Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 33

Relative to Latino Education and Advocacy Week.

[ Filed with Secretary of State  April 26, 2017. ]


ACR 33, Reyes. Latino Education and Advocacy Week.
This measure would declare the last week of March every year as a statewide week of advocacy for Latino education.
Fiscal Committee: NO  

WHEREAS, The strength of the California education system and its place in a competitive global economy will depend largely on future educational outcomes among Latino students; and
WHEREAS, Latinos emerged as the largest minority group in the United States in the new millennium; and
WHEREAS, Statistically, since 1998, Latino children have become the largest minority student demographic in United States public schools; and
WHEREAS, Both Latino students and teachers have a high mobility rate, are located in racially segregated communities with high poverty rates, and attend schools with fewer resources, staffing, and programs; and
WHEREAS, The statewide graduation rate for Latino students reached 78.5 percent for the class of 2015, an increase of 15 percent since 2010, and college enrollment has increased; and
WHEREAS, Despite this progress, Latino students have among the highest high school dropout rate, and have lower scores on achievement tests and lower college enrollment rates than their peers; and
WHEREAS, Latino students represent an opportunity to increase diversity, strengthen the tax, labor, consumption, and investment pool, and increase ties with Mexico and Latin America; and
WHEREAS, On March 30, 2017, California State University, San Bernardino will host its 8th annual Latino Education and Advocacy Days (LEAD) Summit; and
WHEREAS, The LEAD Summit is celebrated under the direction of Professor Enrique Murillo, Jr.; and
WHEREAS, Over 1,000 people participate in the LEAD Summit annually; and
WHEREAS, The LEAD Summit is broadcast in seven countries and is viewed by millions of people on television and through cable networks; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Assembly of the State of California, the Senate thereof concurring, That every year the last week of March is hereby declared as a statewide week of advocacy for Latino education; and be it further
Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly transmit copies of this resolution to the author for appropriate distribution.