INTRODUCED BY   Assembly Member Cooley

                        APRIL 4, 2013

   Relative to State Capitol History Month.


   ACR 43, as introduced, Cooley. State Capitol History Month.
   This measure would proclaim May 2013 as State Capitol History
Month, in order to raise awareness of the importance of the State
   Fiscal committee: no.

   WHEREAS, The State Capitol is visited by over one million tourists
each year, approximately 700,000 of which are children; and
   WHEREAS, After fires that destroyed the first State Capitol
building, political issues involved with the building of the second,
and numerous changes to the location of the Capitol city, the State
Capitol was built in Sacramento; and
   WHEREAS, The California Gold Rush began with the discovery of
significant gold deposits near Sacramento in 1848, which greatly
increased Sacramento's population; and
   WHEREAS, People from many different cultures came to California in
search of fortune and many of those people went through Sacramento;
   WHEREAS, Sacramento was a major distribution center, which is why
it was the starting point of the First Transcontinental Railroad; and

   WHEREAS, With the gold miners came many businesses and
entrepreneurs that gave Sacramento an economic base and more to offer
than other cities; and
   WHEREAS, Sacramento was more safe because it was not near the
ocean and yet it also had access to rivers so the city could engage
in the economy both on land and at sea; and
   WHEREAS, It took 14 years to complete the building of the State
Capitol in Sacramento; and
   WHEREAS, People of diverse cultures from all over the world that
had settled in Sacramento were involved in the building of the State
Capitol; and
   WHEREAS, The State Capitol was declared unsafe in 1975, but the
Assembly and the Senate refused to move to a new building because the
State Capitol had been their home for over 100 years; and
   WHEREAS, The restoration project of the State Capitol was the most
extensive effort of its kind in the Western Hemisphere; and
   WHEREAS, The original State Capitol cornerstone was laid on May
15, 1861, and during the restoration the cornerstone was relaid on
May 18, 1978; and
   WHEREAS, The State Capitol evokes a spirit of pride and confidence
in California; now, therefore, be it
   Resolved by the Assembly of the State of California, the Senate
thereof concurring, That the Legislature recognizes May 2013 as State
Capitol History Month, in order to raise awareness of the importance
of the State Capitol; and be it further
   Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly transmit copies of
this resolution to the author for appropriate distribution.