Senate Bill No. 1243

Introduced by Senator Portantino

February 15, 2018

An act to add Part 52.7 (commencing with Section 88670) to Division 7 of Title 3 of the Education Code, relating to public postsecondary education.


SB 1243, as introduced, Portantino. Public postsecondary education: The California State Pathways in Technology Program.
Existing law establishes a system of public elementary and secondary education in this state. Under this system, local educational agencies throughout the state provide instruction to pupils in kindergarten and grades 1 to 12, inclusive. Existing law also establishes the California Community Colleges, under the administration of the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, as one of the segments of public postsecondary education in this state. Existing law authorizes the California Community Colleges to grant associate degrees.
This bill would establish the California State Pathways in Technology (CA P-TECH) Program as a public-private partnership for purposes of preparing California students for high-skill jobs of the future in technology, manufacturing, health care, and finance. The bill would specify the core benefits of the program for participating students, including an opportunity to earn an Associate of Applied Science degree. The bill would express the intent of the Legislature that the CA P-TECH Program be funded through an appropriation in the annual Budget Act or in another statute.
Vote: MAJORITY   Appropriation: NO   Fiscal Committee: YES   Local Program: NO  

The people of the State of California do enact as follows:


 Part 52.7 (commencing with Section 88670) is added to Division 7 of Title 3 of the Education Code, to read:

PART 52.7. The California State Pathways in Technology Program

 (a) The California State Pathways in Technology (CA P-TECH) Program is hereby established as a public-private partnership that will prepare thousands of California students for high-skill jobs of the future in technology, manufacturing, health care, and finance.
(b) The CA P-TECH Program model shall deliver five core benefits to students:
(1) A rigorous, relevant, and cost-free education in grades 9 to 14, inclusive, focused on the knowledge and skills that students need for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers.
(2) Workplace learning that includes mentoring by industry professionals, worksite visits, speakers, and internships.
(3) Intensive, individualized academic support by both K–12 and postsecondary faculty within an extended academic year or school day that enables students to progress through the program at their own pace.
(4) An opportunity to earn an Associate of Applied Science degree in a high-tech field.
(5) A commitment to students who complete the program to be first in line for a job with participating business partners following completion of the program.

 (a) The CA P-TECH Program shall accomplish all of the following:
(1) Develop programs of study in high-wage, high-skill, and high-demand career areas.
(2) Align school, college, and community systems in the programs of study developed under this part.
(3) Support strong academic performance by program participants.
(4) Promote informed and appropriate career choices and preparation.
(5) Ensure that employers in key technical fields have access to a talented and skilled workforce.
(b) Through the programs of study developed pursuant to this part, participating students shall be able to earn college course credit toward an associate degree. Career pathways shall commence in grade 9, and shall include workplace learning, and high school and postsecondary coursework. These pathways shall provide a seamless sequence of study, extending through two years of postsecondary career and technical education, that shall culminate in the award of an Associate of Applied Science degree.

 It is the intent of the Legislature that the CA P-TECH Program shall be funded through an appropriation in the annual Budget Act or in another statute.