Senate Bill No. 155

Introduced by Senator Anderson

January 18, 2017

An act to amend Section 1202.8 of the Penal Code, relating to probation.


SB 155, as introduced, Anderson. Probation.
Existing law defines “probation” as the suspension of the imposition or execution of a sentence and the order of conditional and revocable release into the community. Existing law requires a person placed on probation to be under the supervision of the county probation officer, and authorizes that officer to determine the level and type of supervision consistent with the conditions of probation ordered by the court.
This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes to that provision.
Vote: MAJORITY   Appropriation: NO   Fiscal Committee: NO   Local Program: NO  

The people of the State of California do enact as follows:


 Section 1202.8 of the Penal Code is amended to read:

 (a) Persons A person who is placed on probation by a the court shall be under the supervision of the county probation officer who shall determine both the level and type of supervision consistent with the court-ordered conditions of probation.
(b) Commencing January 1, 2009, every person who has been assessed with the State Authorized Risk Assessment Tool for Sex Offenders (SARATSO) pursuant to Sections 290.04 to 290.06, inclusive, and who has a SARATSO risk level of high shall be continuously electronically monitored while on probation, unless the court determines that such monitoring is unnecessary for a particular person. The monitoring device used for these purposes shall be identified as one that employs the latest available proven effective monitoring technology. Nothing in this section prohibits probation authorities from using electronic monitoring technology pursuant to any other provision of law.
(c) Within 30 days of a court making an order to provide restitution to a victim or to the Restitution Fund, the probation officer shall establish an account into which any restitution payments that are not deposited into the Restitution Fund shall be deposited.
(d) Beginning January 1, 2009, and every two years thereafter, each probation department shall report to the Corrections Standards Authority all relevant statistics and relevant information regarding the effectiveness of continuous electronic monitoring of offenders pursuant to subdivision (b). The report shall include the costs of monitoring and the recidivism rates of those persons who have been monitored. The Corrections Standards Authority shall compile the reports and submit a single report to the Legislature and the Governor every two years through 2017.