BILL NUMBER: AJR 8 AMENDED BILL TEXT AMENDED IN ASSEMBLY SEPTEMBER 8, 2011 INTRODUCED BY Assembly Members Furutani and Bonnie Lowenthal (Coauthors: Senators Lieu and Lowenthal) MARCH 9, 2011 Relative to the USS Iowa. LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST AJR 8, as amended, Furutani. USS Iowa. This measure wouldmemorializeapplaud the United StatesNavy to approveNavy' s approval of the application submitted by the Pacific Battleship Center to house the USS Iowa at the Port of Los Angeles . Fiscal committee: no. WHEREAS, The USS Iowa served in a number of significant battles during World War II, but is most popularly known as the ship that carried President Franklin D. Roosevelt across the Atlantic for meetings with Winston Churchill; and WHEREAS, The Pacific Battleship Center, a nonprofit organization, has proposed using the battleship as a waterfront floating museum, that, if approved,would make the USS Iowa the west coast's only major World War II battleship; and WHEREAS, This proposal has significant support from the San Pedro area neighborhood councils and businesses, as this historic battleship could significantly increase tourism, and would subsequently have a much needed positive economic impact on the City of Los Angeles, which is critical during these economic times; and WHEREAS, The Pacific Battleship Center has pledged to fund the costs associated with housing the USS Iowa; and WHEREAS, The proposal will ensure all efforts and actions are taken to avoid any costs or burdens to the Port of Los Angeles, the surrounding communities, or local government entities to bring the USS Iowa to Los Angeles, maintain it, or return it to the United States Navy in case it is not successful; and WHEREAS, The berthing of the USS Iowa Battleship in the Port of Los Angeles will serve as a community asset creating cultural, educational, and historical benefits to San Pedro and the surrounding communities; and WHEREAS, The proposal will provide the anchor for the Fire Boat Display, Maritime Museum, and Lane Victory, and create a "Historical Core" for visitor draw; and WHEREAS, The Port of Los Angeles, as well as the surrounding communities, draws over 500,000 tourists per year, making it an ideal home that will ensure several hundred thousand visitors annually to the USS Iowa; and WHEREAS, The proposed location in the Port of Los Angeles is ideally situated for easy freeway and traffic access; and WHEREAS, The proposal has support from the surrounding community, including the San Pedro area neighborhood councils, San Pedro businesses, the City of Los Angeles, and the Port of Los Angeles; and WHEREAS, The application submitted by the Pacific Battleship Center to bring the USS Iowa to the Port of Los Angeles has received the support of the past four governors of the State of Iowa;now, therefore, be itand WHEREAS, The United States Navy announced on September 6, 2011, that the battleship USS Iowa was awarded to the Port of Los Angeles; now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Assembly and the Senate of the State of California, jointly, That the Legislature respectfullymemorializesapplauds the United StatesNavy to approveNavy's approval of the application submitted by the Pacific Battleship Center to house the USS Iowa at the Port of Los Angeles; and be it further Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly transmit copies of this resolution to the Secretary of the Navy and the Pacific Battleship Center .