FEBRUARY 5, 2013

   An act to amend Section 41976 of the Education Code, relating to
adult education.


   SB 174, as introduced, Liu. Adult education: apportionments.
   Existing law establishes a system of public elementary and
secondary schools in this state, and provides for their funding
through, among other types of funding, the apportionment of state
funds to local educational agencies in accordance with prescribed
criteria. Existing law authorizes school districts and county
superintendents of schools to provide specified adult education
classes and courses that qualify for the apportionment of state funds
from the Adult Education Fund.
   This bill would recast and revise the list of classes and courses
that qualify for this funding, and would specify that this funding
could be claimed by high school districts, unified school districts,
and county offices of education. The bill would include courses of
preparation for the California High School Exit Examination and the
General Education Development (GED) test among the courses qualifying
for the apportionment of state funds. The bill would authorize the
charging of a fee for adult educations courses when apportionment of
state funds does not cover the cost of providing the course. The bill
would prohibit the apportionment of state funds for adult education
courses unless they are approved by the governing board of the local
educational agency and receive annual approval from the State
Department of Education.
   Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes.
State-mandated local program: no.


  SECTION 1.  Section 41976 of the Education Code is amended to read:

   41976.  (a) For purposes of this chapter,  the following
classes and courses are authorized to be offered by school districts
and county superintendents of schools for apportionment purposes from
the adult education fund   adult academic, workforce
preparation, and civic engagement programs are authorized to be
offered by high school districts, unified school districts, and
county offices of education to claim apportionments from the Adult
Education Fund, except as provided in subdivision (b). The primary
focus of adult education is to provide for dropout recovery and
support the transition of adult students to postsecondary education,
  training, and into the workforce. Adult education programs
shall include all of the following  :
   (1) Adult  programs in parenting, including parent
cooperative preschools, and classes in child growth and development,
parent-child relationships, and parenting   basic and
secondary academic programs, including elementary basic skills and
secondary courses required for the high school diploma, pursuant to
Section 51225.3, and dropout recovery. Courses under this section may
include preparation for the California High School Exit Examination,
the General Education Development (GED) test   , or any
high school diploma certification as approved by the department 
   (2) Adult programs in elementary and secondary basic skills and
other courses and classes required for the high school diploma.
Apportionments for these courses and classes may only be generated by
students who do not possess a high school diploma, except for
remedial academic courses or classes in reading, mathematics, and
language arts.  
   (3) Adult education programs in English as a second language.
   (4) Adult education programs for immigrants eligible for
educational services in citizenship, English as a second language,
and workforce preparation classes in the basic skills of speaking,
listening, reading, writing, mathematics, decisionmaking and problem
solving skills, and other classes required for preparation to
participate in job specific technical training.  
   (5) Adult education programs for adults with disabilities.
   (6) Adult short-term career technical education programs with high
employment potential. Any reference to "vocational" education or
programs in adult education means "career technical" education or
programs in adult education.  
   (7) Adult programs for older adults.  
   (8) Adult education programs for apprentices.  
   (9) Adult programs in home economics.  
   (10) Adult programs in health and safety education.  

   (2) Education programs in English as a second language and
citizenship preparation, including programs for immigrants eligible
for educational services in citizenship, civic participation, and
workforce preparation. These courses include the English literacy
skills of speaking, listening, reading, writing, mathematics,
decisionmaking, and problem solving skills, and other classes
required for preparation to participate in job specific career and
technical training.  
   (3) Career technical education, including programs promoting a
skilled workforce with high-growth and high-wage employment
potential, leading to industry certifications, or that meet the
required prerequisites and foundations for advanced postsecondary
programs. These courses, developed within designated career sectors,
shall incorporate academic, career preparation, and job readiness
skills with possible apprenticeships or internships.  
   (4) Civic engagement programs, including specialized courses
focusing on any of the following: issues of aging; assisting disabled
adults to become self-reliant, productive, and effective community
members; parenting and family literacy; health and financial
literacy; and civic participation skills.  
   (b) Only the program curriculum incorporated within the programs
described in paragraphs (1) to (3), inclusive, of subdivision (a) may
be funded from an apportionment from the Adult Education Fund. 

   (c) If an adult education course is not eligible for funding from
an apportionment from the Adult Education Fund, or if such an
apportionment does not cover the entire cost of providing the course,
a fee may be charged to cover this cost.  
    (   d)  No state apportionment  for adult
education courses or classes developed within programs  shall be
made for any course or class  which   that
 is not set forth in subdivision (a).  Further, no state
apportionment shall be made for purposes of this section without the
ap   proval of the governing board of the local educational
agency offering the course and the annual approval of the department.