INTRODUCED BY   Senator Hancock

                        FEBRUARY 12, 2016

   An act to  add Section 6027.5 to, and amend and repeal
Section 13010.5 of,   amend Section 13010.5 of  the
Penal Code, relating to criminal statistics, and making an
appropriation therefor.


   SB 1031, as amended, Hancock. Juvenile justice information system.

   Existing law requires the Department of Justice to collect
information regarding the juvenile justice system. Existing law
requires the department to annually present to the Governor a report
containing the criminal statistics of the preceding year. 
Existing law establishes the Board of State and Community Corrections
to collect and maintain available information and data about state
and community correctional policies, practices, capacities, and
   This bill would require the  Board of State and Community
Corrections,   Department of Justice,  on or before
July 1, 2019, to establish a Juvenile Justice Information System to
develop and maintain statewide statistical information, as specified.
 The bill would additionally, on January 1, 2020, remove the
require that the Department of Justice collect information regarding
the juvenile justice system.  The bill would appropriate an
unspecified sum from the General Fund to the  Board of State
and Community Corrections   department  for the
purpose of funding the development of a design structure and
implementation plan for the  California  Juvenile Justice
Information System.
   Vote: 2/3. Appropriation: yes. Fiscal committee: yes.
State-mandated local program: no.

  SECTION 1.    Section 6027.5 is added to the Penal
Code, to read:
   6027.5.  (a) On or before January 1, 2018, the Board of State and
Community Corrections shall develop, with advice from the Chief
Probation Officers of California and other stakeholders consistent
with the provisions of subdivision (c) of Section 6024, a design
structure and implementation plan for the California Juvenile Justice
Information System.
   (b) On or before July 1, 2019, the Board of State and Community
Corrections shall establish and implement a California Juvenile
Justice Information System consistent with this act.
   (c) The purpose of the California Juvenile Justice Information
System shall be to develop and maintain statewide statistical
information, including information collected and shared by counties,
which promotes the operational and program effectiveness of state and
local juvenile justice systems in California in reducing the
incidence of juvenile crime and recidivism among juvenile offenders.
The information system to be developed by the Board of State and
Community Corrections shall include, but not be limited to, the
following features:
   (1) Providing for the integrated and user-friendly collection and
reporting of statewide juvenile justice data reflecting key
demographic and case processing characteristics of children who come
into contact with the juvenile justice system.
   (2) Providing data relating to the effectiveness of programs,
practices, or other prevention and intervention strategies employed
to respond to juvenile crime and reduce recidivism among juvenile
   (3) Facilitate and support the scope and quality of data
describing the characteristics and needs of youthful offenders and
the juvenile justice programs and practices necessary to effectively
manage state and local resources invested in the juvenile justice
   (4) Support local juvenile justice agencies in developing and
maintaining local juvenile justice data systems and in the collection
and submission of local juvenile justice data to state agencies.
   (d) In establishing the technology infrastructure for the
development of the California Juvenile Justice Information System,
the board shall adopt a set of goals and objectives consistent with
this section, to be reflected in a system design which shall support
the direction for the information system. 
   SEC. 2.   SECTION 1.   Section 13010.5
of the Penal Code is amended to read:
   13010.5.  (a) The department shall collect data pertaining to the
juvenile justice system for criminal history and statistical
purposes. This information shall serve to assist the department in
complying with the reporting requirement of subdivisions (c) and (d)
of Section 13012, measuring the extent of juvenile delinquency,
determining the need for and effectiveness of relevant legislation,
and identifying long-term trends in juvenile delinquency. Any data
collected pursuant to this section may include criminal history
information which may be used by the department to comply with the
requirements of Section 602.5 of the Welfare and Institutions Code.

   (b) The department shall assist the Board of State and Community
Corrections, at the request and direction of the board, in the
development of the California Juvenile Justice Information System,
established by Section 6027.5, in transitioning data collected
pursuant to this section.  
   (c) This section shall remain in effect only until January 1,
2020, and as of that date is repealed, unless a later enacted
statute, that is enacted before January 1, 2020, deletes or extends
that date.  
   (b) On or before January 1, 2018, the department shall develop,
with advice from the Chief Probation Officers of California, the
Judicial Council, advocates for juveniles, and other stakeholders, a
design structure and implementation plan for the California Juvenile
Justice Information System.  
   (c) On or before July 1, 2019, the department shall establish and
implement a California Juvenile Justice Information System consistent
with this section.  
   (d) The purpose of the California Juvenile Justice Information
System shall be to develop and maintain statewide statistical
information, including information collected and shared by counties,
which promotes the operational and program effectiveness of state and
local juvenile justice systems in California in reducing the
incidence of juvenile crime and recidivism among juvenile offenders.
The information system to be developed by the department shall
include, but not be limited to, the following features:  
   (1) Providing for the integrated and user-friendly collection and
reporting of statewide juvenile justice data reflecting key
demographic and case processing characteristics of children who come
into contact with the juvenile justice system.  
   (2) Providing data relating to the effectiveness of programs,
practices, or other prevention and intervention strategies employed
to respond to juvenile crime and reduce recidivism among juvenile
   (3) Facilitating and supporting the scope and quality of data
describing the characteristics and needs of youthful offenders and
the juvenile justice programs and practices necessary to effectively
manage state and local resources invested in the juvenile justice
   (4) Supporting local juvenile justice agencies in developing and
maintaining local juvenile justice data systems and in the collection
and submission of local juvenile justice data to state agencies.
   (e) In establishing the technology infrastructure for the
development of the California Juvenile Justice Information System,
the department shall adopt a set of goals and objectives consistent
with this section, to be reflected in a system design which shall
support the direction for the information system. 
   SEC. 3.   SEC. 2.   The sum of ____
dollars ($____) is hereby appropriated from the General Fund to the
 Board of State and Community Corrections  
Department of Justice  for the purpose of funding the
development of a design structure and implementation plan for the
California Juvenile Justice Information System.