INTRODUCED BY   Senator Pavley

                        FEBRUARY 7, 2011

   An act to amend Section 3000 of the Penal Code, and to amend
Section 6601 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, relating to sex


   SB 179, as introduced, Pavley. Sex offenders: parole.
   Under existing law, as amended by Proposition 83 of the November
7, 2006, statewide general election, the parole period of any person
found to be a sexually violent predator is tolled until that person
is found to no longer be a sexually violent predator, as specified.
   This bill instead would provide that for any person subject to a
sexually violent predator proceeding, as specified, an order issued
by a judge pursuant to specified provisions, finding that the
petition supports a finding of probable cause to believe that the
person is likely to engage in sexually violent criminal behavior upon
his or her release, shall toll the period of parole of that person,
from the date that person is released until a specified court order
is entered.
   Proposition 83 permits the Legislature, by a vote of 2/3 of the
membership of each house and in accordance with specified procedures,
to amend the provisions of the act.
   This bill would therefore require a 2/3 vote.
   Vote: 2/3. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes.
State-mandated local program: no.


  SECTION 1.  Section 3000 of the Penal Code is amended to read:
   3000.  (a) (1) The Legislature finds and declares that the period
immediately following incarceration is critical to successful
reintegration of the offender into society and to positive
citizenship. It is in the interest of public safety for the state to
provide for the effective supervision of and surveillance of
parolees, including the judicious use of revocation actions, and to
provide educational, vocational, family and personal counseling
necessary to assist parolees in the transition between imprisonment
and discharge. A sentence pursuant to Section 1168 or 1170 shall
include a period of parole, unless waived, or as otherwise provided
in this article.
   (2) The Legislature finds and declares that it is not the intent
of this section to diminish resources allocated to the Department of
Corrections and Rehabilitation for parole functions for which the
department is responsible. It is also not the intent of this section
to diminish the resources allocated to the Board of Parole Hearings
to execute its duties with respect to parole functions for which the
board is responsible.
   (3) The Legislature finds and declares that diligent effort must
be made to ensure that parolees are held accountable for their
criminal behavior, including, but not limited to, the satisfaction of
restitution fines and orders. 
   (4) The parole period of any person found to be a sexually violent
predator shall be tolled until that person is found to no longer be
a sexually violent predator, at which time the period of parole, or
any remaining portion thereof, shall begin to run.  
   (4) For any person subject to a sexually violent predator
proceeding pursuant to Article 4 (commencing with Section 6600) of
Chapter 2 of Part 2 of Division 6 of the Welfare and Institutions
Code, an order issued by a judge pursuant to Section 6601.5 of the
Welfare and Institutions Code, finding that the petition, on its
face, supports a finding of probable cause to believe that the
individual named in the petition is likely to engage in sexually
violent predatory criminal behavior upon his or her release, shall
toll the period of parole of that person, from the date that person
is released by the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation until
a date determined as follows:  
   (A) If the judge, following a probable cause hearing, dismisses
the petition under Section 6602 of the Welfare and Institutions Code,
the date the judge enters the order of dismissal.  
   (B) If the judge or jury is not satisfied beyond a reasonable
doubt that the person is a sexually violent predator under Section
6604 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, the date the judge enters
the order.  
   (C) If the person is committed to the State Department of Mental
Health as a sexually violent predator and subsequently a court orders
that the person be unconditionally discharged pursuant to Section
6605 or 6608 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, the date the judge
enters the order. 
   (b) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in Article 3
(commencing with Section 3040) of this chapter, the following shall
   (1) In the case of any inmate sentenced under Section 1168, the
period of parole shall not exceed five years in the case of an inmate
imprisoned for any offense other than first or second degree murder
for which the inmate has received a life sentence, and shall not
exceed three years in the case of any other inmate, unless in either
case the parole authority for good cause waives parole and discharges
the inmate from custody of the department. This subdivision shall
also be applicable to inmates who committed crimes prior to July 1,
1977, to the extent specified in Section 1170.2.
   (2) At the expiration of a term of imprisonment of one year and
one day, or a term of imprisonment imposed pursuant to Section 1170
or at the expiration of a term reduced pursuant to Section 2931 or
2933, if applicable, the inmate shall be released on parole for a
period not exceeding three years, except that any inmate sentenced
for an offense specified in paragraph (3), (4), (5), (6), (11), or
(18) of subdivision (c) of Section 667.5 shall be released on parole
for a period not exceeding 10 years, unless a longer period of parole
is specified in Section 3000.1.
   (3) Notwithstanding paragraphs (1) and (2), in the case of any
offense for which the inmate has received a life sentence pursuant to
subdivision (b) of Section 209, with the intent to commit a
specified sex offense, or Section 667.51, 667.61, or 667.71, the
period of parole shall be 10 years, unless a longer period of parole
is specified in Section 3000.1.
   (4) (A) Notwithstanding paragraphs (1) to (3), inclusive, in the
case of a person convicted of and required to register as a sex
offender for the commission of an offense specified in Section 261,
262, 264.1, 286, 288a, paragraph (1) of subdivision (b) of Section
288, Section 288.5, or 289, in which one or more of the victims of
the offense was a child under 14 years of age, the period of parole
shall be 20 years unless the board, for good cause, determines that
the person will be retained on parole. The board shall make a written
record of this determination and transmit a copy of it to the
   (B) In the event of a retention on parole, the parolee shall be
entitled to a review by the board each year thereafter.
   (C) There shall be a hearing as provided in Sections 3041.5 and
3041.7 within 12 months of the date of any revocation of parole to
consider the release of the inmate on parole, and notwithstanding the
provisions of paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of Section 3041.5,
there shall be annual parole consideration hearings thereafter,
unless the person is released or otherwise ineligible for parole
release. The panel or board shall release the person within one year
of the date of the revocation unless it determines that the
circumstances and gravity of the parole violation are such that
consideration of the public safety requires a more lengthy period of
incarceration or unless there is a new prison commitment following a
   (D) The provisions of Section 3042 shall not apply to any hearing
held pursuant to this subdivision.
   (5) The parole authority shall consider the request of any inmate
regarding the length of his or her parole and the conditions thereof.

   (6) Upon successful completion of parole, or at the end of the
maximum statutory period of parole specified for the inmate under
paragraph (1), (2), (3), or (4), as the case may be, whichever is
earlier, the inmate shall be discharged from custody. The date of the
maximum statutory period of parole under this subdivision and
paragraphs (1), (2), (3), and (4) shall be computed from the date of
initial parole and shall be a period chronologically determined. Time
during which parole is suspended because the prisoner has absconded
or has been returned to custody as a parole violator shall not be
credited toward any period of parole unless the prisoner is found not
guilty of the parole violation. However, the period of parole is
subject to the following:
   (A) Except as provided in Section 3064, in no case may a prisoner
subject to three years on parole be retained under parole supervision
or in custody for a period longer than four years from the date of
his or her initial parole.
   (B) Except as provided in Section 3064, in no case may a prisoner
subject to five years on parole be retained under parole supervision
or in custody for a period longer than seven years from the date of
his or her initial parole.
   (C) Except as provided in Section 3064, in no case may a prisoner
subject to 10 years on parole be retained under parole supervision or
in custody for a period longer than 15 years from the date of his or
her initial parole.
   (7) The Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation shall meet
with each inmate at least 30 days prior to his or her good time
release date and shall provide, under guidelines specified by the
parole authority, the conditions of parole and the length of parole
up to the maximum period of time provided by law. The inmate has the
right to reconsideration of the length of parole and conditions
thereof by the parole authority. The Department of Corrections and
Rehabilitation or the Board of Parole Hearings may impose as a
condition of parole that a prisoner make payments on the prisoner's
outstanding restitution fines or orders imposed pursuant to
subdivision (a) or (c) of Section 13967 of the Government Code, as
operative prior to September 28, 1994, or subdivision (b) or (f) of
Section 1202.4.
   (8) For purposes of this chapter, the Board of Parole Hearings
shall be considered the parole authority.
   (9) The sole authority to issue warrants for the return to actual
custody of any state prisoner released on parole rests with the Board
of Parole Hearings, except for any escaped state prisoner or any
state prisoner released prior to his or her scheduled release date
who should be returned to custody, and Section 3060 shall apply.
   (10) It is the intent of the Legislature that efforts be made with
respect to persons who are subject to Section 290.011 who are on
parole to engage them in treatment.
  SEC. 2.  Section 6601 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, as
amended by Section 3 of Chapter 710 of the Statutes of 2010, is
amended to read:
   6601.  (a) (1) Whenever the Secretary of the Department of
Corrections and Rehabilitation determines that an individual who is
in custody under the jurisdiction of the Department of Corrections
and Rehabilitation, and who is either serving a determinate prison
sentence or whose parole has been revoked, may be a sexually violent
predator, the secretary shall, at least six months prior to that
individual's scheduled date for release from prison, refer the person
for evaluation in accordance with this section. However, if the
inmate was received by the department with less than nine months of
his or her sentence to serve, or if the inmate's release date is
modified by judicial or administrative action, the secretary may
refer the person for evaluation in accordance with this section at a
date that is less than six months prior to the inmate's scheduled
release date.
   (2) A petition may be filed under this section if the individual
was in custody pursuant to his or her determinate prison term, parole
revocation term, or a hold placed pursuant to Section 6601.3, at the
time the petition is filed. A petition shall not be dismissed on the
basis of a later judicial or administrative determination that the
individual's custody was unlawful, if the unlawful custody was the
result of a good faith mistake of fact or law. This paragraph shall
apply to any petition filed on or after January 1, 1996.
   (b) The person shall be screened by the Department of Corrections
and Rehabilitation and the Board of Parole Hearings based on whether
the person has committed a sexually violent predatory offense and on
a review of the person's social, criminal, and institutional history.
This screening shall be conducted in accordance with a structured
screening instrument developed and updated by the State Department of
Mental Health in consultation with the Department of Corrections and
Rehabilitation. If as a result of this screening it is determined
that the person is likely to be a sexually violent predator, the
Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation shall refer the person
to the State Department of Mental Health for a full evaluation of
whether the person meets the criteria in Section 6600.
   (c) The State Department of Mental Health shall evaluate the
person in accordance with a standardized assessment protocol,
developed and updated by the State Department of Mental Health, to
determine whether the person is a sexually violent predator as
defined in this article. The standardized assessment protocol shall
require assessment of diagnosable mental disorders, as well as
various factors known to be associated with the risk of reoffense
among sex offenders. Risk factors to be considered shall include
criminal and psychosexual history, type, degree, and duration of
sexual deviance, and severity of mental disorder.
   (d) Pursuant to subdivision (c), the person shall be evaluated by
two practicing psychiatrists or psychologists, or one practicing
psychiatrist and one practicing psychologist, designated by the
Director of Mental Health, one or both of whom may be independent
professionals as defined in subdivision (g). If both evaluators
concur that the person has a diagnosed mental disorder so that he or
she is likely to engage in acts of sexual violence without
appropriate treatment and custody, the Director of Mental Health
shall forward a request for a petition for commitment under Section
6602 to the county designated in subdivision (i). Copies of the
evaluation reports and any other supporting documents shall be made
available to the attorney designated by the county pursuant to
subdivision (i) who may file a petition for commitment.
   (e) If one of the professionals performing the evaluation pursuant
to subdivision (d) does not concur that the person meets the
criteria specified in subdivision (d), but the other professional
concludes that the person meets those criteria, the Director of
Mental Health shall arrange for further examination of the person by
two independent professionals selected in accordance with subdivision
   (f) If an examination by independent professionals pursuant to
subdivision (e) is conducted, a petition to request commitment under
this article shall only be filed if both independent professionals
who evaluate the person pursuant to subdivision (e) concur that the
person meets the criteria for commitment specified in subdivision
(d). The professionals selected to evaluate the person pursuant to
subdivision (g) shall inform the person that the purpose of their
examination is not treatment but to determine if the person meets
certain criteria to be involuntarily committed pursuant to this
article. It is not required that the person appreciate or understand
that information.
   (g) Any independent professional who is designated by the
Secretary of the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation or the
Director of Mental Health for purposes of this section shall not be a
state government employee, shall have at least five years of
experience in the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders, and
shall include psychiatrists and licensed psychologists who have a
doctoral degree in psychology. The requirements set forth in this
section also shall apply to any professionals appointed by the court
to evaluate the person for purposes of any other proceedings under
this article.
   (h) If the State Department of Mental Health determines that the
person is a sexually violent predator as defined in this article, the
Director of Mental Health shall forward a request for a petition to
be filed for commitment under this article to the county designated
in subdivision (i). Copies of the evaluation reports and any other
supporting documents shall be made available to the attorney
designated by the county pursuant to subdivision (i) who may file a
petition for commitment in the superior court.
   (i) If the county's designated counsel concurs with the
recommendation, a petition for commitment shall be filed in the
superior court of the county in which the person was convicted of the
offense for which he or she was committed to the jurisdiction of the
Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. The petition shall be
filed, and the proceedings shall be handled, by either the district
attorney or the county counsel of that county. The county board of
supervisors shall designate either the district attorney or the
county counsel to assume responsibility for proceedings under this
   (j) The time limits set forth in this section shall not apply
during the first year that this article is operative.
   (k)  If the person is otherwise subject to parole, a
finding or placement made pursuant to this article shall toll the
term of   An order issued by a judge pursuant to Section
6601.5, finding that the petition, on its face, supports a finding
of probable cause to believe that the individual named in the
petition is likely to engage in sexually violent predatory criminal
behavior upon his or her release, shall toll that person's 
parole pursuant to  Article 1 (commencing with Section 3000)
of Chapter 8 of Title 1 of Part 3   paragraph (4) of
subdivision (a) of Section 3000  of the Penal Code.
   (l) Pursuant to subdivision (d), the attorney designated by the
county pursuant to subdivision (i) shall notify the State Department
of Mental Health of its decision regarding the filing of a petition
for commitment within 15 days of making that decision.
   (m) (1) The department shall provide the fiscal and policy
committees of the Legislature, including the Chairperson of the Joint
Legislative Budget Committee, and the Department of Finance, with a
semiannual update on the progress made to hire qualified state
employees to conduct the evaluation required pursuant to subdivision
(d). The first update shall be provided no later than July 10, 2009.
   (2) On or before January 2, 2010, the department shall report to
the Legislature on all of the following:
   (A) The costs to the department for the sexual offender commitment
program attributable to the provisions in Proposition 83 of the
November 2006 general election, otherwise known as Jessica's Law.
   (B) The number and proportion of inmates evaluated by the
department for commitment to the program as a result of the expanded
evaluation and commitment criteria in Jessica's Law.
   (C) The number and proportion of those inmates who have actually
been committed for treatment in the program.
   (3) This section shall remain in effect and be repealed on the
date that the director executes a declaration, which shall be
provided to the fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature,
including the Chairperson of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee,
and the Department of Finance, specifying that sufficient qualified
state employees have been hired to conduct the evaluations required
pursuant to subdivision (d), or January 1, 2012, whichever occurs
  SEC. 3.  Section 6601 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, as
amended by Section 4 of Chapter 710 of the Statutes of 2010, is
amended to read:
   6601.  (a) (1) Whenever the Secretary of the Department of
Corrections and Rehabilitation determines that an individual who is
in custody under the jurisdiction of the Department of Corrections
and Rehabilitation, and who is either serving a determinate prison
sentence or whose parole has been revoked, may be a sexually violent
predator, the secretary shall, at least six months prior to that
individual's scheduled date for release from prison, refer the person
for evaluation in accordance with this section. However, if the
inmate was received by the department with less than nine months of
his or her sentence to serve, or if the inmate's release date is
modified by judicial or administrative action, the secretary may
refer the person for evaluation in accordance with this section at a
date that is less than six months prior to the inmate's scheduled
release date.
   (2) A petition may be filed under this section if the individual
was in custody pursuant to his or her determinate prison term, parole
revocation term, or a hold placed pursuant to Section 6601.3, at the
time the petition is filed. A petition shall not be dismissed on the
basis of a later judicial or administrative determination that the
individual's custody was unlawful, if the unlawful custody was the
result of a good faith mistake of fact or law. This paragraph shall
apply to any petition filed on or after January 1, 1996.
   (b) The person shall be screened by the Department of Corrections
and Rehabilitation and the Board of Parole Hearings based on whether
the person has committed a sexually violent predatory offense and on
a review of the person's social, criminal, and institutional history.
This screening shall be conducted in accordance with a structured
screening instrument developed and updated by the State Department of
Mental Health in consultation with the Department of Corrections and
Rehabilitation. If as a result of this screening it is determined
that the person is likely to be a sexually violent predator, the
Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation shall refer the person
to the State Department of Mental Health for a full evaluation of
whether the person meets the criteria in Section 6600.
   (c) The State Department of Mental Health shall evaluate the
person in accordance with a standardized assessment protocol,
developed and updated by the State Department of Mental Health, to
determine whether the person is a sexually violent predator as
defined in this article. The standardized assessment protocol shall
require assessment of diagnosable mental disorders, as well as
various factors known to be associated with the risk of reoffense
among sex offenders. Risk factors to be considered shall include
criminal and psychosexual history, type, degree, and duration of
sexual deviance, and severity of mental disorder.
   (d) Pursuant to subdivision (c), the person shall be evaluated by
two practicing psychiatrists or psychologists, or one practicing
psychiatrist and one practicing psychologist, designated by the
Director of Mental Health. If both evaluators concur that the person
has a diagnosed mental disorder so that he or she is likely to engage
in acts of sexual violence without appropriate treatment and
custody, the Director of Mental Health shall forward a request for a
petition for commitment under Section 6602 to the county designated
in subdivision (i). Copies of the evaluation reports and any other
supporting documents shall be made available to the attorney
designated by the county pursuant to subdivision (i) who may file a
petition for commitment.
   (e) If one of the professionals performing the evaluation pursuant
to subdivision (d) does not concur that the person meets the
criteria specified in subdivision (d), but the other professional
concludes that the person meets those criteria, the Director of
Mental Health shall arrange for further examination of the person by
two independent professionals selected in accordance with subdivision
   (f) If an examination by independent professionals pursuant to
subdivision (e) is conducted, a petition to request commitment under
this article shall only be filed if both independent professionals
who evaluate the person pursuant to subdivision (e) concur that the
person meets the criteria for commitment specified in subdivision
(d). The professionals selected to evaluate the person pursuant to
subdivision (g) shall inform the person that the purpose of their
examination is not treatment but to determine if the person meets
certain criteria to be involuntarily committed pursuant to this
article. It is not required that the person appreciate or understand
that information.
   (g) Any independent professional who is designated by the
Secretary of the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation or the
Director of Mental Health for purposes of this section shall not be a
state government employee, shall have at least five years of
experience in the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders, and
shall include psychiatrists and licensed psychologists who have a
doctoral degree in psychology. The requirements set forth in this
section also shall apply to any professionals appointed by the court
to evaluate the person for purposes of any other proceedings under
this article.
   (h) If the State Department of Mental Health determines that the
person is a sexually violent predator as defined in this article, the
Director of Mental Health shall forward a request for a petition to
be filed for commitment under this article to the county designated
in subdivision (i). Copies of the evaluation reports and any other
supporting documents shall be made available to the attorney
designated by the county pursuant to subdivision (i) who may file a
petition for commitment in the superior court.
   (i) If the county's designated counsel concurs with the
recommendation, a petition for commitment shall be filed in the
superior court of the county in which the person was convicted of the
offense for which he or she was committed to the jurisdiction of the
Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. The petition shall be
filed, and the proceedings shall be handled, by either the district
attorney or the county counsel of that county. The county board of
supervisors shall designate either the district attorney or the
county counsel to assume responsibility for proceedings under this
   (j) The time limits set forth in this section shall not apply
during the first year that this article is operative.
   (k)  If the person is otherwise subject to parole, a
finding or placement made pursuant to this article shall toll the
term of   An order issued by a judge pursuant to Section
6601.5, finding that the petition, on its face, supports a finding
of probable cause to believe that the individual named in the
petition is likely to engage in sexually violent predatory criminal
behavior upon his or her release, shall toll that person's 
parole pursuant to  Article 1 (commencing with Section 3000)
of Chapter 8 Title 1 of Part 3   paragraph (4) of
subdivision (a) of Section 3000  of the Penal Code.
   (l) Pursuant to subdivision (d), the attorney designated by the
county pursuant to subdivision (i) shall notify the State Department
of Mental Health of its decision regarding the filing of a petition
for commitment within 15 days of making that decision.
   (m) This section shall become operative on the date that the
director executes a declaration, which shall be provided to the
fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature, including the
Chairperson of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee, and the
Department of Finance, specifying that sufficient qualified state
employees have been hired to conduct the evaluations required
pursuant to subdivision (d), or January 1, 2012, whichever occurs