INTRODUCED BY   Assembly Member Melendez
    (   Coauthors:   Assembly Members 
 Achadjian,  Alejo,   Allen,  
Ammiano,   Atkins,   Bigelow,   Bloom,
  Bocanegra,   Bonilla,  Bonta,  
Bradford,   Brown,   Buchanan,   Ian
Calderon,   Campos,   Chau,   Chávez,
  Chesbro,   Conway,   Cooley,  
Dababneh,   Dahle,   Daly,   Dickinson,
  Donnelly,   Eggman,   Fong,  
Fox,   Beth Gaines,   Garcia,   Gatto,
  Gomez,   Gonzalez,   Gordon,  
Gorell,   Grove,   Hagman,   Hall, 
 Harkey,   Holden,   Jones,  
Jones-Sawyer,   Levine,   Linder,  
Lowenthal,   Maienschein,   Mansoor,  
Medina,   Morrell,   Mullin,   Muratsuchi,
  Nazarian,   Nestande,   Olsen, 
 Pan,   Patterson,   Perea,   John A.
Pérez,   Quirk,   Quirk-Silva,   Rendon,
  Ridley-Thomas,   Rodriguez,   Salas,
  Skinner,   Stone,   Ting,  
Wagner,   Waldron,   Weber,   Wieckowski,
  Wilk,   Williams,   and Yamada 

                        MARCH 5, 2014

   Relative to National Surveyors Week.


   WHEREAS, There are over 45,000 professional surveyors in the
United States, and 3,488 in the State of California; and
   WHEREAS, Surveying is the art and science of accurately
determining the position of points and the distances between them and
is often used to establish land boundaries for ownership or
governmental purposes; and
   WHEREAS, Surveying has been an essential element in the
development of the human environment since the beginning of recorded
history, and it is a requirement in the planning and execution of
nearly every form of construction with its most familiar modern uses
in the fields of transportation, building and construction,
communications, mapping, and the definition of legal boundaries for
land ownership; and
   WHEREAS, In order to accomplish their objective, surveyors use
elements of engineering, physics, mathematics, law, and history; and
   WHEREAS, Since the colonial days of the United States, surveyors
have been leaders in the community, statesmen, influential citizens,
and shapers of cultural standards; and
   WHEREAS, Former notable surveyors include George Washington,
Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Meriwether Lewis and William
Clark, Daniel Boone, and Henry David Thoreau, among many others; and
   WHEREAS, It was the work of the surveyor that determined the
boundaries of land, the greatest economic asset in the colonies and
territories that became the United States, including California; and
   WHEREAS, The nature of surveying has changed dramatically over
time, as it is no longer limited to the description and location of
land boundaries; and
   WHEREAS, Hydrographic surveys are important to the use of all
bodies of water; and
   WHEREAS, Engineering surveys are utilized in the study and
selection of engineering construction; and
   WHEREAS, Geodetic surveys determine precise global positioning for
activities such as aircraft and missile navigation; and
   WHEREAS, Cartographic surveys are used for mapping and charting,
as well as photogrammetry, the science of using aerial photographs
for measurement and map production; and
   WHEREAS, Many services are now provided through the use of
sophisticated surveying equipment and techniques, including
satellite-borne remote sensing devices and automated positioning,
measuring, recording, and plotting equipment; and
   WHEREAS, The establishment of the week of March 16 to March 22,
inclusive, 2014, as National Surveyors Week is a fitting tribute to
all surveyors; now, therefore, be it
   Resolved by the Assembly of the State of California, That the
Assembly recognizes the week of March 16 to March 22, inclusive,
2014, as National Surveyors Week; and be it further
   Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly transmit copies of
this resolution to the author for appropriate distribution.