INTRODUCED BY   Senator Cannella

                        FEBRUARY 17, 2016

   An act to amend Section 2869 of the Public Utilities Code,
relating to energy.


   SB 1124, as introduced, Cannella. Electrical corporations:
independent solar energy producers.
   Under existing law, the Public Utilities Commission has regulatory
authority over public utilities, including electrical corporations.
Existing law requires an independent solar energy producer, as
defined, contracting for the use or sale of electricity or the lease
of a solar energy system, as defined, to an entity or person for use
in a residence to make certain disclosures to the buyer or lessee,
including a plain language explanation of the contract provisions
regulating the disposition or transfer of the contract in the event
of a transfer of ownership of the residence, as well as the costs or
potential costs associated with the disposition or transfer of the
   This bill would make nonsubstantive changes to those provisions.
   Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: no.
State-mandated local program: no.


  SECTION 1.  Section 2869 of the Public Utilities Code is amended to
   2869.  (a) (1) An independent solar energy producer contracting
for the use or sale of electricity or the lease of a solar energy
 system,   system  to an entity or 
person,   person  for use in a residence shall
include a disclosure to the buyer or lessee that, at a minimum,
includes all of the following:
   (A) A good faith estimate of the kilowatthours to be delivered by
the solar energy system.
   (B) A plain language explanation of the terms under which the
pricing will be calculated over the life of the contract and a good
faith estimate of the price per kilowatthour.
   (C) A plain language explanation of operation and maintenance
responsibilities of the contract parties.
   (D) A plain language explanation of the contract provisions
regulating the disposition or transfer of the contract in the event
of a transfer of ownership of the residence, as well as the costs or
potential costs associated with the disposition or transfer of the
   (E) A plain language explanation of the disposition of the solar
energy system at the end of the term of the contract.
   (2) The commission may require, as a condition of receiving
ratepayer funded incentives, that an independent solar energy
producer provide additional  disclosure  
disclosures  to the buyer or lessee, the commission, or both.
   (b) An independent solar energy producer contracting for the use
or sale of electricity or the lease of a solar energy 
system,   system  to an entity or  person,
  person  for use in a residence shall record a
Notice of an Independent Solar Energy Producer Contract, within 30
days of the signing of the contract, against the title to the real
property on which the electricity is generated, and against the title
to any adjacent real property on which the electricity will be used,
in the office of the county recorder for the county in which the
real property is located. The notice shall include all of the
following and may include additional information:
   (1) (A) If the solar energy system is located on the real
property, a prominent title at the top of the document in 14-point
type stating "Notice of an Independent Solar Energy Producer Contract"
and the following statement:
   "This real property is receiving part of its electric service from
an independent solar energy producer that has retained ownership of
a solar electric generation system that is located on the real
property. The independent solar energy producer provides electric
service to the current owner of this real property through a
long-term contract for electric service. The independent solar energy
producer is required to provide a copy of the contract to a
prospective buyer of the real property within ten (10) days of the
receipt of a written request from the current owner of this real
   (B) If the solar energy system is located on an adjacent real
property, a prominent title at the top of the document in 14-point
type stating "Notice of an Independent Solar Energy Producer Contract"
and the following statement:
   "This real property is receiving part of its electric service from
an independent solar energy producer that has retained ownership of
a solar electric generation system that is located on an adjacent
real property. The independent solar energy producer provides
electric service to the current owner of this real property through a
long-term contract for electric service. The independent solar
energy producer is required to provide a copy of the contract to a
prospective buyer of this real property within ten (10) days of the
receipt of a written request from the current owner of this real
   (2) The address and assessor's parcel number of the real property
against which the notice is recorded.
   (3) The name, address, and telephone number of the independent
solar energy producer, and any other contact information deemed
necessary by the independent solar energy producer.
   (4) A statement identifying whether the contract is a contract for
the sale of electricity or for the lease of a solar energy system,
and providing the dates on which the contract commences and
   (5) A plain language summary of the potential costs, consequences,
and assignment of responsibilities, if any, that could result in the
event the contract is terminated.
   (c) (1) The recorded Notice of an Independent Solar Energy
Producer Contract does not constitute a title defect, lien, or
encumbrance against the real property, and the independent solar
energy producer shall be solely responsible for the accuracy of the
information provided in the notice and for recording the document
with the county recorder.
   (2) The independent solar energy producer shall record a
subsequent document extinguishing the Notice of an Independent Solar
Energy Producer Contract if the contract is voided, terminated, sold,
assigned, or transferred. If the independent solar energy producer
transfers its obligation under the contract or changes its contact
information, it shall record a new notice reflecting these changes
within 30 days of their occurrence.
   (3) Within 30 days of the termination of a contract for the use or
sale of electricity or the lease of a solar energy system, the
independent solar energy producer shall record a subsequent document
extinguishing the Notice of an Independent Solar Energy Producer
Contract from the title to the real property on which the electricity
is  generated,   generated  and from the
title to any adjacent real property on which the electricity was
 used,   used  in the office of the county
recorder for the county in which the real property is located.
   (d) An independent solar energy producer contracting for the use
or sale of electricity or the lease of a solar energy system shall
provide a copy of the existing contract to a prospective buyer of the
real property where the electricity is used or generated within ten
(10) days of the receipt of a written request from the current owner
of the real property.
   (e) (1) All contracts for the sale of electricity by an
independent solar energy producer to an entity or  person,
  person  for use in a residential dwelling shall
be made available to the commission upon its request, and shall be
confidential, except as provided for in this subdivision. The
disclosures required by subdivision (a) may be made open to public
inspection or made public by the commission.
   (2) A contract provided to the commission pursuant to this
subdivision shall not be open to public inspection or made public,
except on order of the commission, or by the commission or a
commissioner in the course of a hearing or proceeding.
   (3) This subdivision does not eliminate or modify any rule or
provision of law that provides for the confidentiality of information
submitted to the commission in the course of its proceedings.
   (f) A master-meter customer of an electric utility who purchases
electricity or leases a solar energy system from an independent solar
energy producer, and who provides electric service to users who are
tenants of a mobilehome park, apartment building, or similar
residential complex, shall do both of the following:
   (1) Charge each user of the electric service that is under a
submetered system a rate for the solar generated electricity not to
exceed the rate charged by the independent solar energy producer or
the electric utility's rate for an equivalent amount of electricity,
whichever is lower.
   (2) Comply with the provisions of Section 739.5 or 12821.5, and
any rules set forth by an electric utility for master-meter
   (g) No transfer of real property subject to this article shall be
invalidated solely because of the failure of any person to comply
with any provision of this article. Any person who willfully or
negligently violates or fails to perform any duty prescribed by any
provision of this article shall be civilly liable in the amount of
actual damages suffered by a transferee or transferor of the real
property as a consequence of that violation or failure.