost of appropriate signs showing this special designation and, upon receiving donations from nonstate sources covering that cost, erect those signs.
Fiscal Committee: YES  

WHEREAS, Californians are indebted every day to our peace officers who have chosen law enforcement as a career and face extraordinary risk and danger in preserving our freedom and security, and we pay special tribute to their bravery and dedication and share in their pain when one of their members is killed in the line of duty; and
WHEREAS, Law enforcement professionals have the unenviable task of guaranteeing the public’s safety, and it is as difficult and dangerous as it is important, as evidenced by the death of Officer Nicholas Vella, a 14-year veteran of the Huntington Beach Police Department, who was killed in the line of duty at 44 years of age on February 19, 2022; and
WHEREAS, Throughout his tenure with the Huntington Beach Police Department, Officer Nicholas Vella exemplified the true character of the brave individuals who devote their time and energy to the perilous duties of law enforcement, and he was renowned among his fellow officers for loving, honoring, and being dedicated to his family, the uniform, and the law enforcement community, all of which were indelible and inseparable in his life; and
WHEREAS, We honor Officer Nicholas Vella, who made the ultimate sacrifice while performing his sworn duty, and pay tribute to him, a fallen hero, by recalling his devotion, celebrating his life, and honoring his service, and at the time of his death, Officer Nicholas Vella left to mourn his passing and cherish his memory his wife, Kristi, his daughter, Dylan, his parents, John and Marcella Vella, his brother, John Arthur Vella, many longtime friends, the law enforcement community, and a grateful public; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Assembly of the State of California, the Senate thereof concurring, That the Legislature hereby designates the portion of State Highway Route 39 between the junction with State Highway Route 1, at postmarker 0.000, and Talbert Avenue, at postmarker 3.611, in the City of Huntington Beach as the Officer Nicholas Vella Memorial Highway; and be it further
Resolved, That the Department of Transportation is requested to determine the cost of appropriate signs, consistent with the signing requirements for the state highway system, showing this special designation and, upon receiving donations from nonstate sources sufficient to cover the cost, to erect those signs; and be it further
Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly transmit copies of this resolution to the Department of Transportation and to the author for appropriate distribution.