INTRODUCED BY   Assembly Member Allen

                        AUGUST 4, 2014

   Relative to the State of Israel.


   WHEREAS, On May 14, 1948, the establishment of an independent
Jewish state to be known as the State of Israel was declared; and
   WHEREAS, The United States of America and Israel have a unique
bond based on their shared, enduring values, which are reflected in
the virtues and principles of freedom and democracy, and have stood
together as allies since Israel was first formed as a nation; and
   WHEREAS, California's Jewish community has been active socially,
economically, and politically in the state's formation since the
California Gold Rush, and that involvement has had a positive impact
on the state's multicultural and economic development; and
   WHEREAS, California is home to an estimated 2,000,000 Jews, making
it the second largest concentration of Jews in the United States;
   WHEREAS, For years, California and Israel have established
business partnerships and trade relations with each other, and those
partnerships have helped enhance the agricultural, educational,
energy, entertainment, health, medical, scientific, and water
policies in California, Israel, and the United States; and
   WHEREAS, Israel is not only the ancestral home of the Jewish
people, and the world's only Jewish nation, but is also inhabited by
people from all corners of the world, and those people practice a
variety of religions, including B'hai, Christianity, Druze, and
Islam; and
   WHEREAS, Israel has openly and honestly negotiated with its
neighbors for peace, and during those negotiations, has traded land
in an attempt to achieve economic prosperity and peace; and
   WHEREAS, Israel is recognized around the world as the strongest
democratically elected government in the Middle East, and the nation'
s democracy and relationship as an ally to the United States adds to
the security and strength of California; and
   WHEREAS, In an effort to foster community understanding, peace,
tolerance, communication, and brotherhood, it is important to
understand the contributions that people of all cultures and
religions living in California have made to California; now,
therefore, be it
   Resolved by the Assembly of the State of California, That the
Assembly recognizes both Israel's right to exist as a nation, and to
exist within safe and secure borders; and be it further
   Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly transmit copies of
this resolution to the author for appropriate distribution.