Amended  IN  Senate  April 11, 2024
Amended  IN  Senate  March 20, 2024


Senate Bill
No. 1373

Introduced by Senators Cortese and Allen

February 16, 2024

An act to add Article 2.5 (commencing with Section 12411) to Chapter 2 of Part 4.9 of Division 6 of the Water Code, relating to water data.


SB 1373, as amended, Cortese. Water data dashboard.
Existing law imposes on the Department of Water Resources various duties with respect to water in the state. Existing law, the Open and Transparent Water Data Act, requires the department, in consultation with the California Water Quality Monitoring Council, the State Water Resources Control Board, and the Department of Fish and Wildlife, to create, operate, and maintain a statewide integrated water data platform that, among other things, integrates existing water and ecological data information from multiple databases and provides data on completed water transfers and exchanges.
This bill would require the department, with while seeking input from with the California Water Data Consortium, as defined, to create a water data dashboard that is accessible through its internet website, as specified. The bill would include related findings and declarations.
Vote: MAJORITY   Appropriation: NO   Fiscal Committee: YES   Local Program: NO  

The people of the State of California do enact as follows:


 The Legislature finds and declares all of the following:
(a) California’s water resources are critical for human consumption and ecological diversity, and act as a cornerstone of the state economy.
(b) Since the passage of the Open and Transparent Water Data Act (Chapter 506 of the Statutes of 2016), data collected about water in California has become easier to find.
(c) The purpose of this measure is to build upon California’s integrated water data systems by merging and presenting data in a manner that is easier for a non-expert public to access and understand.


 Article 2.5 (commencing with Section 12411) is added to Chapter 2 of Part 4.9 of Division 6 of the Water Code, to read:
Article  2.5. Water Data Dashboard

 (a) The department, with while seeking input from the California Water Data Consortium, shall create a water data dashboard that is accessible through its internet website.
(b) The department shall combine merge the following data into a comprehensive list that shall to be accessible through the dashboard:
(1) Any data the federal government provides to the department or the California Water Data Consortium regarding the movement of water in the Central Valley Project.
(2) Any data collected by the state on the movement of water in the Central Valley Project.
(3) Any data collected by the state on the movement of water in the State Water Project.
(c) The dashboard shall include, but not be limited to, mapping, graphing, and visualizations of the data provided pursuant to subdivision (b).


(d) For the purposes of this section, “California Water Data Consortium” means the nonprofit corporation established in 2019 under paragraph (3) of subsection (c) of Section 501 of Title 26 of the United States Code, pursuant to Section 12410.